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1,123 lines
// -----
// VDL156.txt
// Copyright 1996 Claris
// -----
// Preferences
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
//This section contains all localizable string constants for this VDL program. Be sure to
//include the backslash character at the end of each line of a multi-line string, except for the last line.
//You may also flatten multiline constants into a single line, if you prefer
#define kLit1 "Preview Browser:"
#define kLit2 "The browser used by the Preview in Browser command."
// #define kLit3 "Set Preview Browser:"
#define kLit4 "&Set..."
#define kLit5 "Change the browser used by the Preview in Browser command."
#define kLit6 "Show Basic Tool Bar in Document Windows"
#define kLit7 "If checked, a tool bar will be displayed at the top of each"\
" HTML document and library window."
#define kLit8 "Show Style Tool Bar in Document Windows"
#define kLit9 "If checked, a style tool bar will be displayed at the top of"\
" each HTML document and library window."
#define kLit10 "Never"
#define kLit11 "In Document Windows"
#define kLit12 "In the Application Window"
#define kLit13 "Show &Style Tool Bars:"
#define kLit14 "Auto-save documents every"
#define kLit15 "If checked, Claris Home Page will automatically save changed documents."
#define kLit16 " minutes."
#define kLit17 "Open &Documents in:"
#define kLit18 "Specifies the default editing mode to use when opening HTML"\
" documents."
#define kLit19 "Edit Page"
#define kLit20 "Preview Page"
#define kLit21 "Edit HTML Source"
#define kLit22 "At Startu&p:"
#define kLit23 "Specifies an action to be performed automatically if Claris Home"\
" Page is started without specifying any documents to open."
#define kLit24 "Create New Document"
#define kLit25 "Display Open Dialog"
#define kLit26 "Do Nothing"
#define kLit27 "Default HTML File Suffix:"
#define kLit28 "Default HTML File &Ext:"
#define kLit29 "Specifies the default file name suffix for new HTML"\
" files; should typically be ╥htm╙ or ╥html╙ (yielding"\
" file names such as ╥mypage.htm╙ or ╥mypage.html╙)."
#define kLit30 "Specifies the default file extension for new HTML"\
" files; should typically be \"htm\" or \"html\" (yielding"\
" file names such as \"mypage.htm\" or \"mypage.html\")."
#define kLit31 "&Auto-save every "
#define kLit32 "HTM&L Font:"
#define kLit33 "Specifies the font in which HTML source is displayed."
#define kLit34 "HTML &Size:"
#define kLit35 "Specifies the text size in which HTML source is displayed."
//Lit 36 through 43 unused
#define kLit44 "Header Com&ment:"
#define kLit45 "Specifies whether Claris Home Page should output a special"\
" comment at the beginning of the HTML file."
#define kLit46 "None"
#define kLit47 "Identify as Home Page file"
#define kLit48 "Identify and time-stamp"
#define kLit49 "&Line Break Format:"
#define kLit50 "Specifies which convention Claris Home Page should follow for"\
" indicating line breaks in an HTML file. Does not affect the"\
" appearance of the document in a browser."
#define kLit51 "Macintosh (CR)"
#define kLit52 "Windows (CRLF)"
#define kLit53 "Unix (LF)"
#define kLit54 "&Paragraph Alignment Uses:"
#define kLit55 "Specifies whether Claris Home Page should indicate centered"\
" text using the <CENTER> tag or the ALIGN=CENTER parameter"\
" to other tags (such as <P>). Some browsers accept one"\
" form but not the other."
#define kLit56 "<CENTER> tag"
#define kLit57 "ALIGN parameter"
#define kLit58 "Generate </P> tags"
#define kLit59 "&Generate </P> tags"
#define kLit60 "Specifies whether Claris Home Page should output a </P> tag to"\
" balance every <P> tag. Should normally be enabled, but may"\
" cause problems with some very old browsers."
#define kLit61 "Use Absolute Pathnames"
#define kLit62 "Use &Absolute Pathnames"
#define kLit63 "Specifies whether Claris Home Page should output links to local"\
" files using relative or absolute pathnames. Relative pathnames"\
" should always be used for files which will be transferred to a"\
" separate HTTP server."
#define kLit64 "Generate X-SAS tags"
#define kLit65 "Generate &X-SAS tags"
#define kLit66 "Claris Home Page defines several custom tags (beginning with \"X-SAS\")"\
" for saving auxilliary information such as window position and size."\
" This option specifies whether these additional tags should be"\
" saved in HTML files. It has no effect on the appearance of the"\
" document in a browser."
#define kLit67 "Make &Interlaced GIFs"
#define kLit68 "Specifies whether converted images are created in interlaced format."
#define kLit69 "Prompt for File &Name/Location"
#define kLit70 "If checked, Claris Home Page will ask for a file name"\
" when converting non-GIF/JPEG files into GIF format."\
" Otherwise, Home Page will assign a file name automatically."
#define kLit71 "Display Images in &Edit Mode"
#define kLit72 "If checked, Claris Home Page will display images in both Edit Page"\
" and Preview Page modes; otherwise, images will only be"\
" displayed in Preview Page mode (allows for faster editing)."
#define kLit73 "&Faster Image Display (may not work with all video cards)"
#define kLit74 "If checked, causes Claris Home Page to use a faster method for"\
" displaying images. Some video drivers do not support this method,"\
" and will cause the images to be displayed incorrectly in Home Page."
#define kLit75 "Converted Images Folder:"
#define kLit76 "Converted Images Directory:"
#define kLit77 "The folder in which Claris Home Page will save converted image files."
#define kLit78 "the directory in which Claris Home Page will save converted image files."
#define kLit79 "Set Default Converted Images Folder:"
#define kLit80 "Set Default Converted Images Directory:"
#define kLit81 "Set..."
#define kLit82 "Change the folder in which Claris Home Page will save converted image files."
#define kLit83 "Change the directory in which Claris Home Page will save converted image files."
#define kLit84 "Controls which category of Preferences data is displayed."
#define kLit85 "General"
#define kLit86 "HTML Output"
#define kLit87 "HTML Editing"
#define kLit88 "Images"
#define kLit89 "Browser Preview"
#define kLit90 "Show &Basic Tool Bars:"
#define kLit91 "Controls whether and where the Basic Tool Bar is displayed."
#define kLit92 "Controls whether and where the Style Tool Bar is displayed."
#define kLit93 "Enable Inline Input"
#define kLit94 "Enables inline input of Kanji text. If disabled, " \
"Kanji text is entered using a separate window."
#define kLit95 "Default Document &Encoding:"
#define kLit96 "The character encoding scheme to be used for new " \
"documents. Use Western for English and other Western " \
"European languages."
#define kLit97 "Western (Latin1)"
#define kLit98 "Japanese (JIS)"
#define kLit99 "Japanese (Shift-JIS)"
#define kLit100 "Japanese (EUC)"
#define kLit101 "Body Text"
#define kLit102 "Comments"
#define kLit103 "Begin Tags"
#define kLit104 "End Tags"
#define kLit105 "Parameter Names"
#define kLit106 "Parameter Values"
#define kLit107 "Special Characters"
#define kLit108 "&Syntax Coloring"
#define kLit109 "&For:"
#define kLit110 " use Color:"
#define kLit111 "&Word Wrap"
#define kLit112 "Display &Background Images in Edit Mode"
#define kLit113 "If checked, Claris Home Page will display background images in"\
" both Edit Page and Preview Page modes; otherwise, they will"\
" only be displayed in Preview Page mode (allows for faster"\
" editing)."
#define kLit114 "Auto-save before &Previewing in Browser"
#define kLit115 "If checked, the Preview in Browser command will"\
" automatically save all changed documents."
#define kLit116 "Fonts"
#define kLit117 "&Proportional Font:"
#define kLit118 "The font used for proportionally spaced text."
#define kLit119 "WYSIWYG Base Size:"
#define kLit120 "The font size used for proportionally spaced text."
#define kLit121 "&Monospace Font:"
#define kLit122 "The font used for monospaced (e.g. Preformatted or Teletype) text."
#define kLit123 "Monospace Base Size:"
#define kLit124 "The font size used for monospaced (e.g. Preformatted or Teletype) text."
#define kLit125 "Kanji Proportional Font:"
#define kLit126 "Kanji Proportional Size:"
#define kLit127 "Kanji Monospace Font:"
#define kLit128 "Kanji Monospace Size:"
#define kLit129 "Image &Map Format:"
#define kLit130 "Specifies the format used when Claris Home Page outputs"\
" server-side image map files."
#define kLit131 "Use &Defaults"
#define kLit132 "Restore all HTML Editing settings to their default values."
