Networked Contact Management

OfficeTalk provides a rich set of contact management features. The Contact Manager lets you add contacts, schedule follow-up tasks, record conversations and other events, define contact groups containing companies and individual contacts, print labels, export mail merge files to word-processors and a whole lot more.

The Contact Manager contains several different views on your contact data. Company View shows company information, the site address and a list of employees (contacts) who work for the company. Contact View shows information specific to a particular contact, for example, the name and address of the company to which the contact belongs, if any, and the contact's home address, title, position etc.

The Directory View shows both company and contact information in a telephone directory format. Conversation View shows conversations, meetings and other events that you and other users have documented with contacts, together with any attached files.

OfficeTalk's contact management facilities have been considerably enhanced by the additional functionality provided by OfficeTalk V1.51.
"It has a rich set of contact management features, but isnÆt over fussy ... I particularly liked OfficeTalkÆs ability to link to any word processor to create documents and then archive those documents against the contacts in OfficeTalkÆs central database."
Paul Begg, Personal Computer World, June 1996

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Last Updated: 25/9/96 - Under Construction
Webmaster: Karl Flower