30001 Extrude 30002 No Appropriate Objects Found 30003 Taper 30004 Object 30005 Modifiers 30006 Modifier Stack 30007 Delete 30008 Unbind 30011 Vertex 30012 Face 30013 Edge 30014 Center 30015 Gizmo 30016 Edit Vertex 30017 Edit Object 30018 Edit Face 30019 Edit Edge 30020 Edit Polygon 30021 Edit Element 30022 Multiple Selected 30023 World 30024 Frames 30025 Seconds 30026 Minutes 30027 Hours 30028 Parameters 30029 Angle 30030 Direction 30031 Amount 30032 Curvature 30033 Amplitude 30034 Wave Length 30035 Phase 30036 Decay 30037 Flexibility 30038 Length 30039 Width 30040 Height 30041 Width Segments 30042 Height Segments 30043 Length Segments 30044 FOV 30045 Radius 30046 Segments 30047 Sides 30048 Smooth 30049 Red 30050 Green 30051 Blue 30052 Hotspot Size 30053 Transform 30054 Object 30055 Move Keys 30056 Scale Keys 30057 Delete Keys 30058 Snap Frames 30059 Selected Channels Only 30060 Function Curves 30061 Clone Keys 30062 Modified Object 30063 Space Warps 30064 Add Keys 30065 Align Keys 30066 Edit Keys 30067 Edit Ranges 30068 Edit Time 30069 Position Ranges 30070 Filters 30071 Insert Time 30072 Cut 30073 Copy 30074 Paste 30075 Slide Keys 30076 Select Time 30077 Delete Time 30078 Scale Time 30079 Reverse Time 30080 Include left end point 30081 Include right end point 30082 Exclude Left End Point 30083 Exclude Right End Point 30084 Assign Controller 30085 Append Controller 30086 Modify Subtree 30087 Parameter Curve Out-of-Range Types 30088 Zoom Value Extents 30089 Show Selected Key Stats 30090 Zoom Horizontal Extents 30091 Zoom Time 30092 Pan 30093 Zoom Region 30094 Zoom Values 30095 Show Tangents 30096 Scale Values 30097 Zoom 30098 Select out-of-range type for selected tracks. ("Constant" is default) 30099 Drag to move. Ctrl-click or drag region box to add to selection. Shift-drag to clone. 30100 Drag selection right or left to slide non-selected keys right or left. 30101 Drag to scale selected keys to or from current frame. Shift-drag to clone. 30102 Click anywhere in a track to add a key. 30103 Select one or more tracks. Drag to select a block of time; click to select an insert point. 30104 Drag in selected time block to scale time. Drag or click outside of block to select time. 30105 Point mouse anywhere in window. Drag right to insert time; drag left to remove time. 30106 Drag end handles to scale; drag center to move range bar. 30107 Drag end handles to scale; drag center to move range bar. (Subtree included.) 30108 Select track then select curve or green arrow to display keys. Click or region-select keys. Shift-drag to clone. 30109 Drag to scale selected keys to or from current frame. Shift-drag to clone. 30110 Drag to scale selected keys to or from zero amplitude value. Shift-drag to clone. 30111 Drag in any direction to pan Edit Window. 30112 Drag horizontally in Edit Window to scale time display. 30113 Drag vertically in Edit Window to scale value display. 30114 Drag to zoom. Ctrl-drag horizontally for time zoom; vertically for value zoom. 30115 Drag a region box to define zoom area. 30116 Lock Selection 30117 Freeze Nonselected Curves 30118 Adjust Tangents 30119 Lock Tangents 30120 Smooth 30121 Linear 30122 Flat 30123 Step 30124 Fast 30125 Slow 30126 In-Out 30127 Custom 30128 Edit Keyinfo 30129 This Key's Out 30130 This Key's In 30131 Previous Key's Out 30132 Following Key's In 30133 In Tangent Type 30134 Out Tangent Type 30135 Percent 30136 Path Parameters 30137 None 30138 Advanced > 30139 < Simple 30140 Properties 30141 Apply Ease Curve 30142 Ease Curve 30143 Ease/Multiplier Curve Enable/Disable Toggle 30144 Delete Ease/Multiplier Curve 30145 Foot Step Parameters 30146 Foot Print 30147 Inverse Kinematics on/off toggle 30148 Rotational Joints 30149 Sliding Joints 30150 Edit Joint Parameters 30151 Path Joint 30152 Track View 30153 Object Parameters 30154 Video Post 30157 Geometry 30158 Shapes 30159 Lights 30160 Cameras 30161 Helpers 30162 Space Warps 30163 Systems 30164 Illegal Binding 30165 Bind Object 30166 Inverse Kinematics 30167 No IK Tasks found 30168 Apply IK 30169 Inverse Kinematics 30170 Sound 30171 World 30172 Sound 30173 Can't play sound while editing sound parameters. 