1270 Localized 1407 Localized 1408 Localized 1512 Localize 1513 Localize 1514 Localize 1515 Localize 1516 Localize 1517 Localize 1518 Localize 1519 Localize 1520 Localize 1521 Localize 1522 Localize 40001 Opens Tile Window 40002 Opens Object Window 40003 Ready 40004 Show upto Level 1 40005 Show upto Level 2 40006 Show upto Level 3 40007 Show upto Level 4 40008 Show upto Level 5 40009 Show upto Level 6 40010 Open This File 40011 Open This File 40012 Open This File 40013 Open This File 40014 Error Saving Map 40015 Error - Cannot Write to File 40016 Place Information Token 40017 Save As Campaign? 40018 Saving Map... 40019 Loading Map... 40020 Error Loading Map 40021 Error - Cannot Read From File 40022 Edit Mission Ending 40023 Wrong Map Version 40024 Place Land Mines 40025 Loading Object Set... 40026 Place Multi-player Start Token 40027 Place Mission Exit Token 40028 Shows or hides Mini Map 40044 Open this document 40050 Run the active document 40053 Displays the program information and copyright 40054 Edit Weapons Availability 40098 Place NPC Reinforcement Token 40100 Shows or hides Tool Bar 40101 Shows or hides Status Bar 40106 Edit Mission Setup 40127 Shows and Hides Other Start Location for a character 40128 Shows or hides Turret 40130 Shows or hides Information Tokens 40131 Shows or hides Land Mines 40133 Shows or hides Mission Exit Locations 40135 Shows or hides Multi-player Start Locations 40141 Creates a new document 40142 Opens an existing document 40143 Closes the document 40144 Saves the document 40145 Saves the document with a new name 40146 Quits the application; prompts to save documents 40147 Undoes the last action 40148 Redoes the previously undone action 40149 &File 40150 Deletes the selection 40151 Edit Mission Accounting 40152 &Edit 40154 Copies the selection 40155 Inserts the previously copied selection 40156 Move the selection to a different cell 40157 &View 40158 Place a characters alternate start location 40159 Deletes the selection 40160 Shows or hides Characters and Vehicles 40161 V&iew 40162 &Options 40163 &Video Modes 40164 &Scrolling Speed 40165 Change Video Mode to 640 x 480 40166 Change Video Mode to 800 x 600 40167 Change Video Mode to 1024 x 768 40168 &Items 40169 &Ammunition 40170 &Pistols 40171 Basic Weapons 40172 Heavy Weapons 40173 Terminator Weapons 40174 Hand To Hand Weapons 40175 Grenades 40176 Equipment 40177 Canisters 40178 E&lements 40179 Ultramarine Vehicles 40180 Chaos Vehicles 40181 Trigger 40182 Reactor 40183 &Setup 40184 &Audio 40185 &CD Music 40186 &Windows 40187 &Help 40188 Ultramarine 40189 Chaos 40190 &Edit 40191 &Delete 40192 &Select 40193 &View 40222 Med Kit 40246 Map 40247 Secret Documents 40248 Blueprints 40249 Key 40250 Dog Tags 40251 Book 40258 Edit Center Object 40259 Edit Left Object 40260 Edit Right Object 40261 Edit All Objects 40262 Copies the selection 40263 Inserts the previously copied selection 40264 Shows or hides Overlay Grid 40265 Shows or hides Canister and Items 40294 Displays instructions on how to use help 40297 Hides all Windows 40299 Modify the selection 40327 Shows or hides Tile Window 40328 Shows or hides Object Window 40329 Shows or hides Macro Window 40333 Shows or hides Reinforcement Tokens 40336 Shows or hides Medical Entry Token 40339 Medical Entry Mode 40340 Place Medical Entry Token 40341 Metal Detector 40344 Edit Information