ACROPHOBIA READ ME This disk includes the Acrophobia setup application. Acrophobia is a hilarious word game you play against other people via the Internet using IRC or Internet Reley Chat. The AcroSetup.exe application will install all the files that you need to play. If you are a first time player of ACROPHOBIA, here's how to get started: 1. Copy 'AcroSetup.exe' to your desktop. 2. Connect to the Internet. 3. Double click on AcroSetup.exe to run the installation. 4. Once the installation is finished, you can begin play! Minimum system requirements: PC 486/66 Windows '95 12M RAM 10M hard disk space 16-bit sound card and speakers Minimum display 640x480 with 256 colors Internet access at 28.8 bits per second or faster 32-bit TCP/IP Browsers Supported: Netscape 3.0 or later, Internet Explorer 3.0 or later Go Bezerk at ! [CB - 9/97] Copyright © 1998 Berkeley Systems Inc.