101 Start new battle\nNew Battle 102 Open old battle\nOld Battle 103 Save current battle\nSave Battle 104 Save current battle under different name\nSave Battle As 105 Replay recorded battle file\nReplay Battle 106 Exit program\nExit 201 Advance to next player turn\nNext Turn 202 Advance to next phase\nNext Phase 301 Move selected units to top of stack\nTop of Stack 302 Move selected units to bottom of stack\nBottom of Stack 303 Load or unload selected units\nLoad/Unload 304 Toggle Digging-In state of selected units\nDigging-In 305 Initiate Double-Time for selected units\nDouble Time 306 Toggle firing cost set aside\nSave AP's for Firing 307 Toggle unloading cost set aside\nSave AP's for Unloading 308 Initiate air attack against current hex\nAir Attack 309 Display Artillery Dialog\nArtillery Dialog 310 Assign opportunity fire limits to current side\nOp Fire Limits 311 Remove units from map\nRemove Units 312 Undo last move\nUndo Move 401 Cancel current assault\nCancel Assault 402 Add units to assault\nAdd to Assault 403 Resolve current assault\nResolve Assault 404 Show odds of current assault\nShow Assault Odds 501 Display scheduled units\nShow Scheduled 502 Display arrived units\nShow Arrived 503 Display list of releases\nReleases 601 Display scenario information dialog\nScenario Info 602 Display current strengths\nShow Strengths 603 Display objectives\nShow Objectives 604 Display victory conditions\nShow Victory 701 Toggle display of units\nToggle Units 702 Toggle display of bases\nToggle Bases 703 Toggle display of specials\nToggle Specials 704 Toggle display of objectives\nToggle Objectives 705 Display Locations Dialog\nLocations Dialog 706 Toggle display of visible hexes\nVisible Hexes 707 Toggle display of hexes that can be moved to\nReachable Hexes 709 Display Find Dialog\nFind Dialog 710 Display Jump Map\nJump Map 711 Toggle elevation contours\nToggle Contours 712 Display zoom-out 2D map\nZoom-Out 2D Map 713 Toggle opaque Infobox\nOpaque Infobox 714 Toggle display of on-map Thermometers\nThermometers 715 Display normal 2D map\nNormal 2D Map 716 Display normal 3D map\nNormal 3D Map 717 Display zoom-out 3D map\nZoom-Out 3D Map 718 Display extreme zoom-out 3D map\nExt Zoom-Out 3D Map 719 Display map from opposite side\nRotate Map 801 Highlight spotted units\nHighlight Spotted 802 Highlight units that have fired or fought\nHighlight Fired/Fought 803 Highlight units that have moved\nHighlight Moved 804 Highlight disrupted units\nHighlight Disrupted 805 Highlight units or HQs Low or Out-Of-Ammo\nHighlight Low/Out-Of-Ammo 806 Highlight indirect fire units\nHighlight Indirect Fire 807 Highlight units based on organization\nHighlight Organization 808 Highlight mine-clearing units\nHighlight Mine-Clearing 809 Highlight leaders\nHighlight Leaders 810 Highlight headquarters\nHighlight Headquarters 811 Highlight fixed units\nHighlight Fixed Units 812 Highlight anti-aircraft units\nHighlight Anti-Aircraft 900 Establish Allied Manual A/I\nAllied Manual A/I 901 Establish Allied Computer A/I\nAllied Auto A/I 902 Establish Allied Computer A/I with FOW\nAllied Computer FOW A/I 903 Establish Axis Manual A/I\nAxis Manual A/I 904 Establish Axis Computer A/I\nAxis Auto A/I 905 Establish Axis Computer A/I with FOW\nAxis Computer FOW A/I 906 Activate A/I\nActivate A/I 907 Modify advantage values\nAdvantage 1001 Toggle Modem Host mode\nModem Host 1002 Toggle Modem Caller mode\nModem Caller 1003 Toggle Play-By-E-Mail mode\nPBEM 1004 Toggle Two-Player Hot-Seat Mode\nHot Seat 1005 Toggle Record mode\nRecord 1006 Establish new encryption key\nEncryption Key 1007 Restart playback of recorded battle\nRestart Playback 1008 Display Chat Dialog\nChat Dialog 1101 Toggle display of Title Bar\nTitle Bar 1102 Toggle display of Menu Bar\nMenu Bar 1103 Toggle Windows standard display\nWindows Standard 1104 Toggle prompting for new battle\nPrompt for New Battle 1105 Toggle beeping on error\nBeeping on Error 1106 Toggle hiding of 3D hot spot\nHide 3D Hot Spot 1107 Toggle blinking of hot spot\nBlinking of Hot Spot 1108 Toggle auto map scroll mode\nAuto Scroll 1109 Toggle smooth scroll\nSmooth Scroll 1110 Toggle playing of sound effects\nSound Effects 1111 Toggle playing of background music\nBackground Music 1112 Toggle playing of background sound\nBackground Sound 1113 Toggle display of Unit List\nUnit List 1114 Toggle display of graphical icons\nGraphical Icons 1115 Toggle display of hex outlines\nHex Outlines 1116 Toggle auto-save mode\nAuto-Save 1117 Automatically save AP's for firing at start of turn\nAuto Save AP's for Firing 1118 Track unit fire values on map\nTrack Fire Values 1119 Display objectives at start of program\nObjectives Initially On 1120 Toggle fast computer player mode\nFast Computer Player 1121 Ask before advancing Turn\nAdvance Turn Option 1122 Display Optional Rule Dialog\nOptional Rule Dialog 1201 Report results in low detail\nLow Details 1202 Report results in medium detail\nMedium Details 1203 Report results in high detail\nHigh Details 1204 Report results in extreme detail\nExtreme Details 1301 Establish last view as initial view\nLast View 1302 Establish zoom-out 2D view as initial view\nZoom-Out 2D Initial View 1303 Establish normal 2D view as initial view\nNormal 2D Initial View 1304 Establish normal 3D view as initial view\nNormal 3D Initial view 1305 Establish zoom-out 3D view as initial view\nZoom-Out 3D Initial View 1306 Establish extreme zoom-out 3D view as initial view\nExt Zoom-Out 3D Initial View 1401 Display help file\nHelp 1402 Display Unit Handbook\nUnit Handbook 1403 Display Scenario Data\nScenario Data 1404 Display unit data help file\nUnit Data 1405 Display weapon data help file\nWeapon Data 1406 Display information about program\nAbout 1500 Zoom-In map\nZoom-In 1501 Zoom-Out map\nZoom-Out 1502 Cycle units in stack\nCycle Stack 1503 Advance to next unit\nNext Unit 1505 Toggle continuous mode\nContinuous Mode 1601 Toggle mode to move or fire units\nMove/Fire Mode 1809 Turn selected units counterclockwise\nTurn Counterclockwise 1810 Turn selected units clockwise\nTurn Clockwise 57345 Ready