1 Properties 2 Reports 3 Quit 4 About %s... 5 Set Defaults 6 Dial Up Networking is NOT Installed 7 Dial Up Networking is Installed 8 Checking DialUp Networking... 9 Checking DialUp Adapter... 10 Dial Up Adapter is NOT Installed 11 Dial Up Adapter is Installed 12 NOT Installed 13 Installed 14 DialUp Networking 15 DialUp Adapter 16 TCP/IP Stack 17 Modem 18 Browser 19 Computer ID 20 Total Physical Memory 21 Available Physical Memory 22 Number of Processors 23 Percent of memory in use 24 Operating System 25 Windows Version 26 Processor Type 27 Windows Directory 28 Windows System Path 29 The file already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite this file? 30 Multimedia 31 \Elnlog 102 Support Rep 103 Description 104 Case Number 105 Software\EarthLinkNetwork\SupportWizard 106 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents\RNA 107 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 108 Installed 109 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Net 110 DriverDesc 111 Enum\Network\MSTCP 112 Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer 113 Software\NetScape 114 Startup 115 Username 116 CustomersName 117 CustomersPhone 118 Given to you by a representative 119 Support Representative 120 Your name goes here 121 A description of your problem goes here 122 username@earthlink.net 123 818-222-3333 124 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Modem\ 125 Software\EarthLinkNetwork\TotalAccess\Accounts\Default 126 FirstName 127 LastName 128 Username 129 HomePhone 130 Checking TCP/IP Status... 131 TCP/IP Stack is NOT Installed 132 TCP/IP Stack is Installed 133 Checking Modem(s)... 134 No modems are Installed 135 At least one modem is Installed 136 Checking Browsers... 137 No browser is Installed 138 At least one browser is Installed 139 You are about to reinstall Dial-Up Networking components.\nWould you like to continue? 140 You are about to reinstall TCP/IP Stack components.\nWould you like to continue? 141 You are about to reinstall Dial-Up Adapter components. \nWould you like to continue? 143 EarthLink Support Wizard 144 Please insert the %1 and click "Yes". 145 Serial No 146 Registration No 147 Tracking ID