30174 Can't edit sound parameters while playing sound 30175 Can't open file or file has no audio streams. 30176 Metronome 30177 Wave Form 30178 Objects 30179 Multiplier Curve 30180 Apply Multiplier Curve 30181 Ease Curve Out-of-Range Types 30182 Multiplier Curve Out-of-Range Types 30183 Add Note Track 30184 Delete Note Track 30185 Edit Note 30186 Notes 30187 Param Curve Out-of-Range Types 30188 Ease Curve Out-of-Range Types 30189 Multiplier Curve Out-of-Range Types 30190 Key Info (Basic) 30191 Key Info (Advanced) 30192 Controller Parameters 30193 Assign Controller 30194 Edit Trajectories 30195 Track 30196 Modifiers 30197 Surface Modifiers 30198 Animation 30199 Move Transform Type-In 30200 Rotate Transform Type-In 30201 Scale Transform Type-In 30202 Transform Type-In 30203 Absolute: 30204 Offset: 30205 View 30206 Screen 30207 World 30208 Parent 30209 Local 30210 Grid 30211 Delete Vertex 30212 Delete Face 30213 Add Vertex 30214 Attach Object 30215 Collapse Face 30216 Make Planar 30217 Build Face 30218 Hide Face 30219 Unhide All 30220 Edge Visible 30221 Edge Invisible 30222 Auto Edge 30223 Edge Divide 30224 Edge Turn 30225 Delete Edge 30226 Collapse Edges 30227 Clone 30228 Tessellate 30229 Delete Isolated Vertices? 30233 Lock Time 30234 Unlock Time 30235 L 30236 Make Controller Unique 30237 Recouple Ranges 30238 Re-scale Time 30239 Pick Target 30240 Normalize Time 30241 Constant Velocity 30242 Copy 30243 Paste 30244 Copy Controller 30245 Copy Object 30246 Paste Object 30247 Strength: 30248 Trajectories 30249 Keys 30250 Select Keys 30251 Mirror 30252 Align 30253 Pick Align Target Object 30254 Key Info... 30255 Pick Source Object Normal 30256 Pick Target Object Normal 30257 Align Position 30258 Reduce Keys 30259 Locks 30260 Inherit 30261 Adjust Pivot 30262 Adjust Transform 30263 Pick Operand 30264 Standard Primitives 30265 Snapshot 30266 Place Highlight 30267 Add Visibility Track 30268 Delete Visibility Track 30269 Visibility 30270 MAX STANDARD 30271 MAX EDIT 30272 ModifierSets 30273 ModifierSetName 30274 ModSetEntry 30275 CurrentModSet 30276 Linked XForm 30277 Normal Align 30278 Surface 30279 Edit Surface 30280 Assign Smooth Group 30281 Assign Material ID 30282 Flip Normals 30283 Unify Normals 30284 Auto Smooth 30285 Select By Material ID 30286 Select By Smooth Groups 30288 Common Parameters 30289 Current Renderers 30290 Render Output File 30291 Environment 30292 Environment Texture Map 30293 Clear Material Library 30294 Hide Vertices 30295 AmbientTexture Map 30298 MAX SURFACE 30299 DefaultControllerTypes 30300 DefaultFloatControl 30301 DefaultPoint3Control 30302 DefaultMatrix3Control 30303 DefaultPositionControl 30304 DefaultRotationControl 30305 DefaultScaleControl 30306 RenderTerminationSounds 30307 BeepTerminate 30308 BeepFreq 30309 BeepDuration 30310 PlaySound 30311 SoundFile 30312 Make Object Unique 30313 Low Threshold 30314 High Threshold 30315 Threshold Smoothing 30316 Cannot link: would create dependency loop 30317 Link 30318 Material 30319 Map 30320 Material/Map Browser - 30321 Material/Map Browser 30322 Are you sure you want to delete all materials in the library? 30323 View List 30324 View Small Icons 30325 View Large Icons 30326 Delete From Library 30327 Mirror: 30328 Coordinates 30329 Are you sure you want to reset all controller default settings? 30330 Reset Controller Defaults 30331 Choose Sound Plug-In 30332 Choose Renderer 30333 View 30334 Screen 30335 Parent 30336 Local 30337 Grid 30338 World 30339 Pick 30340 All 30341 Geometry 30342 Shapes 30343 Lights 30344 Cameras 30345 Helpers 30346 Warps 30347 View 30348 Selected 30349 Region 30350 Blowup 30351 Are you sure you want to delete all keys in tracks within selected objects? 30352 Delete Keys 30353 Reducing keys for: 30354 Scaling 30355 Yes 30356 No 30357 To 30358 This is not a valid frame number list 30360 Rendering 30361 Odd 30362 Even 30363 Show 30364 Hide 30365 Rendering Time 30366 Ambient Light 30367 Background Color 30368 Animate 30369 MAX Default 30370 Can't bind a Space Warp to itself. 30371 Bind to Space Warp 30372 Default 30373 Object Type 30374 Name and Color 30375 Position 30376 Rotation 30377 Scale 30378 PRS Parameters 30379 Roll Angle 30380 Look At Parameters 30381 Linear Float 30382 Linear Position 30383 Linear Rotation 30384 Linear Scale 30385 Bezier Float 30386 Bezier Position 30387 Bezier Point3 30388 Bezier Color 30389 Smooth Rotation 30390 Bezier Scale 30391 TCB Float 30392 TCB Position 30393 TCB Scale 30394 TCB Point3 30395 TCB Rotation 30396 Position/Rotation/Scale 30397 Look At 30398 Key Info 30399 Default Sound 30400 Open Sound 30401 Cannot bind: would create dependency loop 30409 Key Color 30410 Foot Step Sample 30411 Noise 30475 Boolean 30476 Compound Objects 30478 Operands 30484 Operand 30485 CubicMorphCont 30487 Morph 30488 MorphObj 30489 Pick Targets 30490 Current Targets 30491 Spray 30492 Snow 30493 Particles & Dynamics 30496 Speed 30497 Variation 30498 Start Time 30503 Sphere 30504 Creation Method 30505 Keyboard Entry 30506 Hemisphere 30507 Box 30508 Cylinder 30509 Height Segments 30510 Cap Segments 30511 Slice On 30512 Slice From 30513 Slice To 30514 Generate Texture Coords. 30515 Cone 30516 Radius 1 30517 Radius 2 30518 Teapot 30519 Part 30520 Torus 30521 Rotation 30522 Twist 30523 Hedra 30524 Family 30525 P Value 30526 Q Value 30527 P Scale 30528 Q Scale 30529 R Scale 30530 Tube 30531 Segments 30532 Path 30535 X Rotation 30536 Y Rotation 30537 Z Rotation 30538 Noise Float 30539 Noise Position 30540 Noise Point3 30541 Noise Rotation 30542 Noise Scale 30543 Sphere 30544 Creation Method 30545 From 30546 To 30547 Keyboard Entry 30548 Hemisphere 30549 Box 30550 Cylinder 30551 Height Segments 30556 Bounce 30562 Select Image 30563 U Tile 30564 V Tile 30565 W Tile 30566 Blur 30567 Do you want to create a new object? 30568 Edit Mesh 30569 Gravity 30570 Wind 30575 Turbulence 30576 Frequency 30578 UVW Mapping 30579 UVW Map 30581 Seed 30582 Fractal 30583 Rough 30584 Iterations 30597 Bias 30598 Incorrect authorization string 30599 Authorization 30601 Symmetry 30603 Material 30604 Material ID 30606 Smooth 30608 Normal 30611 Wave 30612 WaveMod 30613 Wave Binding 30614 Amplitude 1 30615 Amplitude 2 30617 Gizmo 30618 Threshold 30619 ASCII Object Output 30620 ASCII files(*.asc) 30621 Save Object 30622 Color Clipboard 30623 Color %d 30624 Default Ambient Color 30625 Path Controller 30626 Using this path would create a circular dependency. 30627 Stop 30628 Cancel 30629 Explode 30630 Collapse 30631 Weld 30632 Default 10 30637 Add Note Track 30638 Delete Note Track 30639 Height Segments 30640 Map Size 30641 Map Bias 30642 Map Range 30643 Ray Bias 30644 Near Plane 30645 Far Plane 30646 Strength 30647 One or more of the objects in your\nselection references another.\n\nTo edit the modifier you've applied,\nselect the objects individually. 