Reapers Start Locations + (optional) Go Anywhere 2 + Go Anywhere 2 with camera mod --- THE MOD --- This mod adds 7 new start locations to choose from. * The Pit of Despair * The Fury Den * The Volcanic Caverns * The Drake Nest * The 2 pyramids * The Forgotten Mesas (secret chicken level) --- INSTALL --- Extract the .dsres file to your Dungeon Siege\Resources directory and run the game ! If you want to uninstall the mod, simply remove the .dsres file from your resources directory. --- Notes --- This mod does NOT work with my previous mod, ReapersGoAnywhere2, and thats why I included it with this one. Use it if you want, but its not necessary. Read the txt file for more information about the GoAnyWhere mod. --- Bugs --- There is a few graphical bugs when you start in a dungeon. The lifts look like black boxes but they work fine. There might be problems with the start locations when playing with more than 2 people. I have only tested it with 2 players, but my mod should be able to support 8 players. --- Author --- This mod has been created by TheReaperDk (Kenneth Sørensen) Report bugs or give me your comments at Have fun =)