339 Hide 10007 Select 30001 Extrude 30219 Unhide All 30271 MAX EDIT 30280 Assign Smooth Group 30285 Select By Material ID 30286 Select By Smooth Groups 30705 Vertex Color 30706 Set Vertex Color 30710 Select By Color 30738 Bevel 40025 Edit Spline 40028 Spline 40029 Segment 40030 Vertex 40032 Edit Patch 40033 Edit Spline 40039 Close Spline 40041 Delete Spline 40042 No valid splines selected 40043 No splines selected 40044 Break Vertex 40045 No valid vertices selected 40046 Delete Segment 40047 No segments selected 40048 Detach Spline 40049 Outline Spline 40050 Detach Segment 40051 Shape 40052 Refine 40053 Break Segment 40054 Connect Vertex 40055 Insert Vertex 40056 Weld Vertex 40057 No vertices within weld threshold. 40058 Please select one spline 40059 More than one spline selected 40060 Boolean 40061 Union 40062 Subtraction 40063 Intersection 40064 ERROR: Final boolean weld stage failed 40065 Cannot perform boolean because splines have coincident vertices 40066 Cannot perform boolean because splines must overlap 40067 Please select a closed spline 40068 Spline is invalid: Self-intersects 40069 Attach 40071 No vertices selected 40072 Vertex Change 40073 Smooth 40074 Corner 40076 Bezier 40077 Segment Change 40078 Curve 40079 Line 40080 Delete Vertex 40081 Bezier Corner 40083 Edit Patch 40084 Patch 40086 Delete Patch 40087 No patches selected 40088 Weld Edge 40160 Make First 40171 Edge 40172 Auto Interior 40173 Manual Interior 40174 No valid edges selected 40175 Patch Add 40176 Edge Subdivide 40177 Patch Subdivide 40178 Create Line 40179 Mirror Horizontally 40180 Mirror Vertically 40181 Mirror Both 40182 Mirror 40186 Patch Change 40187 Coplanar 40190 Poly Connect 40191 Weld coincident endpoints? 40193 Detach Patch 40194 No compatible edges selected 40196 Copy Spline 40197 Copy Segment 40201 Spline Change 40316 %d Vertices out of %d welded. 40359 Patch material ID change 40410 Spline %d/Seg %d Selected 40411 %d Segments Selected 40412 Spline %d Selected (%s) 40413 %d Splines Selected 40414 Spline %d/Vert %d Selected 40415 Vertex Count: %d 40416 Selection 40417 Whole Object Selected 40418 Vertex %d Selected 40419 %d Vertices Selected 40420 Geometry 40421 Attach Multiple 40422 Edge %d Selected 40423 %d Edges Selected 40424 Patch %d Selected 40425 %d Patches Selected 40427 Explode 40428 Divide Segment 40429 Reverse Spline 40430 Can't Proceed: Modifier applied to multiple splines. 40431 Cross Insert 40432 Crossing lines not within specified threshold 40433 Delete Edge 40434 No edges selected 40435 Segment material ID change 40444 %d edges welded 40445 %d vertices welded 40447 Open 40448 Closed 40449 Attach List 40453 Trim 40454 Extend 40455 Fillet 40456 Chamfer 40458 Paste Named Selection 40459 Surface Properties 40499 Cycle 40500 Fuse Vertices 40502 Bind 40503 Unbind 40504 An old version of Surface Tools might have created a bad patch trying to recover 40508 Vertex Illumination 40509 Linear Mapping 40510 Element 40511 Copy Patch 40518 Break Vertex 40519 Break Edge 40520 No valid geometry selected 40521 Create Shape 40522 Flip Normals 40523 Unify Normals 40524 Create Vertex 40525 Create Patch 40530 The selected vertices could not be welded 40531 weld 40532 Soft Selection 40533 The selected vertices could not be welded 40534 Change Alpha 40535 EditPatch and EditSpline Modifiers (discreet) 40536 Select By Illumination