Creating Animation

In this tutorial, you'll learn to animate basic transforms, making objects move and rotate. YouÆll learn how to freeze objects so that you donÆt accidentally select them when youÆre trying to select other objects.

The scene youÆll be working on is a terrain with four missile silos, an outpost building, a power charger, and a character named Gauss. YouÆll animate a hatch opening and a missile flying out of one of the silos. YouÆll animate the power charger rotating away from Gauss, and Gauss moving after being ôchargedö. YouÆll also animate a camera in the scene.

This is an intermediate tutorial. Some familiarity with navigation controls would be useful. If you've never used gmax before, we recommend you begin with Getting Started with gmax.

Finding the Files

Most of the tutorials ask you to begin by loading a starting file. You will find these files in the subdirectories under gmax\tutorials. These scene and map files are not installed as part of the basic gmax install. You get these files when you download and install gmax_tutorials.exe. If you can't find a file, trying searching for it using Windows Explorer or My Computer; you may have inadvertently installed the files to a different location.

In This Tutorial