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WinZip(R) version 6.0a
Copyright (C) 1991-1995 Nico Mak Computing, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
This is the whatsnew.txt file for the 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
Please see the file README.TXT for installation instructions.
Overview of recent enhancements:
WinZip 6.0a features improved Windows 95 drag and drop support.
WinZip 6.0 added many Windows 95 features, including tight
integration with the Windows 95 shell and Explorer-style dialog
boxes. Other enhancements included an improved interface to file
viewers, an "Express Setup" option, and better support for virus
scanners. WinZip 5.6 added support for the popular Internet file
formats TAR, gzip, and Unix compress. WinZip 5.5 (16-bit version
only) added the ability to install, try, and UNINSTALL software
distributed in ZIP files. This feature runs the install program
in a ZIP, gives you a chance to try the program, and optionally
deletes any new files, icons, program groups, and restores any
altered INI files.
WinZip 6.0a:
You can now extract files from the main WinZip window using drag
and drop to the Explorer or to the Windows 95 Desktop. You can
also drag files to an application shortcut to open the file using
the application, or drag files to a printer to print.
Here is a summary of Windows 95 Drag and Drop facilities.
Items marked with an asterisk are new in this WinZip 6.0a.
Drag from Drop on Result
--------- ------- ------
*WinZip Explorer selected files are extracted
*WinZip App Shortcut selected files are opened with shortcut
*WinZip Desktop extract to desktop for easy access
*WinZip Printer file is printed
WinZip Open App file is opened in the application
Explorer WinZip drop files to add them to an archive
Explorer WinZip drop an archive to open it
Explorer Explorer drop files on a ZIP to add them
Explorer Explorer right button drag a ZIP to a directory
to extract
Aside from the Windows 95 drag and drop improvements, WinZip 6.0a
is a maintenance release, with support for programs that became
available after WinZip 6.0 was shipped (Norton AntiVirus and Scan
95) and a few bug fixes. Details are in the online help file.
WinZip 6.0:
Windows 95-specific features include:
* Extract an archive to any directory via drag and drop without
leaving the Explorer. Use the right mouse button to drag and
drop a ZIP from an Explorer window to any directory, then choose
"Extract to" from the context menu. Remember to use the RIGHT
mouse button while dragging.
* Add files to an archive without leaving the Explorer. Select
files in the Explorer and drag and drop them on a ZIP file in
the active Explorer window, in another Explorer window, or to a
ZIP file on the desktop.
* Add selected files to a ZIP directly from the Explorer with
complete control over the options: RIGHT-click on any file (or
selected group of files) in the Explorer and choose "Add To Zip"
from the context menu. This provides a function similar to the
Add entry in the WinZip File Manager Extension.
* Create archives in the Explorer (or on the desktop) by
RIGHT-clicking on the desktop and choosing "WinZip File" from
the "New" context menu entry. You can then add files to the new
archive as described above.
* Explorer-style mini-icons are displayed next to files in an
archive to help identify the file type.
* Explorer-style Add dialog box.
* The Delete Archive operation moves archives to the Recyle Bin
rather than permanently deleting the archive.
* The Rename, Copy, and Move operations use the Windows 95
"overwrite" user interface.
* ZIPs opened with WinZip are properly added to the Start
Menu->Documents menu.
* Explorer-style New and Open dialog boxes.
* Extract files from a ZIP in the Explorer by right-clicking on
the ZIP and choosing "Extract To" from the context menu.
* Uninstall WinZip using Control Panel->Add/Remove Applications.
* WinZip uses the correct colors if you change color schemes. The
WinZip toolbar buttons and status line colors will match the
rest of your desktop.
* Windows 95-style tree-view help Contents window makes it easier
to find help topics.
* The WinZip Options/Explorer Configuration dialog box lets you
add WinZip to the Start menu and Desktop.
* Long filename support and Universal Naming Convention support.
Other changes in WinZip 6.0:
* The File Manager Extension is now implemented under Windows 95
and Windows NT. You will have to choose File Manager
Configuration from the Options menu and check the second button
to activate this feature. The File Manager Extension works the
same as it does under Windows 3.1.
* WinZip now allows you to view multiple files in an archive
without first closing the first file (earlier versions of WinZip
restricted you to closing the first file before viewing the
second file). Under Windows 95 the system "Quick View" program
is normally used as the "Default Association" used to view to
files not associated with another program. Here are some
implementation details: when you double click on a file in an
archive, WinZip extracts the file to the "Temp Directory"
specified in the Options/Directories dialog box. WinZip then
runs the program associated with the file so you can view the
file. When you later close the archive WinZip deletes the
temporary file(s). If the file(s) have been modified WinZip
will give you an opportunity to update the archive with the
modified file. The "Always on Top" flag is temporarily turned
off if it is on when you view a file, and is turned back on the
next time you activate WinZip.
* The WinZip installation procedure now includes "Express Setup"
and "Custom Setup" options. Custom Setup results in the "old"
WinZip 5.6 behavior. Express Setup, the default, skips the
Program Locations dialog box, the File Manager Configuration
dialog box, and "Create Program Group" prompt.
* With more and more people using the Internet, virus scanning is
more important. As a result, WinZip's support for virus
scanners has been improved. The virus scanner parameters field
now supports two new special values: %d represents the
directory containing the files to be scanned (without a trailing
*.*), and %f represents a temporary "report" file. %wscan is a
special parameter that should be used only for McAfee's WSCAN
2.14 and compatible scanners. WinZip now searches for and
supplies default parameters four additional scanners: wscan,
f-prot, tbscan, and wfindvir. The "Run as Iconized DOS Session
If Possible" checkbox has been replaced with the "Run Minimized"
checkbox, which is now used for both DOS and Windows scanners.