101 &About A10Cuba... 103 Windows sockets initialization failed. 104 Preferences 105 help.hlp 106 Displays a Tip of the Day. 107 Ti&p of the Day... 108 Did you know... 109 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory 110 Trouble reading the tips file 111 &Help 147 Loading Missions 148 Recording Files (*.rec)|*.rec|Demo Files (*.dmo)|*.dmo|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 149 Save Mission Recording As 150 Open Mission Recording 151 Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar has been detected as running. Please shut it down before running the game as it can cause unpredictable behavior on some machines. 4000 Unable to create main window for application. Application will now exit. 4001 A-10 Cuba has run low on memory. Shut down other applications and select OK to continue. Otherwise, select Cancel to shut down A-10 Cuba. 4002 A-10 Cuba is running low on system resources. Please exit other applications and select OK to continue or select Cancel to exit A-10 Cuba. 4003 An internal error has occurred in A-10 Cuba and will be terminated. (file %1, line %2). 4004 Could not add player to the game. Please verify that their are not to many players in this game. 4005 Could not create a new session. Please check to see if session is already in use and their is enough memory. 4006 Demo could not be run. Demo files are missing or corrupt. 4007 The network game session ended unexpectedly. The game session host may have shut down or a network error may have occurred. 4008 A player with the same serial number has been detected on the network. 4009 Internal error. Unable to start the simulator engine. Memory or system resources may be low. 4010 Internal error. Unable to initialize simulation engine. Memory or system resources may be low. 4011 Internal error. Unable to activate the output display screen. Please check the DirectX drivers and installation. 4012 Internal error. Unable to create the simulator background window. System resources may be low. Quit other applications and try again. 4013 Internal error. Unable to load the simulation engine library file A10Sim.dll. Memory or system resources may be low or the library is missing or corrupt. 4014 Unable to display the Mission Map or Network Score dialog box! Would you like to quit this mission? 4015 The serial number you have entered only allows network play. Please see your retailer to obtain a version which includes a full serial number. 4016 Could not join the session you are trying to join. Please verify your network or modem connection and try again. 4017 Could not start the mission you choose. Please try again. 4018 You have attemped to join a network game in an arena different from your own. Please select the correct network game arena and retry. 4019 This feature is not available in the demo version. 5000 Missions 5001 LoadOuts 5002 Media 5003 CubaModels.db 5004 CubaTerrain.db 5005 CubaNetModels.db 5006 CubaNetTerrain.db 5007 CubaTrainingModels.db 5008 CubaTrainingTerrain.db 5009 .rec 5010 Mission%02d 5011 .dmo 6000 Are you sure you wish to end this mission? 20000 netmission1.avi 20001 netmission2.avi 20002 netmission3.avi 20003 netmission4.avi 20100 MisTrn1.avi 20101 MisTrn1.avi 20102 MisTrn1.avi 20103 MisTrn1.avi 20104 MisMap1.avi 20105 MisMap1.avi 20106 MisMap1.avi 20107 MisMap1.avi 20108 MisMap1.avi 20109 MisMap1.avi 20110 MisMap1.avi 20111 MisMap1.avi 20112 MisMap1.avi 20113 MisMap1.avi 20114 MisMap1.avi 20115 MisMap1.avi 20200 Please enter a callsign. 20300 lod 20301 Weapons Loadouts (*.lod)|*.lod|All Files (*.*)|*.*||\n 20302 Default.lod 21000 Loading Weapons 21001 Loading Missions 21010 Mission Failure 21011 Mission Success 30000 Empty 30001 AIM9L 30002 ECMpod 30003 AGM65B 30004 AGM65D 30005 AGM65E 30006 AGM88 30007 helfir 30008 HVR 30009 durndl 30010 Mk82 30011 Mk82HD 30012 Mk82LG 30013 Mk83 30014 Mk83LG 30015 Mk84 30016 Mk84LG 30017 rockeye 57344 A-10 Cuba! for Windows 95 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels