101 Please start your Internet browser so that Oil Change can obtain your connection information. Click OK after your browser has been started.
102 %s Properties
103 Programs|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
104 Unable to detect provider. Make sure your browser has been started and repeat the Auto Detect.
947 Connection
1001 Initializaing modem...
1002 Verifying user name and password...
1003 Logging on to network...
1004 Logon completed successfuly
1005 Password expired...
1006 Connected
1007 Disconnecting...
1008 Unable to configure Dial-up Networking connection. Unable to locate rasapi32.dll. You must install Dial-up Networking support for this feature to be enabled.
1009 Dialing...
1010 Dialup Login
1011 Launch
1012 We are going to launch
1014 ISP Launch
1016 Browse
1019 Applications/Drivers
1020 Action
1021 Date
1022 Time
1023 Retrieved an update.
1024 Auto installed an update.
1025 Update undone.
1026 Manually installed an update.
1072 You must restart the program before the new network settings take effect.
5000 Notepad
5001 America Online 3.0
5002 Compueserve
5003 America Online for Windows 95
5004 Compuserve 2.0
5005 You will need to restart your computer for the new network settings to take effect.
5006 Change Network Settings
5007 Your Internet connection settings are not configured.\n\nClick Auto Detect to configure these settings.
5008 You are configured to use %s to connect to the Internet.
5009 a direct connection (Office LAN or ISDN line)