#define kLit133 "The fonts selected here determine how Claris Home Page " \
"displays HTML documents in Edit Page and Preview Page modes. " \
"This does not affect the appearance of your documents in a " \
#define kLit134 "and Style:"
#define kLit135 "Show &Line Breaks"
#define kLit136 "If checked, a visible symbol will be shown for line breaks"\
" when in Edit Page mode."
#define kLit137 "Amount of time after the first change is made before the"\
" document will be saved."
#define kLit138 "Remember &FTP Passwords"
#define kLit200 "If checked, then long lines of HTML source code will be"\
" wrapped onto several lines on the screen."
#define kLit201 "If checked, then HTML source code will be color-coded"\
" according to the settings in this dialog."
#define kLit202 "Controls which type of HTML code to specify the color and"\
" style for."
#define kLit203 "Specifies the color or style used to display body text"\
" in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit204 "Specifies the color or style used to display beginning tags"\
" (<TAG>) in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit205 "Specifies the color or style used to display ending tags"\
" (</TAG>) in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit206 "Specifies the color or style used to display parameter names"\
" in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit207 "Specifies the color or style used to display parameter values"\
" in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit208 "Specifies the color or style used to display entities (special"\
" characters such as &) in HTML source code. Only takes "\
" effect if \"Syntax Coloring\" is checked."
#define kLit209 "Specifies the color or style used to display comments"\
" (<!--comment-->) in HTML source code. Only takes effect if \"Syntax Coloring\""\
" is checked."
#define kLit210 "If checked, then Claris Home Page will record your FTP"\
" password, so that you do not need to enter it each time you"\
" upload or download files."
//Note: the file name will probably not change, but the name of the "Help" folder
//probably will. Note that the translated name MUST be 8 chars or less.
#define kHelpURL "Help/Prefs.htm"
#define kHelpTitle "&Help"
//If this is set to 1, then the 'secondary' browser is active.
#define BROWSER_2_ACTIVE 0
#define kSecondBrowserLit "Second Preview Browser:"
#define kSecondBrowserHelp "This is the browser used by the Preview in Browser 2 command."
#define kSetSecondBrowserLit "Set Second Browser:"
//Localized Fonts
#if Platform_Mac
#define kHelpFont Font = {Geneva, 10, {Plain}}
#define kExtentionFont Font = EditFont
#define kHelpFont Font = {"MS Sans Serif", 8, {Plain}}
#define kExtentionFont Font = {"MS Sans Serif", 8, {Plain}}
//Font used for some of the controls in this dialog, to override base font.
#define kControlFont Font = SystemFont
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
//This section contains integer constants that are used to format this VDL program.
//These are localizable - they only need to be changed if the localized strings
//are sufficiently longer than the US strings. Localize the strings first, then the constants.
#if Platform_Mac
//Main constant defining the width of the dialog
#define kMainDialogWidth 415
//Left margin of the dialog, inside the frame.
#define kPrefLeftMargin 0
//Top margin of the dialog, inside the frame.
#define kPrefTopMargin 0
//Height of the main pane of the prefs dialog
#define kPrefsListHeight 165
//Height of the help view at the bottom of the window
#define kHelpViewHeight 50
//Width of the popup that controls the mode of the dialog (General, Images, HTML Output, etc)
#define kModePopupWidth 150
/********* GENERAL PANE ***************/
//Width of the labels in the 'general pane', two popups and an edit text at the bottom.
#define kGeneralLabelWidth 187
//Width of all the popup menu views
#define kPopupMenuWidth 370
//Width of the text "Auto-save documents every"
#define kAutoSaveTextWidth 209
//Width of the edit text in the Auto-save line
#define kAutoSaveEntryTextWidth 50
/********** HTML OUTPUT PANE **********/
//Width of the labels for the three popup menus
#define kHTMLOutputLabelWidth 187
//Width of the popup menu that controls the header comment
#define kHeaderCommentPopupWidth 400
//Width of the popup menu that controls the line break format
#define kLineBreakFormatPopupWidth 330
//Width of the popup menu that controls the paragraph alignment tag
#define kParagraphAlignmentWidth 330
//Widths of the checkboxes
#define kCheckBoxWidths 200
/********** HTML EDITING PANE ************/
//Width of the labels on the popup menus
#define kEditLabelWidth 127
//Width of the menus themselves
#define kHTMLFontMenuWidth 200
#define kEditMenuWidth 220
// Height of the sample HTML code.
#define kHTMLSampleHeight 75
/*********** FONTS PANE ********************/
//Sizes of the labels and popups in the 'font' pane
#define kWYSIWYGLabelWidth 170
#define kWYSIWYGMenuWidth 310
//Main constant defining the width of the dialog
#define kMainDialogWidth 435
//Left margin of the dialog, inside the frame.
#define kPrefLeftMargin 10
//Top margin of the dialog, inside the frame.
#define kPrefTopMargin 10
//Height of the main pane of the prefs dialog
#define kPrefsListHeight 200
//Height of the help view at the bottom of the window
#define kHelpViewHeight 65
/********* GENERAL PANE ***************/
//Width of the labels in the 'general pane', two popups and an edit text at the bottom.
#define kGeneralLabelWidth 180
//Width of all the popup menu views
#define kPopupMenuWidth 370
//Width of the text "Auto-save documents every"
#define kAutoSaveTextWidth 209
//Width of the edit text in the Auto-save line
#define kAutoSaveEntryTextWidth 50
/********** HTML OUTPUT PANE **********/
//Width of the labels for the three popup menus
#define kHTMLOutputLabelWidth 220
//Width of the popup menu that controls the header comment
#define kHeaderCommentPopupWidth 420
//Width of the popup menu that controls the line break format
#define kLineBreakFormatPopupWidth 420
//Width of the popup menu that controls the paragraph alignment tag
#define kParagraphAlignmentWidth 420
//Widths of the checkboxes
#define kCheckBoxWidths 200
/********** HTML EDITING PANE ************/
//Width of the labels on the popup menus
#define kEditLabelWidth 127
//Width of the menus themselves
#define kEditMenuWidth 260
#define kHTMLFontMenuWidth 200
// Height of the sample HTML code.
#define kHTMLSampleHeight 75
/*********** FONTS PANE ********************/
//Sizes of the labels and popups in the 'font' pane
#define kWYSIWYGLabelWidth 170
#define kWYSIWYGMenuWidth 310
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
/************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
//No further localizable data past this point
/************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
/************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
/************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
#ifdef TryMe
#define LITE_VERSION 1
#if Platform_Mac
#define dlogBack BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535}
#define dlogBack BackColor = Dialog
#define EH EnabledHelpString =
VList(dlogBack, Width = kMainDialogWidth)
Margin(0, 2, 7, 0)
PushButton(kLit4, 4000, "SetBrowserAppProc", EH kLit5);
Margin(12,4,0,8, Width = UseParent)
#if Platform_Mac
Margin(4,4,4,4, Single, Width = UseParent)
StaticText(browserFilePath, Width = UseParent, EH kLit2);
Margin(2,2,2,2, Single, BackColor = White, Width = UseParent)
StaticText(browserFilePath, Width = UseParent, EH kLit2);
Spacer(Height = 10, Width = 0);
Margin(12,4,0,8, Width = UseParent)
#if Platform_Mac
Margin(4,4,4,4, Single, Width = UseParent)
StaticText( browser2FilePath, Width = UseParent,
Margin(2,2,2,2, Single, BackColor = White, Width = UseParent)
StaticText( browser2FilePath, Width = UseParent,
EH kSecondBrowserHelp );
StaticText( kSetSecondBrowserLit);
PushButton( kLit4, 4000, "SetBrowser2AppProc",
EH kLit5);
#endif // BROWSER_2_ACTIVE
Spacer(Height = 9, Width = 0);
CheckBox(kLit114, saveBeforePreview, EH kLit115);
VList(dlogBack, Width = UseParent)
#ifdef Kanji_Support
CheckBox(kLit93, inlineInput, EH kLit94);
Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
#endif // Kanji_Support
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox( kLit6, showToolbars,
EH kLit7
Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
CheckBox(kLit8, styleToolbars, EH kLit9);
IntegerPopup( kLit90, kGeneralLabelWidth, showToolbars, Width=kPopupMenuWidth,
Alignment = Right, EH kLit91)
