Installation notes for SoulTrapDemo - (c) Microforum Inc. 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How to install SoultrapDemo Start STSetup.exe which is a self-extracting exe file and will automatically start the SoulTrapDemo Setup program. Follow the instructions presented to you by the SoulTrapDemo Setup. In order to run, SoulTrapDemo requires Microsoft DirectX(TM) 2.0 or higher to be installed on you PC. After installing Microsoft DirectX(TM) make sure you restart Windows 95 before running SoulTrapDemo. 2. How to install Microsoft DirectX(TM) The files you need to install Microsoft DirectX(TM) 3.0 are in Extract the files in this archive into a directory called Directx, then run the Dxsetup.exe. The contains the extra directory information you need to extract the files into a directory called Directx. If you try to run Dxsetup.exe from another directory than Directx, the Microsoft DirectX(TM) setup program will fail. If you already have Microsoft DirectX(TM) installed on you computer and you would like to overwrite it with version 3.0 of DirectX, make sure you click the Reinstall DirectX button in the DirectX setup program. SoulTrapDemo has only been tested with the drivers that ship with DirectX 3.0. If you have already installed DirectX, but have since changed video or sound drivers and are experiencing problems with SoulTrapDemo, run the DirectX setup program again and make sure you click the ReInstall button.