Token 40345 Edit Character Stats 40346 Edit Tank Stats 40347 Edit Land Mine 40348 Edit Reinforcement Stats 40349 Delete Tile 40350 Delete Center Object 40351 Delete Left Object 40352 Delete Right Object 40353 Delete Canister/Items 40354 Delete Information Token 40355 Delete Character 40356 Delete Turret 40357 Delete Reinforcement 40358 Delete Land Mine 40359 Delete Medical Entry Token 40364 Edit Canister 40365 Cancels the menu 40366 Edit Canister 40367 Edit Information Token 40368 Edit Character 40369 Edit Turret/Tank Body 40370 Edit Reinforcement 40371 Edit Land Mine 40372 Refresh the entire map 40393 Will check all unchecked options and uncheck all checked options 40394 Shows or hides Token Window 40395 Shows or hides Token Window 40396 Edit Weapons Locker 40397 Place American Prisoner of War 40398 Turn sound effects off and on 40399 Turn wave music off and on 40400 Shows or hides Objects 40401 Shows or hides Canisters 40402 Shows or hides Characters 40403 Shows or hides Turrets 40404 Shows or hides Reinforcement Tokens 40405 Shows or hides Information Tokens 40406 Shows or hides Land Mines 40407 Shows or hides Medical Entry Token 40408 Shows or hides Multi-player Start Tokens 40409 Shows or hides Mission Exit Tokens 40412 Eject CD 40413 Play next track on CD 40414 Play previous track on CD 40415 Stop CD 40416 Play CD 40417 Pause CD 40418 Show upto Level 7 40420 Select Tile 40421 Select Center Object 40422 Select Left Object 40423 Select Right Object 40424 Select Canister 40425 Select Character 40426 Select Turret 40427 Select Reinforcement Token 40428 Select Information Token 40429 Select Land Mine 40430 Select Medical Entry Token 40432 Select Mission Exit Token 40433 Select Multi-player Start Token 40434 Causes cursor to hug terrain while scrolling 40435 Place Building Blackout Objects 40436 Causes cursor to hug terrain while scrolling 40437 Causes cursor to hug terrain while scrolling 40440 Shows or hides Building Blackout 40441 Delete Building Blackout 40442 Shows or hides Building Blackout 40443 Select Building Blackout 40444 Delete Multi-player Start Token 40445 Select Multi-player Start Token 40446 Change scroll speed to setting 1 40447 Change scroll speed to setting 2 40448 Change scroll speed to setting 3 40449 Change scroll speed to setting 4 40450 Change scroll speed to setting 5 40451 Shows or hides Tank Window 40452 Shows or hides Turret Window 40453 Shows or hides Character Window 40454 Shows or hides Turrets 40459 Shows or hides Item Window 40460 Delete Turrets 40461 Select Turret 40462 Shows or hides Turrets 40469 Find character using ID 40470 Scales the editing view 40472 Place Locked Door Tokens 40473 Shows or hides Locked Door Token 40474 Delete Locked Door Token 40475 Select Locked Door Token 40476 Shows or hides Locked Door Token 40478 Shows or hides Locked Door Token 40483 Show or Hide the Mission Objective Tokens 40485 Show and Hide Triggers 40486 Show and Hide triggers 40487 Show and Hide Reactors 40664 Delete Vehicle 40665 Delete Trigger 40666 Delete Reactor 40669 Place a Super Macro File on the Map 40670 Creates and Saves a SuperMacro File 40676 Chaplain 40677 Librarian 40678 Animated Objects Window 40679 Objects Window 40681 Chaos Sorcerer 40695 East 40708 Edit Campaign Mission Parameters 40709 Get To 40710 Kill 40711 Destroy 40712 Manipulate 40713 Pick Up 40714 Left