IntItem(kLit10, 0);
IntItem(kLit11, 1);
IntItem(kLit12, 2);
Spacer(Height = 7, Width = 0);
IntegerPopup( kLit13, kGeneralLabelWidth, styleToolbars, Width=kPopupMenuWidth,
Alignment = Right, EH kLit92)
IntItem(kLit10, 0);
IntItem(kLit11, 1);
IntItem(kLit12, 2);
#if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
Spacer(Width = 0, Height = 24, VScale);
CheckBox(kLit14, DoAutoSave, Width = kAutoSaveTextWidth,
EH kLit15 );
EditText( AutoSaveInterval_Mins, Unsigned(16),
Width = kAutoSaveEntryTextWidth,
BackColor = {65535,65535,65535},
EH kLit137 );
StaticText( kLit16, Font = SystemFont);
CheckBox(kLit135, show_linebreaks, EH kLit136);
#endif //Platform_Mac
Spacer(Height=3, Width=0);
IntegerPopup( kLit17, kGeneralLabelWidth, defaultDocMode, Width=kPopupMenuWidth,
Alignment = Right,
EH kLit18 )
IntItem(kLit19, 0);
IntItem(kLit20, 1);
IntItem(kLit21, 2);
Spacer(Height=6, Width=0);
IntegerPopup( kLit22, kGeneralLabelWidth, startupAction, Width=kPopupMenuWidth, Alignment = Right,
EH kLit23 )
IntItem(kLit24, 0);
IntItem(kLit25, 1);
IntItem(kLit26, 2);
#ifdef Kanji_Support
Spacer(Height=6, Width=0);
IntegerPopup( kLit95, kGeneralLabelWidth, defaultEncoding,
Width=kPopupMenuWidth, Alignment = Right,
EH kLit96 )
IntItem(kLit97, 0);
IntItem(kLit98, 1);
IntItem(kLit99, 2);
IntItem(kLit100, 3);
#endif // Kanji_Support
#if Platform_Win
Spacer(Height = 7, Width = 0);
Spacer(Width = kGeneralLabelWidth, Height = 24, VScale);
CheckBox(kLit31, DoAutoSave, kControlFont, Height = 21,
EH kLit15 );
EditText(AutoSaveInterval_Mins, Unsigned(16), Width = kAutoSaveEntryTextWidth, BackColor = {65535,65535,65535});
StaticText( kLit16, kControlFont);
Margin(kGeneralLabelWidth, 0,0,0)
CheckBox(kLit135, show_linebreaks, EH kLit136);
#endif //Platform_Win
Spacer(Height=3, Width=0);
#if Platform_Win
Margin(kGeneralLabelWidth, 0,0,0)
CheckBox(kLit138, rememberPasswords, EH kLit210);
} // General
#define SYNTAX_LINE(labelText, nameR, nameG, nameB, nameStyle, labelWidth, helpText) \
Spacer(Width = 4, Height = 0);\
Margin(2,2,2,2, Single, Outer)\
ColorControl(nameR, nameG, nameB, Height = 16, Width = 20, EH helpText);\
Spacer(Width = 4, Height = 0);\
StylePopup(kLit134, Default, nameStyle, EH helpText); \
VList(dlogBack, Width = UseParent)
FontPopup( kLit117, kWYSIWYGLabelWidth, wysiwygFont, Width = kWYSIWYGMenuWidth,
EH kLit118 );
Spacer(Width = 10, Height = 0);
SizePopup("", 0, wysiwygSize, EH kLit120);
Spacer(Width=0, Height=7);
FontPopup( kLit121, kWYSIWYGLabelWidth, monospaceFont, Width = kWYSIWYGMenuWidth,
EH kLit122 );
Spacer(Width = 10, Height = 0);
SizePopup("", 0, monospaceSize, EH kLit124);
#ifdef Kanji_Support
Spacer(Width=0, Height=7);
FontPopup( kLit125, kWYSIWYGLabelWidth, wysiwygJFont, Width = kWYSIWYGMenuWidth,
EH kLit118 );
Spacer(Width = 10, Height = 0);
SizePopup("", 0, wysiwygJSize, EH kLit120);
Spacer(Width=0, Height=7);
FontPopup( kLit127, kWYSIWYGLabelWidth, monospaceJFont, Width = kWYSIWYGMenuWidth,
EH kLit122 );
Spacer(Width = 10, Height = 0);
SizePopup("", 0, monospaceJSize, EH kLit124);
Spacer(Width=0, Height=7);
StaticText( kLit133,
Width = UseParent, Alignment = Center, kHelpFont );
} //WYSIWYGEditing
VList(dlogBack, Width = UseParent)
HList(Width = UseParent)
FontPopup( kLit32, -1, htmlFont, Width = kHTMLFontMenuWidth,
EH kLit33 );
Spacer(Width = 10, Height = 0);
SizePopup("", 0, htmlSize, EH kLit35);
Spacer(Width = 30, Height = 0);
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox(kLit111, htmlWordWrap, EH kLit200);
CheckBox(kLit111, htmlWordWrap, kControlFont, Height = 16, EH kLit200);
Spacer(Height = 5);
VList(Width = UseParent)
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox(kLit108, enableSyntaxColoring, EH kLit201);
CheckBox( kLit108, enableSyntaxColoring, kControlFont, Height = 16,
EH kLit201 );
Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
