The following 3ds max system global variables give you access to the global rendering environment:
Lets you get and set a Color value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) background color.
Lets you get and set a Controller value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) background color controller.
Lets you get and set a Color value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) ambient lighting color.
Lets you get and set a Controller value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) ambient lighting color controller.
Lets you get and set a TextureMap value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) environment map.
Lets you get and set the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Use Map value. A Boolean value - true if Use Map is on, false if off.
Lets you get and set a Color value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Global Lighting Tint color.
Lets you get and set a Controller value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Global Lighting Tint color controller.
Lets you get and set a Float value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Global Lighting Tint Level.
Lets you get and set a Controller value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Global Lighting Tint Level controller.
Contains an Integer value that defines the number of atmospheric events, as shown in Rendering\Environment. This variable is read-only.
The following methods set options in the global rendering environment:
setUseEnvironmentMap <boolean>
Lets you get and set the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) Use Map value. If <boolean> is true Use Map is turned on, false it is turned off.
Returns the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) background color controller.
Lets you set a Point3 value that defines the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) background color at the specified time. Each component of the Point3 value is in the range of 0 to 255.
setBackGroundController ( <color_controller> | <point3_controller> )
Assigns the specified controller as the global rendering environment (Rendering\Environment) background color controller.
ambientColor = color 10 10 25
environmentMap = bitmapTexture filename:"foo.bmp"
The following script shows an example of creating Volume Fog and Volume Light atmospherics.
-- Atmospheric Effects Test Bed
-- create a geosphere, sphere gizmo, onnilight, and targetted camera
geos=geosphere radius:24
sgizmo=spheregizmo radius:40
omni=omnilight farAttenStart:20 farAttenEnd:100 useFarAtten:true v=255
cam=targetcamera pos:[150,-50,100] target:(targetobject())
-- put a material on the geosphere
geos.material.selfIllumColor = color 238 241 2
-- create a Volume Fog atmospheric. Set name so it has one in Environment dialog.
vf=volume_fog name:"VolFog" soften_gizmo_edges:0.7 exponential:1 density:75
vf.fog_color=color 255 157 0
appendGizmo vf sgizmo
addAtmospheric vf
-- create a Volume Light atmospheric. Set name so it has one in Environment dialog.
vl=volume_light name: "VolLight" exponential:1 density:20
vl.fog_color=color 255 30 0
vl.attenuation_color= color 255 162 0
appendGizmo vl omni
addAtmospheric vl
-- and render awayà
render camera:cam