ODIUM DEMO August 17, 1999 Copyright 1999 Monolith Productions, Inc. ****************************************************************** 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2. ISTALLATION 3. ODIUM LAUNCHER 4. GENERAL GAMEPLAY AND CONTROLS 5. KNOWN ISSUES 6. FAQ 7. ORDERING INFORMATION ****************************************************************** 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Windows(r) 95/98 Pentium(r) 200 MMX without a 3D accelerator or a Pentium 166 with a 3D accelerator 32 MB RAM Direct XTM 6.1 compatible video card Windows compatible sound card 4x CD ROM drive Mouse and keyboard Media Player 6.2 or later is required for video playback ****************************************************************** 2. INSTALLATION To install the demo, click on the Odium Demo self-extracting archive, specify the directory you wish to use for installation, and then click the 'Extract' button. After installation is completed, click on Odium.exe or select Odium Demo from the Start Menu to launch the game. ****************************************************************** 3. ODIUM LAUNCHER A dialogue appears when Odium is launched allowing you to select the renderer of your choice (Software Renderer, Primary Display Driver/RGB Emulation, or Primary Display Driver/Direct 3D HAL) and to enable hardware zoom. 3.1 SOFTWARE RENDERER To run Odium without 3D hardware acceleration, choose Software Renderer from the list in the Renderers window. If you are uncertain about whether your video card has 3D hardware acceleration features, please refer to your card's documentation. 3.2 PRIMARY DISPLAY DRIVER/RGB EMULATION This option offers some visual effects beyond what the software renderer can do, but at a cost to performance. It is only recommended for faster systems without 3D hardware acceleration. 3.3 PRIMARY DISPLAY DRIVER/DIRECT 3D HAL To use 3D hardware acceleration (if you have a Direct3D-compatible 3D video card installed in your computer), choose this option or the appropriate entry for your secondary hardware accelerating video card (i.e. "Voodoo 2 DirectX 6 Driver/Direct 3D HAL" for cards based on the 3DFX Voodoo 2 chipset). Not all video cards support 3D hardware acceleration. If you are uncertain about whether your video card has 3D hardware acceleration features, please refer to your card's documentation. 3.4 DISABLE HARDWARE ZOOM This option forces the program to emulate the zooming effect with the software renderer, which is useful if the hardware zoom has flickering problems. This problem is very rare and thus this option should be used rarely. ****************************************************************** 4. GENERAL GAMEPLAY AND CONTROLS Odium's gameplay consists of two modes - Adventure mode and Battle mode. In Adventure mode, players explore large environments, find and use items, and gather information through dialogues. In Battle mode, players use strategy and a variety of weapons to combat enemies in close quarters. 4.1 EQUIPPING ITEMS During Adventure mode, left-click on the backpack icon in the bottom-left corner of the console to bring up the subscreen. Left-click on the character portrait at the top that you want to select, then click on the pistol icon to view the weapons available. Left-click on the weapon of choice and then place it in the middle box (the hand box) within the character box in the middle of the screen to equip the weapon. If you want to equip an item, choose the cross icon instead of the pistol icon and follow the same steps. During a battle scene, you can click on the "up" arrow on the left side of the console to view a specific character's items and weapons. Scroll through the list to find the item or weapon you want, then left-click on it. If it is an item, you can then point the cross icon over the character you wish to use the item on and left-click again to equip it. If it is a weapon, a red crosshair will appear on the ground, showing you where you can fire the weapon. Aim the red crosshair on the red square that you would like to attack, and left-click once to fire the weapon. If you do not wish to attack, but simply wish to arm yourself, right-click once after arming the weapon to cancel the attack. 4.2 USING ITEMS In Adventure mode, left-click the picture of the item in the console at the bottom of the screen, then left-click on either the character portrait, or click on the character itself to use the item. In battle, the same procedure is used, but you can only use the item when it is your turn. Click on the item, choose the character to use it on, then left-click on that character to use the item. 4.3 COMBAT When you first start a battle, you will see a big green grid on the ground. This represents the areas that your character can move to. Once you have moved to the square of choice and you are ready to attack, press the right mouse button to make a red grid appear on the ground. This is your attack grid. Each weapon in the game has a different number of attack grid squares and also a different configuration of grid squares. The knife, for example, only allows you to attack in one space to each side of your character. If you choose the rifle, you will be able to shoot it much farther, say five or six squares in front or behind you. Once you have the battle grid up, aim the red crosshairs at the enemy you want to attack to see the name of the enemy as well as their hit points. If you can attack him, the crosshairs will turn bright red. Left-click and your character will attack the enemy. Press the TAB key to bring up or lower the grid during combat at any time. 4.4 OPENING CHESTS AND PICKING UP ITEMS While walking around in Adventure mode, you will come across items such as notes on the ground and treasure chests. If you place the cursor over the item, it will tell you what the item is. Right-click on the item to walk over to it and you can choose to pick it up (if it is a note), or open it (if it is a chest). Once the chest is open, you can select which items to take, or simply take them all. 4.5 SAVING AND LOADING THE GAME The game can only be saved in Adventure mode and not during combat. When you are in Adventure mode, press 'ESC' to access the Main Menu, choose the Save option, and then click on one of the save files. Rename the save file to the title of your choosing, then press 'ENTER'. Once this is done, press ESC twice to return to game play. To load a saved file, choose the Load option from the Main Menu and left-click on the file of your choice. ****************************************************************** 5. KNOWN ISSUES Some hardware accelerator video cards may have some problems aligning alpha masks with sprites and, in some rare instances, may not work at all. As a solution, we recommend first obtaining the latest drivers for your video card as this frequently improves performance. The software renderer is also available if the problem continues. In some rare instances, the game may hang when after retrieving items from the box in the room adjacent to grandma or upon entering the citadel. Starting again from a your last save should not be a problem if this happens. ****************************************************************** 6. FAQ How can I skip the cut scenes that play? You cannot. These cut scenes are meant to explain what to do in the game and explain the games' story line. If you could bypass them, you would not know where to go or what to do. My turn won't end... why? Once all your moves are done, or you just want to end your turn, press the bent arrow button that's on the console, on the far right side, just to the right of the Turn counter. That will end your turn. My console disappeared! How do I get it back? Your console disappeared, most likely, because you pressed the Space Bar while you were playing the game. To get the console back again, just press the Space Bar once more. What's up with the Shotgun, Matches and Transmitter? I can't reach the shotgun and the matches and transmitter don't do anything! Those items aren't used in the demo. The Shotgun cannot be reached and the Matches and Transmitter hold no purpose for the demo. ****************************************************************** 7. ORDERING INFORAMTION To order your copy of Odium or obtain additional information, please visit the Monolith Website at http://www.lith.com/odium/