xform ...
<XForm>.center Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable
At this sub-object level, you can translate and animate the center, altering the Xform gizmo's shape, and thus the shape of the object.
<XForm>.gizmo SubAnim
At this sub-object level, you can transform and animate the gizmo like any other object, altering the effect of the Xform modifier. Translating the gizmo translates its center an equal distance. Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes place with respect to its center.
<XForm.Gizmo>.position Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable
The position of the wave gizmo.
<XForm.Gizmo>.rotation Quat default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable
The rotation of the wave gizmo.
<XForm.Gizmo>.scale Point3 default: [1,1,1] -- animatable
The scale of the wave gizmo.
See also
Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties
Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods