EST01001 "MISSION 1 PATROL. OPERATION SWIFT ARROW." ESB01001 "A Setian invasion force will land in the area of Gebel Hawara or Thebes. Objectives: * Destroy Setian barges in the vicinity of Gebel Hawara and Thebes before they can unload. * Take out any ground forces already at the sites. * Rearm at Gebel Lahun if necessary." EST02001 "MISSION 2 CONVOY. OPERATION BULWARK." ESB02001 "Enemy forces have been detected near one of our movers. Objective: * Destroy the Setian ground forces moving south toward the mover at Gebel Zeit." EST03001 "MISSION 3 DEFEND. OPERATION BACKSTOP." ESB03001 "Hibis, a neutral city-state, has requested our help in repelling a Setian invasion force. Objective: * Destroy all Setian ground forces in and around Hibis." EST04001 "MISSION 4 DESTROY. OPERATION KEEPSAKE." ESB04001 "An O-Ship has been discovered by Setian forces. We cannot allow this technology to fall into enemy hands. Objectives: * Protect the O-Ship at Gebel Dukhan. * Destroy all Setian land forces, as well as any defensive installations at the site. * Destroy all movers at the site." EST05001 "MISSION 5 RAID. OPERATION CONFEDERACY." ESB05001 "Edfu has been occupied by Setian forces. Objectives: * Fly-by Setian command center. * Destroy Setian command center. * Destroy Setian land forces in and around Edfu. * Destroy any defensive installations at the site." EST06001 "MISSION 6 DESTROY. OPERATION FIRE-STORM." ESB06001 "Raid Set-mine facilities in the Qarun area. Objectives: * Destroy all Set-Mine facilities on Lake Qarun. * Destroy the power station at the city of Qarun (west of the lake)." EST07001 "MISSION 7 SEEK AND DESTROY. OPERATION GENOCIDE." ESB07001 "Setian death-wasps have attacked Akhim. Objectives: * Exterminate all wasps in Akhim. * Destroy the hive. * Destroy the queen wasp." EST08001 "MISSION 8 RAID. OPERATION BLIND MICE." ESB08001 "The Setian research center at Kheny is testing a radar jamming system. Radar may be inoperable during this mission. Objectives: * Destroy the research center. * Destroy any capital ships defending the site." EST09001 "MISSION 9 RAID. OPERATION EXPIRATION." ESB09001 "Enemy forces have been massing at the Setian base of Ibrim. Objectives: * Destroy the base's command pyramid. * Destroy the base's ground defenses. * Destroy any battle pods at the site. * Take out as many Setian air units as possible." EST10001 "MISSION 10 DESTROY. OPERATION STINGER." ESB10001 "The base at Ibrim is down. The Apollyon Code was correct as we found a M.A.G.D.A. in operation. It's threat however was short-lived. Madayellsin kallahat - honor dictates your future. Let's take a look at Operation Stinger. Abydos is proving a little difficult. We must take out the enemy position, and any and all ships. It would seem Set is using the Site to transport Porphs from local Set-Mine installations back to their Heartland. It must cease now if we're to stop trade and transport in this sector. Oh, and one more thing - and you're not going to like this - the port installation is reputed to be the location of a Hive; it must also be destroyed. If you hit the port, do it quick and slick; the Hive's sure to be on your tail in no time. Well, what are you waiting for?" EST11001 "MISSION 10 OCCUPY. OPERATION MONOPOLIZE." ESB11001 "A mover used heavily by enemy forces has been discovered at Meidum. Objectives: * Destroy the carrier east of the mover. * Destroy all Setian land and air forces in the vicinity of the mover." EST12001 "MISSION 11 DESTROY. OPERATION SHARPSHOOTER." ESB12001 "Raid Elephantine Airfield. The site will be heavily defended. Objectives: * Destroy all airfield installations. * Destroy all Setian land and air forces. * Destroy any capital ships defending the airfield." EST13001 "MISSION 12 DEFEND. OPERATION KEEN ADVOCATE." ESB13001 "The Horian capital of Abu Simbel is under attack! Objectives: * Destroy the attacking air