5002 An error occurred while checking %s for viruses.
5003 xx
5004 xx
5005 Unable to scan the file selected. This version of Guard Dog cannot scan network drives.
5006 xx
5007 xx
5008 xx
5009 xx
5010 xx
5011 xx
5012 No files were found in the selected item.
5013 xx
5014 Warning not all of the virus was cleaned or deleted.
5015 Checked %d file(s). No viruses found.
5016 Please select a file before pressing Start.
7007 Cannot perform clean up while Netscape Navigator is running. Please exit Navigator and try again.
9000 x
9001 Exit Guard Dog.
9002 Display Help file.
9003 Open the main Guard Dog window.
9004 Update Guard Dog over the Internet.
9005 Open the Guard Dog Options menu.
9006 Display information about Guard Dog.
9007 Go to Guard Dog's tech support Web page.
9008 Run the Security, Privacy, and Virus checks.
9009 Performs Virus Check.
9010 Start
9011 Clean all the unused files.
9012 Update to the latest version.
9013 Auto fix this problem.
9014 Cancel.
9015 Run Oil Change to update Guard Dog.
9016 Turn on and off.
9017 Show more details.
9018 Hide details.
9019 Go back to the previous question.
9020 Go forward to the next question.
9021 Finish Interview
9022 Delete the entire report file.
9023 OK
9024 Select drives to check for viruses.
9025 Report results
9028 Many Web sites use electronic tags called "cookies" to record your preferences; however, some sites may also use cookies to track your Web browsing habits.\nGuard Dog can help protect your privacy by blocking unwanted cookies.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to protect your privacy by preventing the tagging of your computer when you visit specific Web sites?
9029 Search requests and personal data that you enter at a Web site are often passed on to other Web sites without your knowledge.\nGuard Dog can help protect your privacy by blocking such information passing.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to protect your privacy by preventing information you enter at one Web site from being sent to another?
9030 Anyone with access to your computer can find out what search requests you ve made and what Web sites you ve visited.\nGuard Dog can help protect your privacy by cleaning up your Web browsing trails after you end an Internet session.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to erase evidence of your Internet activity after you quit browsing?
9031 It is possible for a program to silently connect your computer to the Internet and even send out your private files.\nGuard Dog can protect your security by blocking unauthorized programs on your computer from connecting to the Internet.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to monitor system security while you are on the Internet?
9032 A program that you download may sometimes tamper with important files, such as your financial records and passwords.\nGuard Dog can protect against this by blocking unauthorized programs from accessing key files.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to protect your sensitive files?
9033 Programs and documents you download or receive may contain dangerous viruses that can damage the data on your computer.\nGuard Dog can protect against viruses by automatically scanning downloaded files and programs.\n\nDo you want Guard Dog to automatically protect your computer from viruses?
9034 Thank you! Your answers will be used to configure Guard Dog when you click the Finish button.\n\nRemember, you can review or change these settings at any time. To do so, run Guard Dog. Then click on Options and select Properties.
9037 Guard Dog is currently allowing %d applications access to the Internet.
9038 There are application(s) on your system with known security flaws.
9039 %d ActiveX components have been found on your system.
9040 Cookies were found on your system.
9041 Some Java applets have been found on your system.
9042 Guard Dog can guard %d additional items on your system.
9043 One or more viruses have been found on your system.
9044 Internet Explorer is keeping %d URL items.
9045 Internet Explorer is keeping %d history items.
9046 Internet Explorer is keeping %d cache files (taking up %d bytes of disk space).
9047 Finished checking for viruses.\nFiles scanned: %d, Virus found: %d.
9048 The virus %s is on %s.
9049 Netscape Navigator is keeping %d URL items.
9050 Netscape Navigator is keeping %d history items.
9051 Netscape Navigator is keeping %d cache files (taking up %d bytes of disk space).
9052 Performing Check-Up...
9053 Netscape Navigator is keeping %d cookies.
9054 The Internet Explorer on your system is an old version.
9055 The Netscape Navigator on your system is an old version.
9058 Internet Explorer is keeping %d cookies.
9059 Your Internet Explorer safety level is not set to High!
9060 This leaves your system vulnerable
9061 to damage from hostile ActiveX controls.
9062 Are you sure you want to cancel the security Check-Up?
9064 Checking memory for viruses...
9065 Checking boot blocks for viruses.
9066 xx
9067 xx
9068 xx
9069 Are you sure you want to clear your report?
9070 WARNING: This cleanup will delete all cookies!\n\nSome Web sites, such as Microsoft Expedia, use cookies to store your password and preferences so that you can automatically log on to the site. If you delete that site's cookie, you will have to log on manually. If you automatically log on to any Web site, do not clean up cookies. Instead, use Cookie Blocker to block specific cookies from being stored on your computer. See Help for information on turning on Cookie Blocker.\n\nClick Ok to remove all cookies or Cancel to exit.
9071 Shared drive %s is missing a password.
9072 Shared folder %s is missing a password.
9073 Shared device %s is missing a password.
10000 x
10216 Security Check-Up
10217 Clean NS Cache
10220 Clean IE Cache
10234 Deleted log file, User "%s"
10403 The virus "%s" found on "%s". Cleaned.
10404 The virus "%s" found on "%s". Deleted.
10405 The virus "%s" found on "%s". Delete Failed.
10406 Web Trail Cleaner found file(s) for "%d" site(s) on your PC
10407 Web Trail Cleaner found file(s) for %d site(s) on your PC
10408 Emergency Disk check
10409 Emergency Disk check
10410 Guard Dog update check
10411 Guard Dog update check
10412 Cookie(s) found on your PC from %d site(s)
10413 Cookie(s) found on your PC from "%d" site(s)
10414 Your Netscape Navigator version: "%s"
10415 Your Netscape Navigator version is: %s
10417 Your Internet Explorer version is: %s
10418 Your Internet Explorer version: "%s"
10419 Personal information found in "%d" file(s) on your PC
10420 Personal information found in %d file(s) on your PC
10421 Deleted files check
10422 Deleted files check
10423 ActiveX control(s) left on your PC: "%d"
10424 ActiveX control(s) left on your PC: %d
10425 Virus infected file(s) found: "%d"
10426 Virus infected file(s) found: %d
10427 Access to the Internet found for "%d" program(s) on your PC
10428 Access to the Internet found for %d program(s) on your PC
10429 IE security level check
10430 IE security level check
10431 There are "%d" sensitive file(s) on your PC that should be protected.
10432 %d sensitive file(s) unprotected
10433 There are "%d" shared folder(s) on your PC without password(s).
10434 %d shared folder(s) without password(s)
10435 Web Trail file(s) for "%d" site(s) deleted
10436 Web Trail file(s) for %d site(s) deleted
10437 Web Cleaning
10438 You've created an Emergency Disk
10439 Emergency Disk created
10440 Emergency Disk Created
10441 Guard Dog Update
10442 Internet Explorer Update
10443 Netscape Navigator Update
10444 IE Security Level Update
10445 Your Guard Dog version is updated
10446 Guard Dog version updated
10447 Internet Explorer updated
10448 Your Netscape Navigator is updated
10449 Netscape Navigator updated
10450 Your Internet Explorer security level is updated
10451 IE security level updated
10452 Your Internet Explorer is updated
10454 Personal Information Cleaning
10455 Cookie Cleaning
10456 Deleted File Cleaning
10457 Internet Access Checking
10458 File Guardian Checking
10459 ActiveX Cleaning
10460 Password Checking
10461 Virus Cleaning
10462 Personal information protected for "%d" file(s)
10463 Cookie(s) removed from your PC for "%d" site(s)
10464 Deleted file(s) are permanently removed
10465 Access to the Internet removed for "%d" program(s)
10466 Sensitive file(s) protected by File Guardian: "%d"
10467 ActiveX file(s) removed from your PC: "%d"
10468 "%d" shared folder(s) are given password(s).
12116 Collecting Netscape Navigator's history information...
12117 Collecting Netscape Navigator's cookies information...
12118 Collecting window's list of recent documents...
12119 Collecting window's list of find file history...
12120 Collecting window's list of find computer history...
12121 Collecting window's list of run history...
12122 Checking which applications has access to the internet...
12123 Checking Internet Explorer's version...
12124 Checking Netscape Navigator's version...
12125 Finding vulnerable files that Guard Dog can protect...
12126 Checking Internet Explorer's security level...
12127 Cookies Allowed
12128 Cookies Disallowed
12129 Size (kb)
12130 Type
12131 Name
12132 Modified
12133 Volume Name
12134 Volume Label
12135 Extension
12136 Document Type
12137 ContentType (MIME)
12138 Cookie String
12139 First Accessed
12140 Last Accessed
12141 Access Count
12142 NA
12143 Privacy Check
12144 Security Check
12145 Virus Check
12146 Identity Protector
12147 Cookie Manager
12148 Search Filter
12149 Web Trail Cleaner
12150 Gatekeeper
12151 File Guardian
12152 Password Manager
12153 High
12154 Medium
12155 Low
12156 Set Security Level to:
12157 Internet Explorer's security level is too low.
12158 You haven't created an Emergency Disk.
12159 Guard Dog Update may be Available.
12160 Deleted files can be recovered.
12161 Some deleted files can still be recovered by a hard disk utility.
12162 ]
12163 %d ActiveX control(s) found.
