FREE Download!!!

"Installation is easy ... This really is a boon compared to other products which use multiple disks, and it makes you wonder how such a rich product can be fitted onto two disks." LAN magazine, June 1996

Download a fully working copy of OfficeTalk completely FREE of charge and we will provide you with a FREE OfficeTalk Initial User licence that can be used as the first user in your OfficeTalk workgroup or to permanently enable OfficeTalk as a single user PIM. Our Evaluation Guide providing all the necessary documentation to install and start using the product can also be downloaded in either MS Word format (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

The version of OfficeTalk available for download is for evaluation purposes; if you choose to implement OfficeTalk, it can be permanently enabled with no loss of data. Once installed it allows up to one hundred users to experience the benefits of the best Workgroup Information Manager for sixty days. After this time the product can be permanently enabled for any number of users, for just ú50 ($75) per user (or less with license packs - see our Price List for details), by purchasing the relevant user license and entering a unique keycode available from us by E-Mail.

To register for your FREE initial user license and benefit from FREE technical support (via E-Mail & Fax) during your evaluation period, E-Mail your contact details (name, company, position, postal address, country, telephone no., fax no. and E-Mail address) to us NOW.

We will E-Mail you a license number by return. The license number entitles you to free technical support by E-Mail and Fax whilst you evaluate OfficeTalk. If at the end of your evaluation you would like to continue to use OfficeTalk across your workgroup, we will provide your first user license completely free of charge. If you would like to use OfficeTalk as a PIM, simply request a keycode which we will provide at no further charge. The Free OfficeTalk license offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.


Download OfficeTalk Version 1.51 (approx. 1,986 Kb - Published 9/10/96)

Download OfficeTalk Evaluation Guide - MS Word Format (approx. 324 Kb)
Download OfficeTalk Evaluation Guide - Adobe Acrobat Format (approx. 444 Kb)

All files available for download are compressed as self-extracting .exe files and will prompt you for a destination directory when first executed from within MS Windows.

Please Note: Users running OfficeTalk Version 1.51 on Windows 95 with OfficeTalk's External MAPI Support activated may experience some anomalous screen behaviour. OfficeTalk may become the active application when a check for new mail is made. If OfficeTalk is minimised before switching to other applications this will not occur. The problem is due to an inconsistency in Microsoft's MAPI support for 16-bit applications within the current releases of Windows 95. Microsoft have acknowledged the problem but have not indicated an intention to fix it. If this behaviour should cause difficulties an alternative OfficeTalk executable is available which makes different compromises, please E-Mail us for details. This behaviour is NOT observed on platforms other than Windows 95 or when External MAPI Support is disabled.

[Main Page] [OfficeTalk Overview] [FAXmaker Overview] [WIG Overview]

Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
Last Updated: 3/2/96
Webmaster: Karl Flower