201 Verifying installed components... \n \n 202 ****** LapLink Remote Control Test Utility ***** \n \n------------------------------------------------------------ \n \n 203 tsirctst.log 204 \n************************************************ \n Completed \n************************************************* \n 205 Performing video driver test... \n 206 Video test result: %s \n \n 207 ----- Opening video key: %s... \n 208 ----- Opening video key error: %s \n 209 ----- Video key value: %s \n 210 ----- Video key value error: %s \n 211 Opening the video key specified... \n 212 Installing the keyboard driver... \n 213 Unable to open Service Control Manager... \n 214 Checking if the keyboard driver is already installed... \n 215 Keyboard driver is already installed, uninstalling the keyboard driver. \n 216 ----- Creating the keyboard service for %s \n 217 ----- Service Name: %s \n 218 ----- Service Display Name: %s \n 219 ----- Failed to create the service... \n 220 ----- Successfully created service... \n 221 ----- Stopping service... \n 222 ----- Service stopped \n 223 ----- Deleted service %s \n 224 ----- %s is not responding \n 225 Performing keyboard test... \n 226 Keyboard test result: %s \n \n 227 --------- Performing All/Host tests --------- \n 228 Performing rc service test... \n 229 RC service test result: %s \n \n 230 Performing RC stream service test... \n 231 RC stream test result: %s \n \n 232 \n ---------- Performing Guest tests ---------- \n 233 Video drivers are out of position. i.e. the tsirchnd driver is not at the front of the entry... \n 234 The number of tsirchnd driver entries does not match the number of display drivers or was not found... \n 235 The remote control driver %s was not found at location %s... \n 236 ----- Attempting to load keyboard driver... \n 237 ----- Failed to load keyboard driver... \n 238 ----- Successfully loaded keyboard driver... \n 239 \TSI32\LLW\ 240 ----- Attempting to load video driver %s \n 241 ----- Failed to load video driver... \n 242 ----- Successfully loaded video driver... \n 243 \nSetting Registry Values \n-------------------- \nKey Name: %s \nType: 0x%d \nStart: 0x%d \nError Control: 0x%d \n \n 244 ----- Attempting to load the rc stream driver... \n 245 ----- Failed to load the rc stream driver... \n 246 ----- Successfully loaded the rc stream driver... \n 247 ------ Deleting key %s \n 248 Error deleting key: %s \n 249 ******* Uninstalling components ******* \n 250 ----- Uninstalling video driver... \n 251 ----- Uninstalling keyboard driver... \n 252 ----- Uninstalling RC Service... \n 253 ----- Uninstalling RC stream driver... \n 254 Uninstall result: %s \n \n 255 ******* Installing components ******* \n 256 Installing video driver... \n 257 Installing keyboard driver... \n 258 Installing RC Service... \n 259 Installing RC stream driver... \n 260 Install result: %s \n \n 261 ----- Found vga driver key. Stopping installation of video drivers... \n 262 ----- Attempting to find keyboard driver... \n 263 ----- Looking in %s... \n 264 ----- Unable to find %s at %s \n 265 ----- Found file \n 266 ----- Validating adminstrator rights... \n 267 ----- Opening Service Control Manager... \n 268 ----- Adminstrator rights confirmed... \n 269 ----- Service Control Manager access denied... \n 270 ----- Attempting to locate Remote Control service... \n 271 ----- Attempting to load Remote Control service... \n 272 ----- Failed to load RC service... \n 273 ----- Successfully loaded RC service \n 274 ----- Creating service for %s... \n 275 ----- Service already exists... \n 276 ----- Creating service failed... \n 277 ----- Opening service %s... \n 278 ----- Stopping service %s... \n 279 ----- Service stopped \n 280 ----- Unhandled state stopping service... \n 281 ----- Service %s deleted... \n 282 ----- Service %s already marked for deletion... \n 283 ----- Service %s is not responding... \n 284 ----- Attempting to locate RC stream driver... \n 285 ----- Unable to open service %s... \n 286 ----- Succesfully opened service \n 287 ----- Registry settings incorrect \n 288 ----- Key %s value %s setting(s) incorrect. \n 289 ----- Unable to allocate/retrieve QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG structure \n 290 ServiceType 291 StartType 292 ErrorControl 293 LoadOrderGroup 294 \nRegistry Settings \n------------------------------------------------- \nKey Name: %s \n Current Required \nType: 0x%x 0x%x \nStart: 0x%x 0x%x \nError Control: 0x%x 0x%x \n \n 295 Performing user context RPC server test... \n 296 RPC server test result: %s \n \n 297 Installing the user context RPC server... \n 298 Uninstalling the user context RPC server... \n