12164 Control
12165 Approved?
12166 Personal information is unprotected.\n
12167 The following files contain personal information:
12168 File
12169 Protected?
12170 A virus was detected...
12171 The following files have been infected with a virus:
12172 File
12173 Internet Explorer is not up-to-date.
12174 Here is the version of Internet Explorer on your PC:
12175 Browser
12176 Version
12177 Schedule a Thorough Virus Check.
12178 Schedule a Quick Virus Check.
12179 Schedule a Incremental Virus Check.
12180 Check all programs and documents for viruses
12181 Check privacy
12182 Check security
12183 Schedule Encryption of files on my PC.
12184 Schedule Decryption of files on my PC.
12185 Schedule Scrubbing the main drive on my PC.
12186 Once
12187 Hourly
12188 Daily
12189 Weekly
12190 Monthly
12191 Startup
12192 Idle Time
12241 %dkb
12243 %dMb
12245 Collecting Internet Explorer's cookies...
12246 Collecting Netscape Navigator's cookies...
12247 Collecting Browser's information...
12248 Checking Internet Explorer's version...
12249 Collecting Acitve-X controls residing in your PC...
12250 Checking Internet Explorer's security level...
12251 Checking whether Guard Dog version is up-to-date...
12252 Checking deleted files in your PC...
12253 Collecting programs that have access to the Internet...
12254 Collecting files in your PC that contains personal information...
12255 Checking for viruses...
12256 Checking whether a Guard Dog emergency disk was created...
12257 <%dkb
12258 Checking Netscape Navigator's version...
12259 Programs have unrestricted Internet access.
12260 Path
12261 Program name
12262 There are files left on your PC from Web Sites you have visited.
12263 >%dMb
12264 Street
12265 %d Web site(s) left file(s) on your PC.
12266 The following programs have access to the Internet:
12267 Here is the version of Navigator on your PC:
12268 Netscape is not up-to-date.
12269 "Remove" all traces of the deleted files on your hard disk. Be prepared that this may take a while and make sure that you empty your recycle bin from time to time. That's where all the deleted files go.
12270 Review the list so you don't unwittingly remove a cookie from a site you need access to: Some sites require cookies for access. Guard Dog assumes that the sites you haven't bookmarked don't need cookies, so it's OK to "Remove" them.
12271 You've granted the following programs access to the Internet. Please review them and "Deny Access" to deny Internet access to untrusted programs. Guard Dog displays an alert when untrusted programs try to access the Internet.
12272 "Remove" unnecessary Web files -- they take up space and can be used to track your Web habits. Guard Dog will remove files from sites that aren't bookmarked. Removing these files will free up to %d.%2dMb of disk space.
12273 "Update" and download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Internet. Guard Dog downloads and installs it for you! The latest browsers often enhance your security and privacy.
12274 "Remove" unsigned ActiveX controls. Unsigned controls cannot be trusted. Guard Dog will automatically remove all unsigned controls.
12275 "Update" and change your security level to high. The high setting offers better security while you browse the Internet. When the security level is set to high, Internet Explorer blocks all ActiveContent.
12276 "Update" and download the latest version of Netscape from the Internet. Guard Dog automatically downloads and installs it for you! The latest browsers often enhance your security and privacy.
12277 "Protect" your personal information with Guard Dog s Identity Protector. Identity Protector keeps an eye on your personal info, and warns you before unwanted access occurs.
12278 "Clean" to remove viruses. If you choose not to clean a file, do not open it or it will infect other files on your PC.
12279 I
12280 "Update" your version of Guard Dog. Updating Guard Dog ensures your protection against the latest Internet threats.
12281 Guard Dog has already selected those cookies that come from websites\n you have bookmarked.Click "Remove" to delete selected cookies.
