1 Spline segment index out of range: 2 Shape spline index out of range: 3 shape operation on non-SplineShape: 4 isPlaying property of WAVSound not settable 5 end property of WAVSound not settable 6 Assign needs controller 7 Playback speed 8 Unexpected result from GetPlaybackSpeed: 9 Controller superclasses not the same 10 MEdit object type index 11 MEdit tile type index 12 Unexpected result from GetRendTimeType: 13 Render time type 14 Render Nth frame value < 1: 15 Render video color check method 16 Render field order type 17 Render video color check type 18 Render super black threshold value 19 Type error: compare function requires MAXScriptFunction, got: 20 qsort start index out of range: 21 qsort end index out of range: 22 qsort end index < start index: 23 array index must be +ve number, got: 24 Type error: compare function requires MAXScriptFunction, got: 25 Axis order index 26 desktopSize property of sysInfo not settable 27 desktopBPP property of sysInfo not settable 28 mode property of mouse not settable 29 buttonState property of mouse not settable 30 pos property of mouse not settable 31 Invalid MAX command mode name: 32 EPoly operation on non-Editable Poly: 33 Cannot change EPoly with modifiers present: 34 material ID must be +ve number, got: 37 Attempt to set read-only property: 38 pickTrackDlg: unknown argument - 39 Failure setting node property to: 40 WSMApplyFC pos/vel/force argument arrays not same size 41 Node not force field or deflector type Space Warp node: 42 Cannot change mesh with modifiers present: 43 Mesh operation on non-mesh: 44 Mesh vertex index out of range: 45 Mesh face index out of range: 46 Mesh edge index out of range: 47 Editable Mesh 48 EPoly vertex index out of range: 49 Attach 50 Weld 51 Spline vertex index out of range: 52 Attach Object 53 numberSet property of bitArray not settable 54 Specified number of map channels outside valid range: 55 Map channel index outside valid range: 56 Count must not be negative number, got: 57 Specified number of vertex data channels outside valid range: 58 Vertex data channel index outside valid range: 59 No vertices exist for specified map channel: 60 Map support not enabled for specified map channel: 61 Vertex data support not enabled for specified vertex data channel: 62 Bit index or shift count out of range: 63 EPoly face index out of range: 64 EPoly edge index out of range: 65 Specified number of edge data channels outside valid range: 66 animatable 67 Cannot directly set bigmatrix3 property: 68 Assigning to key array directly not supported 69 Appending keys directly not supported 70 Key index out of range in deleteItem: 71 Key index out of range in deleteKey: 72 Invalid time value for addNewKey: 73 Unrecognized flag for addNewKey: 74 Unrecognized flag for deleteKeys: 75 Cannot directly set key array size 76 Key no longer exists in controller: 77 No such NoteTrack function for: 78 Function needs a notetrack, got: 79 Index should be less than NumNoteTracks, got: 80 Cannot directly set children array 81 Cannot directly set key array 82 Particle index out of range: 83 Particle operation on non-particle-system: 84 viewport.activeViewport index out of range 85 array index must be < the number of columns: 86 Boolean object not creatable 87 Cannot directly set numViews 88 Cannot directly set Physique property: 89 createBooleanObject: invalid source object type, got: 90 fileProperties.getPropertyValue 91 fileProperties.getProperty 92 GetNamedSelSetItemCount set index out of range: 93 GetNamedSelSetItem item index out of range: 94 GetNamedSelSetItem set index out of range: 95 GetNamedSelSetName set index out of range: 96 getXRefFile index out of range: 97 Invalid object needed Boolean object, got: 98 fileProperties.addProperty invalid date format, got: 99 Need a valid summary page property name, got: 100 expected fileProperties.addProperty property value type, got: 101 rgb array is not of the same size as vertex array 102 uvw array is not of the same size as vertex array 103 IsPointSelected index out of range: 104 IsSurfaceUVClosed index out of range: 105 Function needs a Physique modifier, got: 106 Node index cannot be > the number of nodes, got: 107 Node should be a +ve number, got: 108 No Biped controller on node: 109 SetPatchSteps: patch operation on non-mesh: 110 PointSelection index out of range: 111 The BigMatrix should be a BigMatrix, got: 112 The BigMatrix should have equal number of rows & columns 113 RootNode is readOnly 114 SetPatchSteps index out of range: 115 addNewXRefFile: unknown argument - 116 updateChangedXRefs: unknown argument - 117 Vertex index cannot be > the number of vertices, got: 118 Vertex should be a +ve number, got: 119 Not creatable: 120 Not an Euler or Local Euler controller: 121 Edge data channel index outside valid range: 122 Controller not an Attachment controller: 123 Failure setting node property to: 124 Controller not a Link controller: 125 Link control index < 1 or > number links: 126 Controller not a List controller: 127 List control index < 1 or > number links: 128 Attachment controller key index < 1 or > number keys: 129 Needs MAXSuperClass value 130 Edge data support not enabled for specified edge data channel: 131 Key index out of range in getNoteKeyTime: 132 Invalid time value for addNewNoteKey: 133 Unrecognized flag for deleteNoteKeys: 134 Unrecognized flag for addNewNoteKey: 135 Key index out of range in deleteNoteKey: 2295 Rollout Handler 2296 username property not settable 2297 computername property not settable 2298 Error setting current directory: 2299 Mesh map vertex index out of range: 2300 Mesh map face index out of range: 2301 Angle range must be a Point3 2302 Angle .dir value must be #CW or #CCW, got: 2303 Bad snap mode: 2304 Bad trackCallback: argument: 2305 Type error: setFocus requires RolloutFloater or RolloutControl value, got: 2306 Source object not an Editable Mesh 2307 Map vertex count must be 3 2308 Mesh vertex data index out of range: 2309 Needs MAXWrapper, got: 2310 Must have at least one vertex before creating faces 2311 Must have at least one map vertex before creating map faces 2312 Displacement mapping not applicable for TriMesh values 2313 Mesh edge data index out of range: 2544 extrudeFaces - invalid dir: argument: 2545 Barycentric coordinate specified not a Point3: 2546 extrudeEdges - invalid dir: argument: 2547 bevelFaces - invalid dir: argument: 2548 Subdivisions steps < 0: 2549 Subdivisions edge length < 0: 2550 Subdivisions distance < 0: 2551 Subdivisions angle < 0: 2552 Subdivisions levels < 0: 2553 Subdivisions triangles < 0: 2554 Property not applicable for TriMesh values: 2555 Editable Poly 2556 Attach 2557 createPolygon vertex list must be array, got: 2558 Poly face vertex index out of range: 2559 Poly detach to node requires node as first argument, or node: specified 2560 Poly attach requires node as first argument or targetNode: specified, got: 2561 Poly attach requires node as second argument or sourceNode: specified, got: 2562 Poly createShape requires node as first argument, or node: specified 2563 setMapFace vertex list must be array, got: 2564 No object/controller assigned to: 2565 Attach List 2566 Cannot destroy dialog while in viewport: 2567 Cannot position dialog while in viewport: 2568 Cannot create an XRef to the currently loaded scene 2569 Cannot get point controllers from this object: 2570 Unable to format value: 2571 Unable to decode value: 2572 The function needed argument of type: # 2573 , got: 2574 Cannot convert value to bitArray: 2575 Cannot get mesh from this object: 2576 Specified number of elements for BigMatrix too large 2577 Modifier not found or does not support mesh delta interface: 2578 Modifier not active in Modify panel: 2579 Base object not an editable mesh or mesh does not support mesh delta interface: 2580 Editable mesh not active in Modify panel: 2581 Editable poly not active in Modify panel: 2582 value not convertable to an integer: 2583 Poly operation on non-Poly: 2584 AssignNewName needs a Material or TextureMap got: 2585 Not a valid group head: 2586 Invalid object, needed Atmospheric or Effect, got: 2587 INI file size limit exceeded 2588 Cannot destroy dialog while registered as dialog bar: 2589 Cannot position dialog while registered as dialog bar: