Magic Shoes
Start multiple programs with a Shortcut.

You can create a Shortcut to open multiple programs and files at once. This is helpful when a project requires the same applications and files repeatedly.

To create a project Shortcut:
  1. Create the STARTGRP.BAT file.
  2. Edit the STARTGRP.BAT file.
  3. Create the STARTGRP Shortcut.

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To create the STARTGRP.BAT file:
  1. Use Explorer or My Computer to open the Windows folder.
  2. From the View menu, choose Options.
    The Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click the View tab.
  4. Uncheck the Hide MS-DOS checkbox.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Right-click a clear area of the desktop.
    The context menu appears.
  7. Hold the mouse cursor over New.
    The cascading menu appears.

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  8. Click Text Document
    A new text document icon appears.
  9. Type STARTGRP.BAT and press Enter.
    You are asked to confirm the Rename action.
  10. Click Yes.
  11. Check the Hide MS-DOS checkbox.
  12. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
  13. Click STARTGRP.BAT and hold the mouse button down as you drag the icon to the Windows folder.

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To edit the STARTGRP.BAT file:
  1. Right-click the STARTGRP.BAT icon that you just created.
    The context menu appears.
  2. Click Edit.
    Notepad appears.
  3. For each program, file, or folder you wish to open, add a separate line as follows:
    START "[complete pathname]"
    For example, to open the Windows folder add a line that reads:

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  4. Select Save from the File menu.
  5. Select Exit from the File menu.
To create the STARTGRP Shortcut:
  1. Right-click the STARTGRP.BAT icon that you just created.
    The context menu appears.
  2. Click Create Shortcut.
    A Shortcut to STARTGRP.BAT is created.
  3. Click the Shortcut and hold the mouse button down as you drag the Shortcut to the desired location on the Windows desktop.

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