Spacer(Width = 12, Height = UseParent);
IntegerPopup(kLit109, Default, curSyntaxElement, EH kLit202)
IntItem(kLit101, 0);
IntItem(kLit103, 1);
IntItem(kLit104, 2);
IntItem(kLit105, 3);
IntItem(kLit106, 4);
IntItem(kLit107, 5);
IntItem(kLit102, 6);
case 0:
//Body Text
bodyColorR, bodyColorG, bodyColorB,
kEditLabelWidth - 9, kLit203)
case 1:
//Begin Tags
beginTagColorR, beginTagColorG, beginTagColorB,
kEditLabelWidth - 9, kLit204)
case 2:
//End Tags
endTagColorR, endTagColorG, endTagColorB,
kEditLabelWidth, kLit205)
case 3:
//Parameter Names
pNameColorR, pNameColorG, pNameColorB,
kEditLabelWidth - 9, kLit206)
case 4:
//Param Values
pValueColorR, pValueColorG, pValueColorB,
kEditLabelWidth, kLit207)
case 5:
entityColorR, entityColorG, entityColorB,
kEditLabelWidth - 9, kLit208)
case 6:
commentColorR, commentColorG, commentColorB,
kEditLabelWidth, kLit209)
Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
} //HList
Spacer(Height = 5);
#ifndef TryMe
#if Platform_Win
VList( HScroll, VScroll, BackColor = White, Width = UseParent,
Height = kHTMLSampleHeight )
} // VList()
} //HTMLEditing
LabelAlignment = Right,
#if Platform_Mac
LabelWidth = kGeneralLabelWidth - 4,
Label = kLit27,
Width = kPopupMenuWidth,
LabelWidth = kHTMLOutputLabelWidth - 4,
Label = kLit28,
Width = kHeaderCommentPopupWidth,
BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
NoSmartQuotes, NoSmartEdits,
#if Platform_Mac
EH kLit29 );
EH kLit30 );
Spacer(Height=7, Width=0);
IntegerPopup( kLit44, kHTMLOutputLabelWidth, headerComment, Width = kHeaderCommentPopupWidth,
EH kLit45 )
IntItem(kLit46, 0);
IntItem(kLit47, 1);
IntItem(kLit48, 2);
Spacer(Height = 7, Width = 0);
IntegerPopup( kLit49, kHTMLOutputLabelWidth, lineBreakFormat, Width = kLineBreakFormatPopupWidth,
EH kLit50 )
IntItem(kLit51, 0);
IntItem(kLit52, 1);
IntItem(kLit53, 2);
Spacer(Height = 7, Width = 0);
IntegerPopup( kLit54, kHTMLOutputLabelWidth, UseCenterTagForAlign,
Width = kParagraphAlignmentWidth,
EH kLit55 )
IntItem(kLit56, 1);
IntItem(kLit57, 0);
Spacer(Height = 5, Width = 0);
Spacer(Width = kHTMLOutputLabelWidth-1, Height=0);
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox(kLit58, generatePEnd, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
CheckBox( kLit59, generatePEnd, kControlFont, Height = 16, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
EH kLit60 );
Spacer(Height = 3, Width = 0);
Spacer(Width = kHTMLOutputLabelWidth-1, Height=0);
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox(kLit64, outputFilePrefs, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
CheckBox( kLit65, outputFilePrefs, kControlFont, Height = 16, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
EH kLit66 );
Spacer(Height = 3, Width = 0);
Spacer(Width = kHTMLOutputLabelWidth-1, Height=0);
#if Platform_Mac
CheckBox(kLit61, absolutePaths, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
CheckBox( kLit62, absolutePaths, kControlFont, Height = 16, Width = kCheckBoxWidths,
EH kLit63 );
} // HTMLOutput
VList(dlogBack, Width = kMainDialogWidth)
HList(Width = kMainDialogWidth)
CheckBox( kLit67, interlaceImages,
EH kLit68 );
#if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Width=0, Height=2);
Spacer(Width = UseParent, Height = 0);
IntegerPopup( kLit129, Default, imageMapFormat,
EH kLit130 )
IntItem("NCSA", 1); // mfNCSA
IntItem("CERN", 2); // mfCERN
} // HList(Width = kMainDialogWidth)
CheckBox( kLit69, promptForConvName,
EH kLit70 );
#if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Width=0, Height=2);
CheckBox(kLit71, displayImagesInEdit,
EH kLit72 );
#if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Width=0, Height=2);
CheckBox(kLit112, displayBackgroundInEdit,
EH kLit113 );
#if Platform_Win
//Note - we don't need a space between the buttons on windows.
