QUANTIK QUANTIK is a game of interconnecting blocks. One by one, block pieces appear anywhere on the playing grid. The player picks them up with a mouse click (or a keyboard key stroke). Others mouse clicks (or key strokes) allow the user to turn pieces and move them. When a horizontal line is completed, it disappears, freeing playing space up. Left over squares from broken pieces can be picked up as normal pieces. PC hardware/software requirements: - VGA screen, - 80286 processor (or faster), - 512Ko memory (minimum), - MS-DOS 3.0 (or later), - mouse. QUANTIQ consists of: 1) QUANTIK.EXE with help file (.hyp) and options file (.cfg) 2) the printable documentation: quantik.doc 3) the registration letter: register.txt 4) the menu picture: quantik.mdl 5) files of pieces: pieces1.pce, pieces2.pce, etc... 6) files of colors: animat.pal and quantik.pal 7) a font file: trip.chr 8) the file of sounds: example.son 9) files of scores: pieces1.sco and pieces2.sco 10) this file: read_me.txt 11) distributors' texts and picture: vendors.txt, file_id.diz, quantik.tif All above files must be in the same directory; this directory must be the current directory. You do not have to copy the software onto your hard disk. However, if you run from a CD-ROM, error messages will appear as it is impossible to write to a CD-ROM. Please answer appropriately (i.e. 'Return' or 'A' for Abort) to each message. If you register: - you can change the shape and the color of pieces; - the message about registration at the end disappears. If you want to give Quantik to your friends to try it out, I would be delighted, but only give them the unregistered version (shareware concept). Copyright (c) 1994, Marianne ROGER, Emmanuel CHANTREAU. This software is registered at the Agency for Software Protection: AGENCE POUR LA PROTECTION DES PROGRAMMES, 119 rue de Flandre 75009 PARIS FRANCE. IDDN.FR.001.130008.00.R.P.1994.000.00000 Users of Quantik must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Quantik is supplied 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Quantik." This software verifies the integrity of the program each time it runs. If it detects any change, a message appears and the program stops, to avoid the propagation of a possible virus.