fleet. * Destroy any Setian ground forces near Abu Simbel. * Destroy the Setian carrier." EST14001 "MISSION 14 DESTROY. OPERATION IRON HAMMER." ESB14001 "It would seem you are reprieved Ir-en Har - the honor of the Sandwarriors was renewed when the Iron-Clad was shot down. Challendas dey kallahat- honor is restored. Now, let's concentrate on today's Mission. This is a payback scenario - for what transpired yesterday. Our target is Heliopolis, it's Control Center, and the airfield south of the city. The Setian Empire almost surely suspect retaliation so they'll probably be dug in well - no doubt any existing installations will be on full alert. There's no sign of an end to this war, no indication who's gonna come out on top, but we can't allow Set any room to move, no victory no matter how small. Crush Heliopolis. Set must know what he's really up against with the Ir-enHar. Let's show him what the Sandwarriors are really made of." EST15001 "MISSION 13 ORION. OPERATION TENURE." ESB15001 "Repel Setian forces attacking Karnak while Horian tech-priests secure the site. Objectives: * Destroy all enemy land forces moving on Karnak. * Defend the site from airborne attack." EST16001 "MISSION 14 ESCORT. OPERATION SUCCOR." ESB16001 "Aid in the storming of the Setian citadel at Medinet Madi. Objectives: * Provide air support for the I.C.C. Condor. * Destroy any battle pods defending the site. * Aid in the bombardment of Medinet Madi." EST17001 "MISSION 15 DESTROY. OPERATION FULL BLANKET." ESB17001 "The radar screen in and around the Setian homeland must be brought down. In addition, an enemy carrier is being constructed at the Romak shipyards. Objectives: * Destroy all radar screening installations in the sector. * Destroy the unfinished Setian carrier Hawkeye." EST18001 "MISSION 16 DESTROY. OPERATION FIRE-TAIL." ESB18001 "Disrupt Set-Mine activity in the Saqqarra and Samannud areas. Objectives: * Destroy all bridges at Samannud. * Destroy the command pyramid at Samannud. * Raid Set-Mine facilities at Saqqarra. * Destroy any capital ships defending the sites." EST19001 "MISSION 19 ORION. OPERATION SWOOPING HAWK." ESB19001 "The Setian Porphyry supply routes in and out of Sector Four were terminated by your prompt and systematic execution of Operation Fire-Tail. Horian troops now occupy these sites. Disturbing news is filtering down through Desc. Net concerning Ibada where Setian House Rise have a Research and Development center. According to local sources this is no ordinary Rise Center. Set are developing a new weapon, a super-weapon using O-Tech. This Operation's Swooping Hawk - destroy the weapon and the surrounding facilities. Don't be surprised if it's up and running by the time you reach the sector. From the Signature we're reading from the thing, three maybe two shots will destroy your AVC even when fully Shielded. Be like the Hawk if it starts firing. Watch your tails." EST20001 "MISSION 17 AID. OPERATION BURNING EAGLE." ESB20001 "The Horian airfield at Kalabhsa is under attack! Objectives: * Destroy the battle-pod at the south end of the airfield. * Destroy all Setian land and air forces attacking the site." EST21001 "MISSION 18 RAID. OPERATION CLOAK AND DAGGER." ESB21001 "Raid Setian supply dumps at Hatnub. Objectives: * Destroy all container housing in and around Hatnub." EST22001 "MISSION 22 DESTROY. OPERATION WEEPING WOUND" ESB22001 "Hatnub was the target, the mission was a success - the Setian transport network was untouched, as requested. Imperial ground troops now occupy the site and are currently deploying A.I. defenses along the borderland. Now, Operation Weeping Wound. The Setian Empire recently stormed Memphis in a successful bid to enslave the populace. The city is now the Sector's center for Chemical weapon experiments. This is the mission. Normally, we'd send in a single Cruiser to do the job, but the city is protected by