Object 40715 Right Object 40716 Center Object 40717 Medi Pack 40718 Scanner 40719 Gene Seed 40720 Clip for 40721 WarHammer 40,000 Mission Builder 40722 Key 40723 Deleted Trigger 40724 Key 40725 Proximity 40726 Turn 40727 Character 40728 Minimum Enemies 40729 Button 40730 Destroy Object 40731 Door Lock 40732 Trap 40733 Information 40734 Generic Reinforcement 40735 Premade Reinforcement 40736 Deleted Reactor 40737 Cell Objective 40738 Character Objective 40739 Object Objective 40740 Item Objective 40741 Delete the Squad? 40742 Delete this Character? 40743 Deleted Vehicle? 40744 Ultramarine Rhino 40745 Ultramarine Predator 40746 Ultramarine Land Speeder 40747 Ultramarine Dreadnought 40748 Chaos Rhino 40749 Chaos Predator 40750 Chaos Dreadnought 40751 WarHammer 40,000 40752 New Game 40753 Load Game 40754 Multiplayer 40755 Options 40756 Quit 40757 New Campaign 40758 Single Scenario 40759 Random Scenario 40760 Back 40761 Load Game 40762 Back 40763 Cancel 40764 Back 40765 Space Marine 40766 Veteran 40767 Hero 40768 Mighty Hero 40769 Back 40770 Squads 40771 Special Characters 40772 Vehicles 40773 Map Size 40774 Load 40775 Back 40776 Animations 40777 Music 40778 Combat Voices 40779 Grid 40780 Show Paths 40781 Point Save 40782 Keyboard Settings 40783 Screen Resolution 40784 Music Volume 40785 Sound FX Volume 40786 Accept 40787 Play Movies 40788 Bolt Pistol Clip 40789 Plasma Pistol Clip 40790 Hand Flamer Clip 40791 Laspistol Clip 40792 MK1 Plasma Pistol Clip 40793 Bolter Clip 40794 Flamer Fuel 40795 Melta Gun Cell 40796 Plasma Gun Cell 40797 MK1 Plasma Gun Cell 40798 Heavy Bolter Clip 40799 Lascannon Cell 40800 MultiMelta Cell 40801 Autocannon Clip 40802 Storm Bolter Clip 40803 Assault Cannon Clip 40804 Heavy Flamer Fuel 40805 Heavy Plasma Cell 40806 Krak Missile 40807 Frag Missile 40808 Melta Missile 40809 Plasma Misile 40810 Blind Missile 40811 Anti-Plant Missile 40812 Krak Grenade 40813 Frag Grenade 40814 Blind Grenade 40815 Plasma Grenade 40816 Rad Grenade 40817 Vortex Grenade 40818 Stasis Grenade 40819 Anti-Plant Grenade 40820 Haywire Grenade 40821 Melta Bomb 40822 Special Weapons 40823 Go to Options 40824 Enter Combat 40825 Choose and Load Vehicles 40826 Choose and Configure Squads 40827 Mission Briefing 40828 Load Another Game 40829 Save This Game 40830 More Options 40831 Restart 40832 Quit 40833 Back 40834 Are you Sure? 40835 Yes 40836 No 40837 Save Game 40838 Tile 40839 Left Object 40840 Right Object 40841 Center Object 40842 All Objects 40843 Item 40844 Spell 40845 Reactor 40846 Objective 40847 Mission Exit 40848 Multiplayer 40849 Info 40850 Trigger 40851 Character 40852 Canister 40853 Black Out 40854 Nothing 40855 Turret 40856 Relocate 40857 Zoom 40858 Hug 40859 Level 40860 Mode 40861 On 40862 Off 40863 Cursor 40864 An unrecoverable error has occurred.\nPlease contact the software vendor for help. 40865 Number of Missions 40866 Number of Enemies Killed 40867 Experience 40868 Character Name 40869 Terminator Squad 40870 Terminator Seargent 40871 Terminator 40872 Tactical Squad 40873 Tactical Seargent 40874 Tactical Marine 40875 Assault Squad 40876 Assault Seargent 40877 Assault Trooper 40878 Devastator Squad 40879 Devastator Seargent 40880 Devastator 40881 No Terminator Honors 40882 No Terminator Armor Available 40883 Marksman Honor 40884 Crux Terminatus 40885 Purity Seal 40886 Imperial Laurel 40887 