GameStar Special 2002 April
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Text File
189 lines
30004 Object
30011 Vertex
30012 Polygon
30013 Edge
30017 Edit Object
30211 Delete Vertices
30212 Delete Polygons
30213 Create Vertex
30214 Attach Object
30216 Make Planar
30217 Create Polygon
30219 Unhide All
30223 Divide Edge
30225 Delete Edges
30227 Clone
30228 Tessellate
30229 Delete Isolated Vertices?
30280 Assign Smoothing Group
30281 Assign Material ID
30282 Flip Normals
30284 Auto Smooth
30285 Select By Material ID
30286 Select By Smooth Groups
30630 Collapse
30631 Weld Vertices
30687 Illegal new face
30689 Extrude
30690 Move
30693 Attach
30695 Delete Isolated Vertices
30696 Align To Grid
30697 Align To View
30698 Vertex %d
30699 %d Vertices Selected
30700 Vertex %d Selected
30701 %d Polygons Selected
30702 Polygon %d Selected
30703 %d Edges Selected
30704 Edge %d Selected
30705 Vertex Color
30706 Set Vertex Color
30707 Create Shape From Edge
30708 No edges are selected.
30709 Shape
30710 Select By Color
30714 Element
30718 Polygon Mesh Tools (Discreet)
30719 Edge Cut
30720 Slicer Rotation
30721 Slicer Scale
30722 Slice
30723 Slicer Move
30724 Selection
30725 Geometry
30726 Surface Properties
30727 Editable Poly
30731 Editable Objects
30732 Edit Geometry
30733 Whole Object Selected
30734 Polygon Divide
30735 Inherit Material
30736 Combine Materials
30737 Set Polygon Color
30738 Bevel
30739 Outline
30740 Displacement Approximation Verification
30741 You have selected a potential dangerous setting for the SubDivision limits. Are you sure you want to do this?
30742 Displacement Approximation
30743 Chamfer
30746 Divide
30748 Soft Selection
30749 Detach
30750 Attach List
30751 Master Point Controller
30752 Change Weight
30753 Paste Named Selection
30754 Hide Selected
30755 Show Normals
30756 Next Sub-object Level
30758 Previous Sub-object Level
30759 Weld Selected
30760 Slice Plane
30761 Vertex Level
30762 Edge Level
30763 Polygon Level
30765 Element Level
30766 Object Level
30767 Ignore Backfacing in Selections
30768 Create Mode
30769 Attach Mode
30770 Divide Mode
30771 Extrude Mode
30772 Soft Selection Affect Backfacing
30773 Bevel Mode
30774 Unify Normals
30776 Select By Vertex Toggle
30777 Cut Mode
30778 Selection
30779 Border
40357 Poly Select
40358 Vertex
40359 Edge
40360 Border
40361 Polygon
40362 Element
40364 Selection
40365 Vertex %d Selected
40366 %d Vertices Selected
40367 Edge %d Selected
40368 %d Edges Selected
40369 Polygon %d Selected
40370 %d Polygons Selected
40371 Object Selected
40372 Parameters
40374 Falloff
40375 Pinch
40376 Bubble
40377 Use Soft Selection
40378 Use Edge Distance
40379 Edge Distance
40380 Affect Backfacing
40382 Subdivide
40384 Normal Size
40385 Retroactive
40386 Type of Extrusion
40387 Split
40388 Refine Ends
40389 Weld Threshold
40390 Weld Pixel Threshold
40391 Smoothness
40392 Separate by Smoothing Groups
40393 Separate by Material ID
40394 Tessellate By
40395 Tessellation Tension
40396 Subdivide Surface
40397 Apply to Whole Object
40398 Iterations
40399 Smoothness
40400 Use Render Iterations
40401 Render Iterations
40402 Use Render Smoothness
40403 Render Sharpness
40404 Update Type
40405 Parameter Block
40406 Cap
40407 Create
40408 Break Vertices
40409 Create Edge
40410 Split Edges
40411 Break
40412 Vertex Selection Color
40413 Select-by-color: Red Range
40414 Select-by-color: Green Range
40415 Select-by-color: Blue Range
40416 Autosmooth angle threshold
40418 Change Crease Values
40419 Vertex Illumination
40420 Set Vertex Illumination
40421 Vertex Alpha
40422 Set Vertex Alpha
40423 Edit Triangulation
40424 Retriangulate
40425 MeshSmooth
40426 Select Vertex By
40427 Reset Slice Plane
40428 Cut
40429 Weld Edges
40430 Displacement Angle
40431 Displacement Distance
40432 Displacement Edge
40433 Displacement Steps
40434 Displacement Method
40435 Displacement Split Mesh
40436 Use Displacement Subdivision
40437 Subdivision Displacement
40438 View-Dependent
40439 Displacement Max Triangles
40440 Displacement Max Levels
40441 Displacement Min Levels
40442 Displacement Style
40443 Smooth Subdivision Result
40444 Copy Named Selection
40445 Material ID
40446 Select Open Edges
40447 No Weldable Vertices Within Threshold
40448 Select By Illumination
40449 No Weldable Edges Within Threshold