================================== Goodnite version 2.00 ================================== Please help me to turn off all the lights so that I can have a sweet dream. ================================== Installation ================================== Install GoodniteCard.prc (support color and b/w) to your palm To uninstall it, just delete the above file from your machine Can be installed to Card to save main memory if you wish ================================== Contact ================================== Name: Oscar Leung ICQ: 25008470 Email: oscar@oscarhk.com Web: oscarhk.com/palm ================================== 晚安 2.00版本 ================================== 請幫忙將所有燈關上,讓我有一個美夢 ================================== 安裝 ================================== 安裝 GoodniteCard.prc(支援彩色及黑白) 如要解除安裝,只需將上述檔案刪除便可 可安裝於記憶卡直接執行程式 ================================== 聯絡 ================================== 作者: Oscar Leung ICQ: 25008470 電郵: oscar@oscarhk.com 網站: oscarhk.com/palm 06-01-2003 version 2.0 - Run much faster!! - Support OS5 - Support Memory Card 28-07-2001 Version 1.0 Released