Character Portrait 40888 Ultramarines Land Speeder 40889 Ultramarines Predator 40890 Ultramarines Rhino 40891 Dreadnought 40892 Chaos Predator 40893 Chaos Rhino 40894 Chaos Dreadnought 40895 Back to the Cathedral Bridge 40896 Configure Selected Squads 40897 Previous Vehicle 40898 Next Vehicle 40899 Select Vehicle 40900 Deselect Vehicle 40901 Done 40902 Passenger Slot 1 40903 Passenger Slot 2 40904 Passenger Slot 3 40905 Passenger Slot 4 40906 Passenger Slot 5 40907 Passenger Slot 6 40908 Passenger Slot 7 40909 Passenger Slot 8 40910 Passenger Slot 9 40911 Passenger Slot 10 40912 DONE 40913 CANCEL 40914 Press a key for this action 40915 Credits 40916 Previous Item 40917 Next Item 40918 Exit 40919 That key is assigned to another action. 50670 Tactical 50671 Assault 50672 Devastator 50673 Terminator 50674 Apothecary 50675 TechMarine 50678 Chaos Marine 50679 Chaos Lord 50680 Chaos Chaplain 50682 Chaos Terminator 50683 Khorne Berzerker 50684 Blood Thurster 50685 Blood Letter 50686 Flesh Hound 50687 Lord of Change 50688 Flammer 50689 Pink Horror 50690 Blue Horror 50691 Chaos Cultist 50692 Captain 50693 North 50694 North East 50696 South East 50697 South 50698 South West 50699 West 50700 North West 50701 %s - WarHammer 40,000 -- Mission Builder 50702 Any 50703 Techmarine 50704 Chaplain 50705 Apothecary 50706 Instant Victory 50707 Instant Defeat 50708 One Objective Met 50709 Red Key 50710 Green Key 50711 Blue Key 50712 Combi-Bolter Ammo 50713 Combi-Melta Ammo 50714 Combi-Flamer Ammo 50715 ACTION POINTS 50716 HEALTH 50717 ARMOR 50718 BALISTIC SKILL 50719 WEAPON SKILL 50720 STRENGTH 50721 TOUGHNESS 50722 INITIATIVE 50723 ATTACKS 50724 LEADERSHIP 50725 EXIT DOOR 50726 Level at Low 50727 Level at Medium 50728 Level at High 50729 On Map 50801 ESC 50802 1 50803 2 50804 3 50805 4 50806 5 50807 6 50808 7 50809 8 50810 9 50811 0 50812 - 50813 = 50814 BKSP 50815 TAB 50816 Q 50817 W 50818 E 50819 R 50820 T 50821 Y 50822 U 50823 I 50824 O 50825 P 50826 [ 50827 ] 50828 ENTER 50829 CTRL 50830 A 50831 S 50832 D 50833 F 50834 G 50835 H 50836 J 50837 K 50838 L 50839 ; 50840 ' 50841 ` 50842 L SHIFT 50843 \ 50844 Z 50845 X 50846 C 50847 V 50848 B 50849 N 50850 M 50851 , 50852 . 50853 / 50854 R SHIFT 50855 PRINT SCRN 50856 ALT 50857 SPACE 50858 CAPS 50859 F1 50860 F2 50861 F3 50862 F4 50863 F5 50864 F6 50865 F7 50866 F8 50867 F9 50868 F10 50869 NUM 50870 SCROLL 50871 HOME 50872 UP 50873 PGUP 50874 NUM PAD - 50875 LEFT 50876 CENTER 50877 RIGHT 50878 NUM PAD + 50879 END 50880 DOWN 50881 PGDN 50882 INS 50883 DEL 50887 F11 50888 F12 50898 HELLFIRE 50899 LIGHTNING ARC 50900 THE GATE 50901 ASSAIL 50902 DISPLACEMENT 50903 MACHINE_CURSE 50904 SCAN 50905 QUICKENING 50906 STRENGTH OF MIND 50907 SMITE 50908 IRON ARM 50909 THE SALMANDER 50910 TELEPORTATION 50911 PSYCHIC SHIELD 50912 DESTROY_DAEMON 50913 HOLOCAUST 50914 SCOURGING 50915 PURGE PSYKER 50916 AURA OF FIRE 50917 VORTEX 50918 STORM OF WRATH 50919 AURA OF FORTITUDE 50920 PINK FIRE OF TZEENCH 50921 BOLT OF CHANGE 50922 TZEENTCH'S FIRE STORM 50925 First Relic Piece 50926 Second Relic Piece 50927 Complete Relic 50928 Relic 50929 -- new file -- 50930 Throw Grenade 50931 Use Medi pack 50932 Use Scanner 50933 Reload with Clip 50934 Use Key 50935 Use Relic 50936 Clear Jammed Weapon 50937 Aimed Shot 50938 Shoot 50939 Walk 50940 Run 50941 Crouch / Stand 50942 Point Saving 50943 Retrieve 50944 