Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES2 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE USER_OPTIONS modeSetup typeSetup targetPath vetPathOverride _sdRECT right bottom INI_INFO productSection tempPath targetPlatform productVer autoFileName productSpace winSpace isServerProduct DLG_SHOW displaySplash displayWelcome displayLicence promptTargetPath promptConfirm PRODUCT winShortName windowsName winMajorVersion winMinorVersion winNTType winBuildNumber winServicePack appFullName appShortName winDisk winDir processor _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Unable to determine which operating system is running on your computer.A PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT winShortName The operating system on your computer is not supported by this installation program.A PRODUCT processor PRODUCT processor Intel, PRODUCT processor Intel, PRODUCT processor Intel, PRODUCT processor Intel, PRODUCT processor Alpha, The CPU in this workstation is not supported by this installation program.A PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT windowsName Windows, PRODUCT winShortName Windows b! PRODUCT windowsName PRODUCT winMajorVersion PRODUCT winMajorVersion PRODUCT winMinorVersion PRODUCT winMinorVersion PRODUCT winMajorVersion PRODUCT winMinorVersion Unable to determine your Windows version number.A PRODUCT winShortName \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersiona CurrentBuildNumberR \SOFTWARE\Citrix! Unable to determine which build of Windows NT is running. Vet Resident Protection will not be installed on this computer.* 1057( 1381( Windows NT build number b has been $ detected. Vet Resident Protection is not supported on $ this build of Windows NT and will not be installed on $ this computer.* \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersiona CSDVersionR \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersiona SystemRootR PRODUCT winNTType Workstation \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptionsa ProductTypeR WINNT( PRODUCT winNTType Server PRODUCT winShortName \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona VersionNumberR \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona SystemRootR PRODUCT winBuildNumber PRODUCT winServicePack PRODUCT winDir PRODUCT winDisk USER_OPTIONS vetPathOverride USER_OPTIONS targetPath Unable to tokenise command-line arguments.A Missing command-line parameters.A /Master( Cannot call Installation Program for a Master Setup.A /Auto( /NoAuto( /IniFile=/ Ambiguous specification of initialisation file.A /VetPath=/ USER_OPTIONS targetPath USER_OPTIONS vetPathOverride Ambiguous specification of Vet path override value.A USER_OPTIONS modeSetup Mandatory specification of initialisation file is missing. This program must be called by Setup.* INI_INFO productSection Setupa Product SectionR Unable to read product section from Setup information file.A INI_INFO productSection INI_INFO productSection Product InformationR Unable to obtain name of Product Information file from Setup initialisation fileA PRODUCT appShortName Setupa Generic Product NameR PRODUCT appShortName INI_INFO productSection Temporary PathR INI_INFO tempPath INI_INFO tempPath INI_INFO tempPath INI_INFO targetPlatform Version Informationa Target PlatformR INI_INFO targetPlatform PRODUCT appFullName Version Informationa Product NameR PRODUCT appFullName INI_INFO productVer Version Informationa Version TextR INI_INFO productVer INI_INFO autoFileName Setup Parametersa Auto Options FileR INI_INFO autoFileName INI_INFO productSpace Setup Parametersa Product Space RequiredR INI_INFO productSpace INI_INFO winSpace Setup Parametersa Windows Space RequiredR INI_INFO winSpace INI_INFO isServerProduct Setup Parametersa Server ProductR INI_INFO isServerProduct A mandatory entry is missing from the Product Information file.A PRODUCT windowsName INI_INFO targetPlatform PRODUCT appShortName This version of b! can only be installed on INI_INFO targetPlatform Setup has detected that your computer is not $ running INI_INFO targetPlatform Please obtain a copy of PRODUCT appShortName that is suitable for your computer's operating $ system or contact your PRODUCT appShortName distributor.