F-16 Multirole Fighter README Contents: System Requirements Getting Started Multiplayer 3DFX Support Keychart Technical Support System Requirements: ==================== CPU: Pentium 120 mHz (3dfx card recommended) Ram: 16 meg OS: Windows 95 Getting Started: ================ The installer places icons to run the game, read this readme file, and to uninstall the game in your start menu. To play F-16 you only need a mouse and keyboard. A joystick is not required. To start a single player mission, select Quick Mission. The game will only load the single player mission available on this demo. Select Accept to proceed. You can view the map or change your loadout if desired. Hit Accept to begin the mission. Multiplayer: ============ This demo only supports multiplayer on Novaworld. To use NovaWorld you will need an internet connection. The full version will provide other multiplayer options (serial, modem, LAN, and internet). Novaworld is the free online gaming site provided by NovaLogic. From within the game, choose your "default browser" or our "mini-browser" to connect to Novaworld. Your play time on Novaworld will be limited. 3DFX Support: ============= F-16 supports 3dfx compatable cards. If you experience problems it may be because you do not have the correct Glide drivers. If you have a Voodoo 1 card, you need to have Glide 2.43 version drivers or greater. If you have Voodoo 2, you need Glide 2.51 version drivers or greater. These can be obtained from the 3dfx website at http://www.3dfx.com or from your card's manufacturer. Keychart: ========= Aircraft Control ---------------- Pitch Down Forward Arrow Joystick Forward Pitch Up Back Arrow Joystick Back Bank Left Left Arrow Joystick Left Bank Right Right Arrow Joystick Right Rudder Left Delete Rudder Left Rudder Right Page Down Rudder Right Brakes B Flaps Up/Down F Gear Up/Down G Targetting ---------- Create Shootlist Enter Next Target Tab Joystick Button 4 Cycle Targets Up/Down [/] Boresight Target ' Weapons ------- Fire Cannon Z Joystick Button 1 Fire Selected Weapon Space Joystick Button 2 Select Next Weapon ` Joystick Button 3 Deselect Weapon 1 Select Cannon 2 Select Medium Range AAM 3 Select Short Range AAM 4 Select Medium Range AGM Ctrl+1 Select Short Range AGM Ctrl+2 Select Bombs Ctrl+3 Select Fuelpod Ctrl+4 Views ----- Cockpit View F1 POV View F2 Chase View F3 Fly-By View F4 Wingman View F6 Target View F8 Look Forward Numpad - Hat Forward Look Left Numpad / Hat Left Look Right Numpad * Hat Right Check Six Numpad + Hat Back HUD View Numpad 8 Stick View Numpad 3 Throttle View Numpad 1 Avionics -------- Attack Display Numpad 6 Defense Display Numpad 4 Artificial Horizon Display Numpad 9 Navigation Display Numpad 5 Status Display Numpad 7 Stores Display Numpad 2 Engines ------- Engines Off 5 Throttle Idle 6 Throttle to 25% 7 Throttle to 50% 8 Throttle to 75% 9 Full Throttle 0 Full Afterburner Backspace Throttle Up/Down -/= Miscellaneous ------------- Abort Mission ESC Auto Level L Eject Ctrl+J End Mission End HUD Brighten/Darken ,/. HUD On/Off F9 Jettison Stores Ctrl+Z Launch Chaff C Launch Flare E Mission Goals M Next Waypoint N Recent Messages Y Time Compression F12 Wingman Commands W Multiplayer ----------- Chat T Squadron Chat Ctrl+T Player List P Score K Technical Support: ================== If you are having a problem you need assistance with, check our websites (http://www.novalogic.com or http://novaworld.net) for up-to-date information on the product. If you do not find the answer to your problem, you can contact us by the following means: email: support@novalogic.com When contacting us by email, note as completely as possible the nature of the problem and particulars about you system (CPU, speed, video and sound card types).