Door 50945 Switch 50946 Overwatch 50947 Rally / Formation Movement 50948 Board / Disembark 50949 End Turn 50950 Heal 50951 Technical Work 50952 Jump 50953 Cast Spell 50954 Nullify All Spells 50955 Options 50956 Map 50957 Mission Objectives 50958 Inventory 50959 Next Man 50960 Next Enemy 50961 Low / High Power 50962 100% View 50963 50% View 50964 25% View 50965 Cut Level Up 50966 Cut Level Down 50967 Cut to Level 1 50968 Cut to Level 2 50969 Cut to Level 3 50970 Cut to Level 4 50971 Cut to Level 5 50972 Cut to Level 6 50973 Cut to Level 7 50974 Portrait 50975 Name 50976 Squad Coherency 50977 More Info 50978 Action Points 50979 Armor 50980 Health 50981 Scroll Enemy Left 50982 Scroll Enemy Right 50983 Visible Enemy 50984 Friendly Squad 50985 Help 50986 Exit 50987 Select 50988 Warp Flux 50989 Magnification 50990 Close 50991 Load Game 50992 The Chaos Gate 50993 New Game 50994 Options 50995 Keyboard Configuration 50996 Level of Difficulty 50997 Sniper 50998 Standing Guard 50999 Patrolling guard 51000 Spotter 51001 Scout 51002 Assault 51003 Reserve 51004 Flesh Hound 51005 Artificial Intelligence Types 51006 Victory! 51007 Defeat! 51008 Space Marine 51009 Veteran 51010 Hero 51011 Mighty Hero 51012 Level 1 51013 Level 2 51014 Level 3 51015 Level 4 51016 Champion 51017 Hero 51018 Mighty Champion 51019 Brother 51020 Champion 51021 Mighty Champion 51022 Exalted Champion 51023 Space Marine 51024 Aspiring Champion 51025 Mighty Champion 51026 Exalted Champion 51027 Champion 51028 Master 51029 Lord 51030 View Encyclopedia 51031 Localized 51032 Localized 51033 Localized 51034 Localized 51035 Localized 51036 Localized 51037 Localized 51038 Localized 51039 Localized 51040 Localized 51041 Localized 51042 Localized 51043 Localized 51044 Localized 51045 Localized 51046 Localized 51047 Localized 51048 Localized 51049 Localized 51050 Save Game 51051 Hidden Enemy Movement 51100 Quit 51101 Cursor Up 51102 Cursor Down 51103 Scroll Map Up 51104 Scroll Map Down 51105 Scroll Map Left 51106 Scroll Map Right 51107 Scanner 51108 Walk 51109 Map 51110 Mouse Scroll 51111 Inventory 51112 Localize 51113 Localize 51114 Localize 51115 Localize 51116 Localize 51118 Localize 51119 Localize 51120 Localize 51121 Localize 51122 Localize 51123 Localize 51124 Localize 51125 Localize 51126 Localize 51127 Localize 51128 Localize 51129 Localize 51130 Localize 51131 Localize 51132 Localize 51133 Localize 51134 Localize 51135 Localize 51136 Localize 51137 Localize 51138 Localize 51139 Localize 51140 Localize 51141 Localized 51142 Localize 51143 LOCALIZE 51144 LOCALIZE 51145 LOCALIZE 51146 LOCALIZE 51147 LOCALIZE 51148 LOCALIZE 51149 LOCALIZE 51150 LOCALIZE 51151 LOCALIZE 51159 LOCALIZE 51160 LOCALIZE 51161 LOCALIZE 51162 Localize 51163 Localize 51164 Localize 51165 Localize 51166 Localize 51167 Localize 51168 Localize 51169 Localize 51170 Localize 51171 Localize 51172 Localize 51173 Localize 51174 Localize 51175 Localize 51176 Localize 51177 Localize 51178 Localize 51179 Localize 51180 Localize 51181 Localize 51182 Localize 51183 Localize 51184 Localize 51185 Localize 51186 Localize 51187 Localize 51188 Localize 51189 Localize 51190 Localize 51191 Localize 51192 Localize 51193 Localize 51194 Localize 51195 Localize 51196 Localize 51197 Localize 51198 Localize 51199 Localize 51200 Localize 51201 Localize 51202 Localize 51203 Localize 51204 Localize 51205 Localize 51206 Localize 51207 Localize 51208 Localize 51209 Localize 51210 Localize 51211 Localize 51212 Localize 51213 Localize 51214 Localize 51215 Localize 51216 Localize 51217 Localize 51218 Localize 51219 Localize 51220 Localize 51221 Localize 51222 Localize 51223 Localize 51224 Localize 51228 Localize 51229 Localize 51230 Localize 51231 Localize 51232 Localize 51233 Localize 51234 Localize 51235 Localize 51236 Localize 51237 Localize 51238 Localize 51239 Localize 51240 Localize 51241 Localize 51242 Localize 51243 Localize 51244 Localize 51245 Localize 51246 Localize 51248 Localize 51249 Localize 51250 Localize 51251 Localize 51252 Localize 51253 Localize 51254 Localize 51255 Localize 51256 Localize 51257 Localize 51258 Localize 51259 Localize 51260 Localize 51261 Localize 51262 Localize 51263 Localize 51264 Localize 51265 Localize 51266 Localize 51267 Localize 51268 Localize 51269 Localize 51270 Localize 51271 Localize 51272 Localize 51273 Localize 51274 Localize 51275 Localize 51276 Localize 51277 Localize 51278 Localize 51279 Localize 51280 Localize 51281 Localize 51282 Localize 51283 Localize 51284 Localize 51285 Localize 51286 Localize 51287 Localize 51288 Localize 51289 Localize 51290 Localize 51291 Localize 51292 Localize 51293 Localize 51294 Localize 51295 Localize 51296 Localize 51297 Localize 51298 Localize 51299 Localize 51300 Localize 51301 Localize 51302 Localize 51303 Localize 51304 Localize 51305 Localize 51306 Localize 51307 Localize 51308 Localize 51309 Localize 51310 Localize 51311 Localize 51312 Localize 51313 Localize 51314 Localize 51315 Localize 51316 Localize 51317 Localize 51318 Localize 51319 Localize 51320 Localize 51321 Localize 51322 Localize 51323 Localize 51324 Localize 51325 Localize 51326 Localize 51327 LOCALIZE 51328 Localize 51329 In Game Chat 51330 Localize 52000 Localize 52001 Localize 52002 Localize 54004 Small Map 54005 Medium Map 54006 Large Map 54007 Terrain Height 54008 Hill Width 54009 Hill Density 54010 Large Object Density 54011 Small Object Density 54012 Terrain Type 54013 Mission Type 54014 Level Of Difficulty 54015 Number of Ultra Squads 54016 Number of Special Characters 54017 Number of Vehicles 54018 Ultra Skill Level 54019 Random Weapons 54020 Vehicle Friendly Terrain 54021 OK 54022 Back 54023 Rhino:: Tracks Damaged 54024 Rhino:: Tracks Destroyed 54025 Rhino:: Driver Hit 54026 Rhino:: Crew Compartment Hit 54027 Rhino:: Engines Hit 54028 Rhino:: Fuel Tanks Hit 54029 Rhino:: Weapons Damaged 54030 Rhino:: Weapons Destroyed 54031 Rhino:: Weapon Ammo Hit 54032 Predator:: Tracks Damaged 54033 Predator:: Tracks Destroyed 54034 Predator:: Main Weapon Destroyed 54035 Predator:: Driver Hit 54036 Predator:: Main Weapon Damaged 54037 Predator:: Ammunition Destroyed 54038 Dreadnought:: Legs Damaged 54039 Dreadnought:: Legs Destroyed 54040 Dreadnought:: Left Weapon Damaged 54041 Dreadnought:: Left Weapon Destroyed 54042 Dreadnought:: Left Ammo Hit 54043 Dreadnought:: Right Weapon Damaged 54044 Dreadnought:: Right Weapon Destroyed 54045 Dreadnought:: Right Ammo Hit 54046 Dreadnought:: Controls Damaged 54047 Dreadnought:: Body Badly Damaged 54048 Dreadnought:: Engine Damaged 54049 Land Speeder:: Gunner Hit 54050 Land Speeder:: Heavy Flamer Destroyed 54051 Land Speeder:: Multi Melta Destroyed 54052 Land Speeder:: Controls Damaged 54053 Rhino:: Weapons Hit 54054 