A.I. Mine-Launchers. They'll pick off any such vehicle in no time. Once the A.I.M.Ls have been taken out the Condor will Unload and empty it's payload onto the city. At this time, expect plenty of aerial activity. Protect the Condor at all costs." EST23001 "MISSION 19 RETREAT. OPERATION FLEDGLING" ESB23001 "Setian forces are trying to evacuate porphyry ore from the mines in sector five. Objectives: * Destroy all ground transports in and near Hatnub. * Destroy any Setian capital ships defending the sites." EST24001 "MISSION 24 DEFEND. OPERATION ADJUTANT." ESB24001 "The arrival of the Setian Gun-Boat Cobra on Operation Fledgling was short- lived. At this stage, all enemy transports have been accounted for and are classed OOA. The Ore itself, is safely in our hands and the necessary preparations for transport are currently under way. Now, Desc. Net have reported a large military body approaching Aswan. As all our units are accounted for in this sector there is little doubt concerning their origins. Aswan's main defenses will come under attack first if Set believe they have any hope of attaining their objective. The defenses are situated at the Heights of Aswan. They will need defending and have initial priority. The battle is sure to escalate to other areas so use your judgment and intuition. Canyons and gullies makeup most of the terrain at the Target Site so if you do find yourself in a dogfight watch your wings- and your back; there's no room for maneuvering. That's all. Dismissed." EST25001 "MISSION 20 DESTROY. OPERATION KEEN SCRUTINY." ESB25001 "A hidden enemy mover is known to be located in the south of this sector. Objectives: * Locate and destroy the mover. * Destroy the radar installations near Gebel Tura." EST26001 "MISSION 21 PROTECT. OPERATION WATCHFULL EYE." ESB26001 "The I.C.B. Avatar is being loaded with porphyry ore taken from the enemy. Objectives: * Destroy all Setian ground forces attacking the I.C.B. Avatar. * Destroy the Setian base in the eastern part of the sector. * Defend the I.C.B. Avatar against airborne attack." EST27001 "MISSION 22 DESTROY. OPERATION HAMMER-STROKE." ESB27001 Mission 22 - Operation Hammer-Stroke "The Horian fleet is taking up positions for the final assault against Set. Objective: * Defend Horian capital ships in the northwest part of the sector." EST28001 "MISSION 28 ORION. OPERATION COVERT MYSTIC." ESB28001 "Yesterday, our major push into the Blight failed at all levels. Despite minimal losses, the Avatar and the Condor are presumed missing. Notwithstanding, we must raise honor. We are the figure-heads and we carry the honor of our Lord. While we repair the damages, re-group, and re-assess the situation Operation Covert Mystic will be initialized. This is the drill. Horian Tech- Priests have long believed the inactivity of the Mover at Meidum in Sector Five to be some way connected with the O-Stones at Giza. Their theory goes something like this - belief amongst the Colleges is that the site was once a Prime Mover which has somehow been restored with O-Codes into a fully operational Control Center for mass Moving and Unloading. Your mission therefore is to systematically scan Sector Five and destroy any facilities you encounter. Given the connection to O-Stones, prime targets will be Meidum and Giza. This is Operation Covert Mystic. That is all." EST29001 "MISSION 23 RAID. OPERATION SATURATE." ESB29001 "Setian monolith defenses must be destroyed before the final assault can begin. Objective: * Destroy all monoliths in the sector." EST30001 "MISSION 24 DESTROY. OPERATION GOLDEN DAWN." ESB30001 "This is the final battle against Set and his minions. Everything rides upon a sweeping, decisive attack. Fail, and Set will be in a position to mount a fatal counter- strike. Objectives: * Destroy all enemy forces in and around the Setian capital city of Serenis. * Level all buildings within the city."