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Setup Instructions for Microsoft(R) Word Viewer for Windows(R) 95,
Version 7.1
System Requirements for Using Word Viewer
- A personal computer with a 386DX or greater processor
- Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or Microsoft Windows NT(TM)
Workstation operating system 3.51 or later
- 4 MB of memory for Windows 95 (8 MB recommended)
12 MB of memory for Windows NT Workstation
- 4 MB of hard disk space (6MB free for installation only)
- VGA or higher-resolution video adapter
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Installation of Word Viewer 7.1 is designed to take place from within Microsoft Windows. If Windows is not running, please start it before continuing.
Make sure that all programs are closed, and make sure you are not running
any utilities or virus protection before proceeding.
To install Word Viewer, please follow these instructions:
1. Your starting point for Word Viewer 7.1 installation depends upon
whether you downloaded the Wd95vw71.exe file from an online service, or
received Viewer on floppy disks.
- If you downloaded Viewer, double-click Wd95vw71.exe in the folder you
copied this file to. Double-clicking unpacks the Word Viewer 7.1
distribution and starts the Word Viewer 7.1 Setup program. Note: This
starting location cannot be the folder into which you plan to install
- If you received Viewer on floppy disks, check Disk 1 for one of the
following filenames, and continue as directed for that filename:
Online71.inf: Copy all the files from the floppy disks into a
single folder on your hard drive. Double-click Setup.exe in this
folder. Note: This starting location cannot be the folder into
which you plan to install Viewer.
Floppy71.inf: Double click Setup.exe on disk1.
<Filename>.zip: (where "<Filename>" can be any name) These disks
have been created using PKZIP, as described in the Readme.doc. You
will need PKUNZIP to decompress and copy Wd95vw71.exe to your hard
2. Word Viewer 7.1 Setup will prompt you for a folder in which to install
Word Viewer. The default folder location for Word Viewer under Windows
95 is:
C:\Program Files\Wordview
The default folder under Windows NT 3.51 is:
3. Click the "Installation" button to install Word Viewer 7.1.
4. If Word Viewer Setup detects Word for Windows (version 6.0 or later) on
your system, it will prompt you to determine which program should open
Word documents by default. The default program is used to open files
with .doc file extensions when they are double-clicked in the Windows 95
- Choosing "Open with Word" means that Word for Windows will be used
by default to open Word files.
- Choosing "Open with Viewer" means that Word Viewer will be used by
default to open Word files.
NOTE: If you choose the "Open with Viewer" option, and later you want
to restore Word for Windows as the default viewer of Word documents,
or later you remove Viewer from your computer, you MUST run the Word
for Windows (or Microsoft Office) Setup program. For more
information, see "Restoring Word's Settings" in the Word Viewer 7.1
5. The following are the correct file sizes for Viewer 7.1 once Setup is
File Name File Size (bytes) Location
Docobj.dll 23,552 WORDVIEW
Install.txt (varies) WORDVIEW
License.txt (varies) WORDVIEW
Readme.doc (varies) WORDVIEW
Sdm95.dll 126,464 WORDVIEW
Ttemb32v.dll 107,008 WORDVIEW
Wintl32v.dll 525,824 WORDVIEW
Wordview.exe 2,508,592 WORDVIEW
Mssetup.dll 249,344 WORDVIEW\SETUP
Setup.exe 330,752 WORDVIEW\SETUP
Setup.hlp 18,397 WORDVIEW\SETUP
Setup.stf (varies) WORDVIEW\SETUP
Viewer71.dll 72,704 WORDVIEW\SETUP
Online71.inf 2,640 WORDVIEW\SETUP
Ddewll.dll 34,304 WORDVIEW\STARTUP
After Word Viewer 7.1 Setup is complete, Wd95vw71.exe deletes the files
used for Setup. If you plan to distribute Word Viewer 7.1, either online or
on floppy disks, you will need W95vw71.exe or the files it unpacks. See
"Distribution of Word Viewer" in the Word Viewer 7.1 Readme.doc for more
To run Word Viewer 7.1 in Windows 95, click the Start button on the Windows
95 taskbar, point to Programs, and click Microsoft Word Viewer.
Alternatively, you can run Word Viewer by double-clicking the Wordview.exe
file in your Program Files\Wordview folder. In Windows NT, double-click the
Word Viewer icon in Program Manager.
For additional information on using Word Viewer 7.1, see Readme.doc,
located in the same folder as Word Viewer. To view this file, run Word
Viewer 7.1, click Readme.doc in the Open dialog box, and click OK. If the
Open dialog box is not pointing to your Wordview folder when you start
Viewer, change to that folder and open Readme.doc.