Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | person | web site OCR: gmax Tutorials Ausblenden Zuruck Vorvarts Drucken Qptionen Inhalt Suchen Favoriten Quety Welcome Welcome to the gmax Tutorials Welcome to the gmax Tutorials Copyrights and Trademarks Welcome to the gmax tutorials Get ready to have some BIGFUN! Getting Started Making Level Modeling aHead Making Powe Charger Making Character Rigging a Character Adding Materials and Mapping Animating with gmax Modeling an Airplane Dude from Pepeland (Anibal) If you like video games you're going to love gmax In these tutorials you can learn how to model and texture awesome characters create wild, fantastic levels and gener ally have blast and half. You'll learm to animate pue what's better than that? Get good at this and then maybe you can get a Sweet job with a games company Or even better, don't get job and ...