* PRODUCT winShortName VSSetup.objR PRODUCT winNTType Server( PRODUCT appShortName This version of b! can only be installed on a $ Windows NT Workstation. Setup has detected your computer is not running $ Windows NT Workstation. Please obtain a copy of PRODUCT appShortName that is suitable for your computer's operating system or contact your PRODUCT appShortName distributor.* PRODUCT appShortName PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT appShortName PRODUCT winShortName VETWIN32Vp5 PRODUCT winShortName VETWIN95Vp5 INI_INFO tempPath Unable to find the Automatic Options file.A INI_INFO tempPath Info Dialogsa Splash Screen2 DLG_SHOW displaySplash Info Dialogsa Welcome Screen2 DLG_SHOW displayWelcome Info Dialogsa Licence Agreement2 DLG_SHOW displayLicence Info Dialogsa Confirm Install2 DLG_SHOW promptConfirm Vet Program Directorya Auto Prompt2 DLG_SHOW promptTargetPath USER_OPTIONS targetPath Vet Program Directorya Vet DirectoryR A mandatory entry is missing from the Automatic Options file.A USER_OPTIONS targetPath PRODUCT appFullName PRODUCT appFullName SetupA USER_OPTIONS modeSetup INI_INFO autoFileName Master Installations are now invoked from the command line using: SETUP /MASTER If you are installing Vet to several networked computers, you may wish $ to use the Vet Master Installation. If you are installing Vet on a $ single computer, select a Typical or Custom Installation. We recommend that the Master Installation only be used by experienced $ system administrators. Further information about the Master Installation can be found in the $ current Vet manuals and in the online help.* USER_OPTIONS modeSetup @12001;1;255,0,255A @12004;1;255,0,255A @12003;1;255,0,255A Typical Install PRODUCT appFullName on this computer with options selected by most users. Recommended for most computers. Custom Install PRODUCT appFullName on this computer after customising Setup options. This option is for advanced users. Help for Master Installation How to access the Master Setup options. NOTE: These options may be used to install a new version or a update an existing version of PRODUCT appFullName USER_OPTIONS typeSetup Checking available installation options ... USER_OPTIONS typeSetup Setup OptionsaU Use the arrow keys and space bar or click to select the Setup Option you wish to run.B USER_OPTIONS typeSetup USER_OPTIONS typeSetup Error detecting Setup Option selectionA INI_INFO productSection INI_INFO productSection USER_OPTIONS targetPath Destination Pathb# USER_OPTIONS typeSetup INI_INFO productSection Configuration Typeb PRODUCT winShortName USER_OPTIONS typeSetup DLG_SHOW displaySplash DLG_SHOW displayWelcome DLG_SHOW displayLicence DLG_SHOW promptTargetPath DLG_SHOW promptConfirm DLG_SHOW displaySplash DLG_SHOW displayWelcome DLG_SHOW displayLicence DLG_SHOW promptTargetPath DLG_SHOW promptConfirm USER_OPTIONS typeSetup DLG_SHOW promptTargetPath DLG_SHOW displaySplash VET.BMP PRODUCT appFullName DLG_SHOW displayWelcome PRODUCT appFullName Welcome to the b! Setup program. This $ program will install PRODUCT appFullName on your computer. Welcomeb DLG_SHOW displayLicence Vet Licence Agreement% LICENCE.TXT Please read the following licence agreement. a6 Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement. Do you accept all the terms of the preceding licence agreement? aM If so, click on the 'Yes' push button. If you select 'No', Setup will close. USER_OPTIONS targetPath Setup is searching for an existing version of Vet ... PRODUCT winDisk USER_OPTIONS targetPath USER_OPTIONS targetPath PRODUCT winDir There is not enough disk space available on drive b for Windows system updates. Please free up some space.* There is not enough disk space available on drive b Please free up some space, or change the target location to another disk.* DLG_SHOW promptTargetPath USER_OPTIONS vetPathOverride USER_OPTIONS targetPath PRODUCT appShortName Setup will install b! in the Destination Directory. To install in the Destination Directory, choose the 'Next>' button. To install in a different directory, choose the 'Browse...' button. Choose Destination Locationb USER_OPTIONS targetPath INI_INFO productSpace PRODUCT winDir INI_INFO winSpace PRODUCT winShortName VETMON.INIa Generala vetpathR SYSTEM.INIa Vet Monitora vetpathR \SOFTWARE\Cybec\Vet Antivirus for Win32\Resident VetPath2 Vet.exeR Vet3x.exeR PRODUCT winShortName VetWin.exeR PRODUCT winShortName Vet95.exeR PRODUCT winShortName VetNT.exeR PRODUCT winShortName Vet.exe Vet.exeR TRASH( SHRED( RECYC DOSVET.IDR RECYC RECYC( Vet3x.exeR PRODUCT winShortName VetWin.exeR PRODUCT winShortName Vet95.exeR PRODUCT winShortName VetNT.exeR PRODUCT winShortName Vet.exeR DLG_SHOW promptConfirm USER_OPTIONS typeSetup Typical InstallA Custom InstallA Automatic InstallA Destination Directory:A USER_OPTIONS targetPath b! PRODUCT appShortName Setup has enough information to begin the file-transfer operation. $ If you want to review or change any of the settings, click '' to begin copying files. Check Setup Informationb" Unable to create directory: 'b Insufficient memory to complete the Setup. a% Close all applications and try again. Insufficient disk space on destination drive., Unable to open source file: 'b Cannot create destination file: 'b Destination File 'b ' is read only. Setup was unable to copy b to the destination path. Failed to Create Registry Key: b Failed to Delete Registry Key: b Failed to Insert Registry Value for: b Failed to Insert Registry Value for: b PRODUCT winShortName \SOFTWARE\Cybec! \VET for Windows 95\VET FloppyCheckR \VET Antivirus for Win32\Resident FloppyCheckb \VET for Windows 95 \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VETMACRO PRODUCT winShortName \VET Antivirus for Win32\Resident FileCheckR FileCheck! Failed to Delete Obsolete Registry Value: b :FileCheck* FloppyCheckR FloppyCheck! Failed to Delete Obsolete Registry Value: b :FloppyCheck* \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VetMsgNT DependOnServiceR DependOnService! Failed to Delete Obsolete Registry Value: b :DependOnService* LOADa VETRSWIN VETRSWIN% SETUP.EXE LOADb SETUP.EXE PRODUCT winDir PRODUCT winDir System.inib Win.inib PRODUCT winDir SYSTEM.INIa VET MonitorR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora MonitorExecR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora MonitorOpenR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora MonitorCloseR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora MonitorMoveR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora MonitorWinR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora FullScanR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora StartEarlyR SYSTEM.INIa VET Monitora VetPathR SYSTEM.INIB vetmac3x.386 vetrsvxd.386 VETMON95.vxd PRODUCT winShortName vetmon.386 SYSTEM.INIb device! SYSTEM.INIb ;; The following line commented out by Vet Setup. SYSTEM.INIb SYSTEM.INIb WIN.INIa WINDOWSb WIN.INIa WINDOWSb USER_OPTIONS targetPath README.TXTR USER_OPTIONS targetPath README.TXT USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET.XLSR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET.XLS PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT winDir System32\Drivers) VETFDMSG.DLLR PRODUCT winDir System32\Drivers VETFDMSG.DLL USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE) VS.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE VS.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE) VDATE.DLLR USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE VDATE.DLL USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE) CMDSTUB.DLLR USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE CMDSTUB.DLL PRODUCT winShortName USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETMACRO.VXDR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETMACRO.VXD USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRES95.VXDR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRES95.VXD USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETIFW95.VXDR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETIFW95.VXD PRODUCT winShortName USER_OPTIONS targetPath VMSETUP.EXER VET Interfacea Resident Protection USER_OPTIONS targetPath VMSETUP.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath READLOG.EXER VET Interfacea Read VET Log USER_OPTIONS targetPath READLOG.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETWIN.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETWIN.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_RES.DATR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_RES.DAT USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_RES.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_RES.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_MSG.DATR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_MSG.DAT USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSINF.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSINF.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET.COMR USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET.COM USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_XTND.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET_XTND.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETMAC3X.386R USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETMAC3X.386 USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSVXD.386R USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSVXD.386 USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSWIN.EXER USER_OPTIONS targetPath VETRSWIN.EXE Unable to terminate active application: b PRODUCT winShortName VetTray.exea #32770a Vet Resident Protection StatusA PRODUCT winShortName Progressa Vet Progress MeterAd Progressa Vet Progress MeterA #32770a Vet Progress MeterAd #32770a Vet Progress MeterA VetMon.inia Generala VetPathR Vet for Windows 3.1x b VetFrameWindowb Vet3x.exea VetFrameWindowb PRODUCT winShortName #32770a Vet Progress MeterAd #32770a Vet Progress MeterA Vet95a Vet for Windows 95Ad Vet95.exea Vet95a Vet for Windows 95A PRODUCT winShortName #32770a Vet Progress MeterAd #32770a Vet Progress MeterA VetNTa Vet for Windows NTAd VetNT.exea VetNTa Vet for Windows NTA VETCO1.bmp USER_OPTIONS targetPath README.HLPR Setup is extracting Vet product files ... README.HLPa README.HLP PRODUCT winShortName README.CNTa README.CNT WIZARD32.HLPR Setup is extracting Vet product files ... WIZARD32.HLPa WIZARD32.HLP WIZARD32.CNTa WIZARD32.CNT WIZARD.HLPR Setup is extracting Vet product files ... WIZARD.HLPa WIZARD.HLP Copy Files DATA.Za PROGRAM\*.*A DATA.Za HELP\*.*A VET.CFGR DATA.Za DOSVET\*.*A PRODUCT winShortName USER_OPTIONS targetPath Drivers DATA.Za WINSYS32\*.*A DATA.Za WINSYS32\DRIVERS\*.*A PRODUCT winBuildNumber 1057( PRODUCT processor Intel( DATA.Za NT1057\WINSYS32\DRIVERS\*.*A PRODUCT winBuildNumber 1381( DATA.Za" NT1381\COMMON\WINSYS32\DRIVERS\*.*A PRODUCT winServicePack Service Pack 2( PRODUCT processor Intel( DATA.Za" NT1381\SPACK2\WINSYS32\DRIVERS\*.*A DATA.Za! NT1381\NOSP2\WINSYS32\DRIVERS\*.*A INI_INFO isServerProduct USER_OPTIONS targetPath SCHEDULE DATA.Za SERVER\SCHEDULE\PROGRAM\*.*A DATA.Za SERVER\SCHEDULE\HELP\*.*A DATA.Za SERVER\SCHEDULE\WINSYS32\*.*A PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT winDir System% IOSUBSYS DATA.Za IOSUBSYS\*.*A PRODUCT windowsName Windows( PRODUCT winDir DATA.Za WINDOWS\*.*A USER_OPTIONS targetPath DATA.Za DOCUMENT\*.*A DATA.Za MISC\*.*A Setup is extracting Vet product files ... d USER_OPTIONS modeSetup Unable to create directory under 'b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error (b Please check your target location and try again.* Setting up program file ... PRODUCT winShortName PRODUCT appShortName USER_OPTIONS targetPath Vet32.exeR USER_OPTIONS targetPath USER_OPTIONS targetPath Setting up program file ... USER_OPTIONS targetPath USER_OPTIONS targetPath Vet32.exeb Creating Program Folder and Icons ... PRODUCT winShortName VET Interface Vet Anti-Virus for Windows USER_OPTIONS targetPath VET3X.EXE USER_OPTIONS targetPath Vet Anti-Virusb USER_OPTIONS targetPath README.HLPR USER_OPTIONS targetPath README.HLP$ WINHELP.EXE b USER_OPTIONS targetPath Manual Updateb USER_OPTIONS targetPath VIRUSES.HLP$ WINHELP.EXE b USER_OPTIONS targetPath Virus Specificationsb Creating Program Folder and Icons ... PRODUCT winMajorVersion Registering product with Windows ... F Cybeca VET Antivirus for Win32a 0.5a vet32.exe USER_OPTIONS targetPath PRODUCT appShortName .exeG USER_OPTIONS targetPath \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b PRODUCT appFullName DisplayNameb! PRODUCT winDir UnVet32.exe UninstallStringb Setup is removing obsolete Vet components (from a previous version) ... Done.! edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA _EWQ> _MRQ$ 3.00.077