/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ |===============================================| | Siegelets/Mods Manager v3.1 | | -------------------------------- | | Made by Sebastien Martineau | | AKA WaterSoul | | (waterwindsoul@hotmail.com) | |===============================================| \_______________________________________________/ What it does: Allows you to turn off and on the .dsres files. It can also be used as a launcher because of the bunch of launcher options. It is a "must" for any DS Player that likes mods. --------------------------- How to install: Unzip Siegelets Manager.exe file in a directory and run it. Click on the "Set Siegelets directory" button and enter your game directory. How to uninstall: Delete Siegelets Manager.exe and smanager.ini files. --------------------------- Version History: V3.1 Changes : +DS related banner +Run special exe for launch +Refresh list +Fix DS Files +Unsupported Resolutions features +New icons *Fixed lot of small bugs everywhere *Less chances to make errors V3.0 Changes : *Some bugs fixes +New features +Concept +Double click to toggle mod +Right Click Menu +Delete Files +Added 'Open Resources Folder' Command in the menu +new listview and no longer shows InfoFiles *InfoFiles can be viewed from the right-click popupmenu *Allowed Multi-Selection, you can now toggle lot of files at the same time! -Removed the possibility of deleting a default file name +Siege Editor is now supported +Included a button for viewing the details about the launcher options (off. RTF File) +Automatic AlphaSort +Saving feature on exit (closing the form or launching the game) +Online Version Verification V2.5 Changes : +New picture +New system for changing mod *Modified Main Window *Modified a lot InfoFile Viewer Window +Directory Selection Form +Auto Detection of the DungeonSiege Directory +Added more conditions so there's less errors *Modified the credits *Lot of bugs Fixed ( thanks for sending your feedback, it's really useful!) +Packed Exe so saved 500k on the size (more than 1024k unpacked) +Alpha Sorting for the File Listing (Click on the column header) *Bigger Listing Box -Deleted one listing box *Changed the listing controls +Added 3 Buttons (One for each controls you needs when a file is selected) V2.4 Changes : +New picture +Help system included in a hint system. Let your mouse over something for details. +More space and show more long in mods name +Added a fonction to install a mod +Added a bunch of functions to the launcher *Fixed a few bugs V2.3 Changes : +Added credits informations *Fixed the bug on the buttons inside the Mod's INI info file viewer *Fixed a bug that in the description field of a mod INI there was always some letters V2.2 Changes : +Added a Mod's INI info file viewer, wich can be created from the Mod's INI File builder. You can find it here : http://blake.prohosting.com/waterwin/ *Few bugs corrected V2.1 Changes : *Fixed a bug that put all the options 'true' when the game was launched. V2.0 Changes : -No longer uses DLLs -No longer uses almost 6 meg of memory *Now in Delphi instead of Vb +Launcher included +Ini file support +More Siegelets support 50% built V1.0 : First Version: a lame window with two boxe that toke 8 meg of ram to run ( lol! )