30648 Apply Modifier 30649 Convert To Spline 30650 Convert From Spline 30651 Face 30652 Polygon 30653 Element 30654 Key Info : 30657 Pick Morph Target 30658 Create Morph Key 30659 Constant 30660 Assign %s Controller 30661 Boolean Aborted 30662 Boolean Completed 30663 Pick Path 30664 Import 3DS File 30665 Mirror Objects 30666 Selection Set Is Empty 30667 Animate 30668 Anim. 30669 Selection Filter 30670 Reference Coordinate System 30671 Named Selection Sets 30672 Render Type 30673 Cut Time 30674 Copy Time 30675 Paste Time 30676 Flake Size 30677 Drag end handles or center to position range bar. 30678 Ambient Light Color 30679 Background Color 30680 No vertices within weld threshold. 30681 Pasting would create a circular reference. 30682 Time 30683 Offset 30684 Editable Objects 30685 Editable Mesh 30686 Zoom Horizontal Extents Keys 30687 Choosing %s as the default for this %s parameter will set %s as the default for all %s parameters.\n\nDo you want to do this? 30688 Float 30689 Point3 30690 Position 30691 Constant 30692 Rotation 30693 Scale 30694 Transform 30695 Configure Button Sets 30696 Invalid Normal Array 30697 3ds max 30698 Error #21531: File Corrupted. 30699 IO Error 30700 3ds max is already running in Server mode.\n You have to shut down the Server before you can run in interactive mode. 30701 File Output Gamma 30702 Dev. Output Gamma 30703 Atmospheric Apparatus 30704 Sphere Gizmo Parameters 30705 Radius 30706 Parameter 30707 SphereGizmo 30708 CylGizmo 30709 BoxGizmo 30710 Collapse Transform 30711 Zoom Selected Object 30712 Track View Utilities 30713 Global Light Tint Change 30714 Atmosphere 30715 Morph 30716 DefaultMorphControl 30717 Gizmo Parameters 30718 Align to View 30719 Geometric/Deformable 30720 Modifier-Based 30721 Particles & Dynamics 30722 Space Warps 30723 Delete Keys/Time 30724 Scale Keys/Time 30725 Move Keys Horizontal 30726 Move Keys Vertical 30727 Select Time 30728 Modify Subtree Toggle 30729 Exclude Left End Point Toggle 30730 Exclude Right End Point Toggle 30731 Freeze Nonselected Curves 30732 Show Tangents Toggle 30733 Lock Tangents Toggle 30734 Apply Ease Curve 30735 Apply Multiplier Curve 30736 Access Track Name Field 30737 Access Hierarchy Select Name Field 30738 Access Time Field 30739 Access Value Field 30740 Zoom Horizontal Extents 30741 Zoom Horizontal Extents Keys 30742 Zoom 30743 Zoom Time 30744 Zoom Values 30745 Nudge Keys Left 30746 Nudge Keys Right 30747 Move Highlight Up 30748 Move Highlight Down 30749 Expand Object Toggle 30750 Expand Track Toggle 30751 Scroll Up 30752 Scroll Down 30753 Active/Inactive in Viewport 30754 Reset Pivot 30755 Ease/Multiplier Curve Enable Toggle 30756 Edit Keys Mode 30757 Edit Time Mode 30758 Edit Ranges Mode 30759 Position Ranges Mode 30760 Function Curves Mode 30761 Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle 30762 Pause 30763 Resume 30764 Plug-in Keyboard Shortcuts Enabled 30765 Plug-in Keyboard Shortcuts Disabled 30766 Merge Atmospheric Effects 30767 This will copy all of the production renderer params to the draft renderer.\n Do you want to continue? 30768 This will copy all of the draft renderer params to the production renderer.\n Do you want to continue? 30769 Copy Render Params 30770 Time Tag 30771 Align Sub-Object Selection 30772 Parameter Change 30773 Utility Sets 30774 Utilities 30775 Move Object Up 30776 Move Object Down 30777 IK Controller 30778 IK Controller Parameters 30779 End Effector Position 30780 End Effector Rotation 30781 Create Position Lock Key 30782 Create Rotation Lock Key 30783 Delete Position End Effector 30784 Create Position End Effector 30785 Delete Rotation End Effector 30786 Create Rotation End Effector 30787 End Effector 30788 End Effector String 30789 Selected Joint Limits 30790 Joint Limits 30791 Terminator 30792 Delete Joint 30793 Merge Animation 30794 Make Unique 30795 Do you want to make selected items unique with respect to each other? 30796 Loft Object 30797 Patch Grids 30798 Extended Primitives 30799 NURBS Surfaces 30800 Splines 30801 NURBS Curves 30802 General 30803 Atmospheric Apparatus 30804 Camera Match 30806 Geometric/Deformable 30807 Modifier-Based 30808 Basic 30809 &File 30810 &Track View 30811 Editable Spline 30812 Patch 30813 Spinner Drag Update Toggle 30814 Unlink End Effector 30815 Link End Effector 30816 Click anywhere on a curve to add a key. 30817 Box Gizmo Parameters 30818 Cylinder Gizmo Parameters 30819 Media Control Station ² 30820 Custom 30821 Standard 30822 Strokes 30823 Strokes by Mark Meier 30824 Stroke Interface 30825 Stroke Alert 30826 Obsolete Stroke File 30827 Drawing stroke -- Release mouse button to finish or press ESC to cancel. 30828 Review Strokes 30829 No Objects Selected 30830 Error Writing Strokes 30831 Executes 30832 On the object at the start of the stroke 30833 On all objects in the rectangular extents 30834 crossing 30835 window 30836 On all objects in the circular extents 30837 One the current selection set 30838 Current Stroke Set: %s 30839 All Strokes Deleted 30840 Change Light Color 30841 Object is not a Camera 30842 %d strokes in set 30843 Really Remove Set %s 30844 Remove Stroke Set 30845 Error Saving Stroke Set 30846 Stand-in 30847 Missing WSM 30848 Missing OSM 30849 Missing GeomObject 30850 Geom Stand-in 30851 Primitive 30852 Missing Shape 30853 Shape Stand-in 30854 Missing Light 30855 Light Stand-in 30856 Missing Camera 30857 Camera Stand-in 30858 Missing TexmapContainer 30859 TexmapContainer Stand-in 30860 Missing WSM Object 30861 WSMObject Stand-in 30862 Missing Control 30863 Control Stand-in 30864 Missing Float Control 30865 Missing Point3 Control 30866 Missing Matrix3 Control 30867 Missing Position Control 30868 Missing Rotation Control 30869 Missing Scale Control 30870 Missing Morph Control 30871 Missing Helper 30872 Helper Stand-in 30873 Helper 30874 Missing Material/Map 30875 Missing Material 30876 Material Stand-in 30877 Missing Mtl 30878 Missing TextureMap 30879 Texmap Stand-in 30880 UVGen Stand-in 30881 Missing UVGen 30882 XYZGen Stand-in 30883 Missing XYZGen 30884 Missing RefMaker 30885 RefMaker Stand-in 30886 Missing SoundObj 30887 SoundObj Stand-in 30888 Missing Atmospheric 30889 Atmospheric Stand-in 30890 Missing Renderer 30891 Renderer Stand-in 30892 Missing RefTarget 30893 RefTarget Stand-in 30894 Missing System 30895 System Stand-in 30896 Missing MotCapDev 30897 Scene 30898 Global Tracks 30899 Float 30900 Point3 30901 Position 30902 Rotation 30903 Scale 30904 Float Controllers 30905 Point3 Controllers 30906 Position Controllers 30907 Rotation Controllers 30908 Scale Controllers 30909 Transform Controllers 30910 Untitled %d 30911 Particle Systems 30912 Angle:%s X:%s, Y:%s, Z:%s 30913 R: 30914 G: 30915 B: 30916 WORLD SPACE MODIFIERS 30917 MAX ADDITIONAL 30918 MAX STANDARD 30919 WORLD-SPACE MODIFIERS 30920 OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS 30921 Auto Termination 30922 Light On/Off Toggle 30923 Stroke Preferences 30924 Review Strokes 30925 Make Camera Active 30926 Move Mode (Set Constraints) 30927 Rotate Mode (Set Constraints) 30928 Scale Mode (Set Constraints) 30929 Set Constraints 30930 Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode 30931 Activate Grid Object 30932 Activate Home Grid 30933 Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle 30934 Align Grid To View 30935 Align Normals 30936 Align 30937 Angle Snap Toggle 30938 Animation Mode Toggle 30939 Apply Inverse Kinematics 30940 Arc Rotate 30941 Array 30942 Backface Cull Toggle 30943 Background Display Toggle 30944 Backup Time One Unit 30945 Bind Space Warp Mode 30946 Box Mode Selected 30947 Box Mode Toggle 30948 Camera Display Toggle 30949 Center Point Cycle 30950 Change to Back Viewport 30951 Change to Bottom Viewport 30952 Change to Camera Viewport 30953 Change to Front View 30954 Change to Grid View 30955 Change to Isometric User View 30956 Change to Left View 30957 Change to Perspective User View 30958 Change to Right View 30959 Change to Shape Viewport 30960 Change to Spot/Directional Light View 30961 Change to Top View 30962 Change to Track View 30963 Configure Paths 30964 Constrain to X 30965 Constrain to XY 30966 Constrain to Y 30967 Constrain to Z 30968 Create Command Mode 30969 Cycle Selection Method 30970 Cycle Subobject Level 30971 Cycle Through Scale Modes 30972 Default Lighting Toggle 30973 Delete 30974 Disable Viewport Toggle 30975 Display Command Mode 30976 Dolly Mode 30977 Drawing Aides 30978 Dual Planes Toggle 30979 Edges Only Display Toggle 30980 Edit Modifier Stack 30981 Edit Named Selections 30982 Environment Dialog 30983 Export File 30984 Fetch 30985 Field-of-View Mode 30986 Forward Time One Unit 30987 Freeze Selection 30988 Freeze Unselected 30989 Full Interactivity Toggle 30990 Grid Display Toggle 30991 Group Attach 30992 Group Close 30993 Group Detach 30994 Group Open 30995 Group 30996 Help Menu About Box 30997 Helper Display Toggle 30998 Hide Selection 30999 Hide Unselected 31000 Hierarchy Command Mode 31001 Hold 31002 IK Terminator Toggle 31003 Import File 31004 Interactive Pan 31005 Interactive Zoom In 31006 Interactive Zoom Out 31007 Inverse Kinematics Mode Toggle 31008 Light Display Toggle 31009 Link Mode 31010 Make Preview 31011 Material Editor 31012 Merge File 31013 Mirror 31014 Modify Command Mode 31015 Motion Command Mode 31016 Move Mode 31017 New Scene 31018 Next Modifier 31019 Next / Previous Key Mode Toggle 31020 Nudge Grid Down 31021 Nudge Grid Up 31022 Object Display Toggle 31023 Open File 31024 Pan Camera Mode 31025 Pan View Mode 31026 Pan View 31027 Percent Snap Toggle 31028 Place Highlight 31029 Play Animation 31030 Preferences (MAX) 31031 Previous Modifier 31032 Properties 31033 Quick Render 31034 Redo Scene Operation 31035 Redo Viewport Operation 31036 Redraw All Views 31037 Rename Preview 31038 Render Last 31039 Render Scene 31040 Reset File 31041 Restore Active View 31042 Roll Mode 31043 Rotate Mode 31044 Rotate View Mode 31045 Safeframe Display Toggle 31046 Save Active View 31047 Save File As 31048 Save File 31049 Save+ 31050 Scale Mode 31051 Select All 31052 Select Ancestors 31053 Select By Color 31054 Select By Name Dialog 31055 Select Children 31056 Select Invert 31057 Select Mode 31058 Select None 31059 Selection Lock Toggle 31060 Set Time To End 31061 Set Time To Start 31062 Shade Selected Mode Toggle 31063 Shade Display Toggle Mode 31064 Shape Display Toggle 31065 Show Axis Icon Toggle 31066 Show Dependencies 31067 Show Home Grid 31068 Show Last Rendering 31069 Snap Toggle 31070 Snapshot 31071 Sound Toggle 31072 Space Warp Display Toggle 31073 Spinner Snap Toggle 31074 SubObject Selection Toggle 31075 Summary Info 31076 Swap Layouts 31077 System Display Toggle 31078 Texture Correction 31079 Time Configuration 31080 Track View 31081 Trajectories Display Toggle 31082 Transform Type-In 31083 Truck Mode 31084 Undo Scene Operation 31085 Undo Viewport Operation 31086 Unfreeze All 31087 Unfreeze by Hit 31088 Unfreeze by Name 31089 Unhide All 31090 Unhide by Name 31091 Unit Setup 31092 Unlink Mode 31093 Utility Command Mode 31094 Video Post 31095 View File 31096 View Preview 31097 Viewport Configuration 31098 Window / Crossing Toggle 31099 Wireframe / Facet Shading Toggle 31100 Wireframe / Smooth Shading Toggle 31101 Zoom All Mode 31102 Zoom Extents All 31103 Zoom Extents Selected All 31104 Zoom Extents Selected 31105 Zoom Extents 31106 Zoom In 2X All 31107 Zoom In 2X 31108 Zoom Mode 31109 Zoom Out 2X All 31110 Zoom Out 2X 31111 Zoom Region Mode 31112 Zoom Extents Selected 31113 Change Light Color 31114 Atmospheric Effect 31115 SphereGizmo 31116 CylGizmo 31117 BoxGizmo 31118 Delete Atmospheric Effect 31119 Convert To: 31120 Are you sure you want to merge selected XRefs into the current scene? 31121 Merge XRefs 31122 XRefObject 31123 XRef Object 31124 Are you sure you want to remove selected XRefs from the scene? 31125 Remove XRefs 31126 XRef Merge 31127 One or more of the objects you have selected has transform animation. Do you wish to merge this animation? 31128 XReferenceDirs 31129 XRefs 31130 One of the objects being merged: \n \n%s \n \nis parented to the following object in the original scene: \n \n%s \n \nAn object with the same name exists in the current scene. Do you want to reparent %s to %s in the current scene? 31131 Object XRef File Not Found 31132 The Object XRef file: "%s" can not be found \n 31133 XRef Object Not Found 31134 The XRef object: "%s" can not be found within the file: "%s" \n 31135 Scene XRef File Not Found 31136 The Scene XRef file: "%s" can not be found \n 31137 (Proxy for "%s") 31138 One or more of the objects being collapsed refer to an XRef object. Collapsing the stack will remove these references. \n \nAre you sure you want to continue? 31139 Collapse Stack 31140 Configure XRef Paths 31141 Choose New XRef Path 31142 Master 31143 Master Point 31144 Delete Controller 31145 No objects are selected. 31146 Snapshot Selected 31147 Normal Align 31148 Align Selected 31149 Select track to display keys. Click or region-select keys. Shift-drag to clone. 31150 Align Camera 31151 Pick XRef Object 31152 The proxy object you have selected has a different offset than the original object which may cause the objects to appear out of alignment. To correct this problem use the Reset XForm utility to reset the transform for both objects in the XRef source scene. 31153 Cannot create an XRef to the currently loaded scene. 31156 XRef 31157 Add... 31158 Set... 31159 Add as Proxy 31160 Set Proxy 31162 3ds max is already running.\nMultiple sessions are only supported on Windows 2000.\n 31168 You have chosen to select one or more objects which are hidden or frozen. \nDo you want these objects to be unhidden and unfrozen? \n(Choosing "no" means that the hidden/frozen objects will become selected!) 31169 Unconstrain Handle 31170 Customize QUAD Menus 31171 Customize &QUAD Menus 31172 Assign Renderer 31173 By assigning a new renderer, you will lose any changes\nyou may have made to the previous renderer.\n\nChanges to Common Parameters will remain. 31174 Select and Manipulate 31175 Manipulate 31176 Customize User Interface 31177 Customize UI 31178 Render Element 31179 Render Elements 31180 Enabled 31181 Filter Enabled 31182 Atmosphere Applied 31183 Name 31184 Type 31185 Output Path 31186 On 31187 Off 31188 Render Element Output File 31189 Merge Render Elements 31201 Forces 31202 Deflectors 31203 Particle Tests 31204 Particle Operators 31205 Save to Combustion 31206 Combustion Files (*.cws) 31207 *.cws 31208 Lock To Active Viewport 31209 Metronome (Active) 31210 Metronome (Inactive) 31211 None 31212 Waveform - 31213 (Inactive) 31214 Vertex Color 31215 Vertex Illumination 31216 Vertex Alpha 31217 Color + Illumination 31218 Set Key 31219 Set K. 31220 Set Key 31221 Move Frame Slider 31222 Remove IK Chain 31223 gmax dev 31225 gmax 31226 gmax dev is already running.\nMultiple sessions are only supported on Windows 2000.\n 31227 gmax is already running.\nMultiple sessions are only supported on Windows 2000.\n 31228 GMAX EDIT 31229 GMAX SURFACE 31230 GMAX ADDITIONAL 31231 GMAX STANDARD 32014 gmax default 32016 gmax Material Navigator - 32017 gmax Material Navigator