12282 Internet Explorer
12283 Netscape Navigator
12284 Initializing...
12285 You do not have an Emergency Disk!
12286 Netscape is keeping the following cookies:
12287 Internet Explorer is keeping the following cookies:
12288 Guard Dog Update Available.
12289 This problem has been looked at.
12290 Press Fix to investigate which web sites have left files on your machine.
12291 Press Fix to investigate which ActiveX controls are on your PC.
12292 Press Fix to address this problem.
12293 Press Fix to change your IE Security Level.
12294 Press Fix to investigate which IE cookies are left on your PC.
12295 Press Fix to see which programs have access to the Internet.
12296 Press Fix to investigate which NS cookies are left on your PC.
12297 Press Fix to create an Emergency Disk.
12298 Press Fix to update your IE version.
12299 Press Fix to update your NS version.
12300 Press Fix to investigate which files contain your personal information.
12301 Press Fix to investigate which viruses are found on your PC.
12302 Press Fix to update your Guard Dog version.
12303 Checkup Found:
12304 This problem has been fixed.
12305 Customize Checkup
12306 %s
12307 %s
12308 %s. This cookie is bookmarked.
12309 %s. This cookie is not bookmarked.
12310 No virus was found.
12311 Yes
12312 Check for unguarded sensitive files...
12313 Check for shared folders with no passwords...
12314 Press Fix to investigate which files you should protect.
12315 Press Fix to enter passowords for shared folders.
12316 You better have an emergency disk! Let Guard Dog take care of it!
12317 General
12318 There is a newer version of Guard Dog. Want update?
12319 General
12320 Do you want to update your Internet Explorer?
12321 General
12322 Do you want to update your Navigator?
12323 General
12324 You can use Guard Dog to protect your personal infomation.
12325 Privacy
12326 Do you want to delete the cookies found?
12327 Privacy
12328 Do you want to delete these files?
12329 Security
12330 Do you want to delete these files?
12331 Security
12332 Do you want to permenantly destroy these files?
12333 Privacy
12334 Do you want to change the programs that have access to the Internet?
12335 Security
12336 Guard Dog has found out that there are sensitive documents which are not protected.
12337 Security
12338 Guard Dog has found that you have file sharing enabled with some folders, but no password has been assigned.
12339 Security
12340 Do you want to change your Internet Explorer Security level now?
12341 Security
12342 You want to deal carefully with the following infected files.
12343 Security
12344 "Protect" to let File Guardian protect all of these files. Guard Dog displays an alert whenever File Guardian-protected files are accessed.
12345 "Set Password" to turn password protection on. Without password, folders shared on a network may be at risk. Setting a password for these folders secures these folders, reducing the security risk.
12346 %d%% of your deleted files still remain
12347 An Emergency Disk contains the following items:\n ╖Bootup Files\n ╖Password Files\n ╖Files that Guard Dog users to remember your settings\n\nRemember to kep your Emergency Disks in a safe place!
12348 Remind me every
12349 months.
12350 The version of Guard Dog you are using may not be the latest.\nUpdates to Guard Dog provide the following:\n ╖Newer virus pattern files\n ╖Expanded list of Hostile Web Sites\n ╖Newer lists of Hostile ActiveX Controls\n ╖Enhancements and Improvements to Guard Dog in general
12351 Remind me every
12352 months.
12353 Set Internet Explorer Security Level :
12354 Items
12355 %d Web site(s) left cookie(s) on your PC.
12356 User
12357 Never
12358 Path
12359 No
12360 Name
12361 Signed
12362 Guard Dog
12363 Privacy Check
12364 Security Check
12365 Virus Check
12366 Emergency Disk Check
12367 Guard Dog Updates Check
12368 Browser Version Check
12369 Identity Protection Check
12370 Cookie Check
12371 Search Filter Check
12372 Web Trail Check
12373 GateKeeper Check
12374 File Guardian Check
12375 Password Check
12376 \nEmergency Disk Check \n\nEmergency Disk Check\nverifies that you've created\nan Emergency Disk and\nreminds you to update it.
12377 \nGuard Dog Update Check \n\nGuard Dog Update Check\nsees if a new version of\nGuard Dog is available for\ndownload.
12378 \nBrowser Version Check \n\nBrowser Version Check\nverifies that your Web\nbrowser is up-to-date.
12379 \nIdentity Protection Check \n\nIdentity Protection Check\nuses the information in\nIdentity Protector to locate\nfiles that contain sensitive\nidentity information and\nallows you to protect them.
12380 \nCookie Check \n\nCookie Check lets you know\nhow many cookies your Web\nbrowser is keeping.
12381 \nSearch Filter Check \n\nSearch Filter Check looks to\nsee if files purged from\nRecycle Bin can be\nrecovered.
12382 \nWeb Trail Check \n\nWeb Trail checks whether\nyour Web browser has left\nbehind any Web files.
12383 \nGatekeeper Check \n\nGatekeeper Check lets you\nknow which programs on\nyour PC have unrestricted\nInternet access.
12384 \nFile Guardian Check \n\nFile Guardian Check verifies\nthat your e-mail and financial\nfiles are protected.
12385 \nPassword Check \n\nPassword Check looks to\nsee if your shared folders\nare password protected.
12386 Emergency Disk Check
12387 Guard Dog Updates Check
12388 Browser Version Check
12389 Identity Protection Check
12390 Cookie Check
12391 Search Filter Check
12392 Web Trail Check
12393 GateKeeper Check
12394 File Guardian Check
12395 Password Check
12396 The Internet Explorer installed on your PC is version %s
12397 The Netscape Navigator installed on your PC is version %s
12398 Name
12399 Path
12400 Checking Browser Version...
12401 Shared folders are unsafe.
12402 Checking Search Filters...
12403 Guard Dog
12404 Privacy
12405 Security
12406 Virus
12407 Are you sure you want to delete all log entries?
12408 Check %s
12409 Virus check disabled
12410 Sensitive files are unprotected.
12411 Your scheduled check up is about to start. Would you like to proceed?
12412 \nVirus Check \n\nVirus Check scans your PC\nfor viruses.
12413 \nInitializing \n\nGuard Dog is preparing to \nperform a checkup...
12414 Remind to create an Emergency Disk.
12415 Remind to check for Guard Dog update.
12416 Warning
12417 At least one item must be checked to remove.
12418 Username:
12419 Machine Name:
12420 Last Saved:
12421 Emergency Disk may be outdated.
12422 Your Internet Explorer's current security level is %s.
12423 At least one item must be checked to protect.
12424 At least one item must be selected to set password on.
12425 At least one item must be checked to clean.
12426 Virus found.
12427 At least one item must be selected to deny access to.
12428 City
12429 "Create" an Emergency Disk before you have problems with your PC. The Emergency Disk contains your system and Guard Dog info (including all of your passwords) -- use it to start your PC when it can't start up normally.
12430 "Create" an Emergency Disk before you have problems with your PC. The Emergency Disk contains your system and Guard Dog info (including all of your passwords) -- use it to start your PC when it can't start up normally.
12431 At least one item must be checked to apply.
12432 Zip Code
12433 State
12434 Social Security Number
12435 Driver License
12436 Email
12437 Name
12438 Data
12439 Guard Dog
12440 No problems were found during this checkup. Press OK to return to the Home page.
12441 All your fixes will be lost. (You have to press the finish button to apply all the fixes) Do you still want to proceed?
12442 First Name
12443 Middle Name
12444 Last Name
12445 \nEmergency Disk Check \n\nVerifying that you've created\nan Emergency Disk, and\nthat your Emergency Disk\nis up-to-date.
12446 \nGuard Dog Update Check \n\nChecking if a new version\nof Guard Dog is available\nfor download.
12447 \nBrowser Version Check \n\nChecking if your Web\nbrowser is up-to-date.
12448 \nIdentity Protection Check \n\nLocating files that contain\nsensitive identity information.
12449 \nCookie Check \n\nChecking how many cookies\nyour Web browser is keeping.
12450 \nSearch Filter Check \n\nVerifying that Guard Dog's\nSearch Filter is turned on.
12451 \nWeb Trail Check \n\nChecking if your Web\nbrowser has left any\nWeb files behind.
12452 \nGatekeeper Check \n\nChecking which programs\non your computer have\nunrestricted Internet access.
12453 \nFile Guardian Check \n\nChecking the security of\nyour sensitive files.
12454 \nPassword Check \n\nVerifying that your shared\nfolders are password-\nprotected.
12455 \nVirus Check \n\nScanning your computer\nfor viruses.
12456 Telephone
12468 Page
12469 Date:
12475 Country
12490 Cannot delete the ActiveX file %s. Please make sure this file is not in use before deleting.
58112 Personal Information Cleaning
58113 Personal Information
58114 Financial Information
58115 Unable to play video. Please insert your Guard Dog CD.