Rhino:: Tracks Hit 54055 Predator:: Tracks Hit 54056 Predator:: Weapon Hit 54057 Dreadnought:: Legs Hit 54058 Dreadnought:: Left Weapon Hit 54059 Dreadnought:: Right Weapon Hit 54060 Land Speeder:: Heavy Flamer Hit 54061 Land Speeder:: Multi Melta Hit 54062 Cancel 54063 %s :: Spell was Nullified\n 54064 Weapon Strength 54065 Weapon Range 54066 Weapon Damage 54067 Amount In Clip 54068 Blast Radius 54069 Scanner Range 54070 Missile Strength 54071 Missiles Per Cliip 54072 Missile Damage 54073 Grenade Strength 54074 Grenade Damage 54075 Multiplayer Game 54076 Protocol 54077 Player Name 54078 Session Name 54079 IP Address 54080 OK 54081 Join a Session 54082 Enumerate Sessions 54083 Host a Session 54084 Weapons / Ammo 54085 Equipment 54086 Grenades 54087 AI / Availability 54088 Spells 54089 "Start Turn %d" 54090 Learn New Psyker Power::\n 54091 Choose New Psyker Power 55021 Localized 55022 Localized 55023 Any Direction 55024 Explosion 55025 We have found an opportunity to gather resources. 55026 %d terminator armor suits remain. 55027 Shoot the same target. 55028 %s: AP=%d 55029 End Mission? 55030 More Description... 55031 Localized 55032 Localized 55033 Localized 55034 Character's Total Experience 55035 Mission Experience 55036 Selected Character 55037 Fly 55038 Localized 55039 Localized 55040 Localized 55041 Localized 55042 Localized 55043 No Sound 55044 "Key^C251 %s^C is assigned to^C251 %s^C. Would you like to use it?" 55045 Localized 55046 Localized 55047 Localized 55048 Localized 55049 Localized 55050 Localized 55051 Localized 55052 Localized 55053 Localized 55054 Localized 55055 Localized 55056 Localized 55057 Localized 55058 Localized 55059 Localized 55060 Localized 55061 Localized 55062 Localized 55063 Localized 55064 Localized 55065 Localized 55066 Localized 55067 Localized 55068 Localized 55069 Localized 55070 Localized 55071 Localized 55072 Localized 55073 Localized 55074 Localized 55075 Localized 55076 Localized 55077 Localized 55078 Localized 55079 Localized 55080 Localized 55081 Localized 55082 Localized 55083 Localized 55084 Localized 55085 Localized 55086 Localized 55087 Localized 55088 Localized 55089 Localized 55090 Localized 55091 Localized 55092 Localized 55093 Localized 55094 Localized 55095 Localized 55096 Localized 55097 Localized 55098 Localized 55099 Localized 55100 Localized 55101 Localized 55102 Localized 55103 Localized 55104 Localized 55105 Localized 55106 Localized 55107 Localized 55108 Localized 55109 Localized 55110 Localized 55111 Localized 55112 Localized 55113 Localized 55114 Localized 55115 Localized 55116 Localized 55117 Localized 55118 Randomize All 55119 Localized 55120 Localized 55121 Localized 55122 Localized 55123 Localized 55124 Localized 55125 Localized 55126 Localized 55127 Localized 55128 Localized 55129 Localized 55130 Localized 55131 Localized 55132 Localized 55133 Localized 55134 Localized 55135 Localized 55136 Localized 55137 Localized 55138 Localized 55139 Localized 55140 Localized 55141 Localized 55142 Localized 55143 Localized 55144 Localized 55145 Localized 55146 Localized 55147 Localized 55148 Localized 55149 Localized 55150 Localized 55151 Localized 55152 Localized 55153 Localized 55154 Localized 55155 Localized 55156 Localized 55157 Localized 55158 Localized 55159 Localized 55160 Localized 55161 Localized 55162 Localized 55163 Loaclized 55164 Localized