i% = DoMsgBox("Setup has found an older version of the Microsoft Movie Player DLL in your system. Updated and renamed your old file MMP.OLD", "SETUP", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK)
i% = DoMsgBox("Setup has found an older version of the Microsoft Movie driver in your system. Updated and renamed the old driver MCIMMP.OLD", "SETUP", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK)
AddDos5Help "YOURAPP", "A brief help text for your Windows application."+chr$(10)+"It can be continued on another line with chr$(10).", cmoNone
IF needAnim$ = "yes" THEN
i% = DoMsgBox("A new animation driver has been installed in your system. Please restart Windows before starting Allie's Playhouse.", "SETUP", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK)
'** Purpose:
'** Appends a file name to the end of a directory path,
'** inserting a backslash character as needed.
'** Arguments:
'** szDir$ - full directory path (with optional ending "\")