EH kLit74 );
#endif //Platform_Win
Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
#if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Height = 3, Width=0);
Spacer(Height = 8, Width=0, ScaleV);
Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = {0,0,0});
Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535});
Spacer(Height = 8, Width = 0, ScaleV);
#endif // else !Platform_Mac
Spacer(Width=0, Height=2);
Margin(0, 2, 7, 0)
#if Platform_Mac
StaticText( kLit75);
StaticText( kLit76);
#if Platform_Mac
PushButton( kLit81, 4000, "SetImageFolderPathProc",
EH kLit82 );
PushButton( kLit4, 4000, "SetImageFolderPathProc",
EH kLit83 );
} // HList()
Margin(12,4,0,8, Width=UseParent)
#if Platform_Mac
Margin(4,4,4,4, Single, Width=UseParent, Height = 45)
StaticText( imageFilePath, Width = 425, Height = UseParent,
EH kLit77 );
Margin(2,2,2,2, Single, Width=UseParent, Height = 45, BackColor = White)
StaticText( imageFilePath, Width = 425, Height = UseParent,
EH kLit78 );
} // Images
#if Platform_Mac
#define kPrefsListWidth kMainDialogWidth
#define kPrefsListWidth kMainDialogWidth + 25
Spacer(Height = kPrefsListHeight, Width = 0, ScaleV);
VList( )
Spacer(Height = 0, Width = kPrefsListWidth, ScaleH);
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
} // Switch(mode)
#if Platform_Win
Spacer(Width = UseParent, Height = UseParent);
} //VList
} //HList
Margin(10, 10, 10, 10, dlogBack)
#if Platform_Mac
HList(Left = 10, Top = 0)
Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 0);
IntegerPopup( "", 0, mode, Width = kModePopupWidth,
EH kLit84, NoUndo )
IntItem(kLit85, 0);
IntItem(kLit88, 3);
IntItem(kLit89, 4);
IntItem(kLit116, 5);
IntItem(kLit87, 2);
IntItem(kLit86, 1);
Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 0);
Margin(1,1,1,1, BackColor = {0,0,0}, Left = 0, Top = 10)
Margin(10,12,5,6, dlogBack)
} //Layout
TabControl(mode, NoUndo)
Tab(kLit85, 0);
Tab(kLit88, 3);
Tab(kLit89, 4);
Tab(kLit116, 5);
Tab(kLit87, 2);
Tab(kLit86, 1);
}; //Tab Control
#endif //if Platform_Mac
Spacer(Height = 3, Width = 0);
#if Platform_Mac
HelpView(Width = UseParent, Height = kHelpViewHeight, kHelpFont);
Margin(2,2,2,2, Single)
HelpView(Width = UseParent, Height = kHelpViewHeight, kHelpFont);
Spacer(Height = 10, Width = 0, VScale);
HList(Width = UseParent)
#if Platform_Mac
PictPushButton(4000, "ContextHelpProc", HelpFile = kHelpURL)
Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',14055 );
Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',14057 );
Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',14056 );
PushButton(kHelpTitle, 4000, "ContextHelpProc", HelpFile = kHelpURL);
Spacer(Width = 20, Height = 0);
#ifdef TryMe
case 2:
HList(Width = UseParent)
PushButton( kLit131, 3114, "SetHTMLEditDefaults", EH kLit132);
} //Switch
} //HList
} // VList (main dialog)