VolumeSelect : Modifier


volumeselect ...


<Volumeselect>.level            Integer     default: 0

Volume Select provides three selection levels. Vertex and Face levels put the modifier stack in sub-object selection. You can make one sub-object selection for each Volume Select modifier. You can then toggle the one selection between Face and Vertex level to send either up the stack. Object (top) level lets you modify the whole object while retaining any sub-object selection.

0- Object

1- Vertex

2- Face

<Volumeselect>.type             Integer     default: 0

Sets the volume select type:

0- Replace (Clears any selection passed up the stack to the Volume Select modifier, and then selects geometry within the volume.)

1- Add (Selects all geometry within the volume, adding to any previous selection.)

2- Subtract (Deselects all geometry within the volume.)

<Volumeselect>.invert           Boolean     default: false

When on, the entire selection set is reversed. Geometry that was unselected becomes selected, and vice versa.

<Volumeselect>.method           Integer     default: 0

Lets you determine whether selected faces are wholly or partially within the defined volume:

0- Window (Selects only faces with all three vertices within the selection volume.)

1- Crossing (Selects faces with only one vertex within the selection volume.)

<Volumeselect>.volume           Integer     default: 0

These controls let you define the selection with a primitive, a mesh object, or by surface characteristics:

0- Box

1- Sphere

2- Cylinder

3- Mesh Object

4- Texture Map

5- Material Id

6- Smoothing Group

<Volumeselect>.Node             Node        default: undefined

The node which defines the selection space when .volume is set to 3 (mesh object).

<Volumeselect>.matID            Integer     default: 1          -- alias: Material_ID

When .volume is set to 5 (material ID), all faces or vertices using the material ID specified by this value are selected.

<Volumeselect>.smGroup          Integer     default: 1          -- alias: Smoothing_Group

When .volume is set to 6 (smoothing group), all faces or vertices using the smoothing group specified by this value are selected.

<Volumeselect>.texture          TextureMap  default: undefined  -- alias: TextureMap

When .volume is set to 4 (texture map), this texture map will define the selection space.

<Volumeselect>.map              Integer     default: 0          -- alias: Map_Channel_Type

Specifies whether to apply the selection by mapping channel or vertex color channel:

0- Map Channel

1- Vertex Color Channel

<Volumeselect>.mapChannel       Integer     default: 1          -- alias: Map_Channel

Specifies which map channel to use when .map is set to 0.

<Volumeselect>.autofit          Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Auto_fit

When on, automatically adjusts the gizmo size and shape to fit the object as you change the underlying topology.

<Volumeselect>.UseAffectRegion  Boolean     default: false      -- alias: Use_affect_region

When on, a soft selection region is applied.

<Volumeselect>.falloff          Float       default: 20.0       -- animatable

Distance in current units from the center to the edge of a sphere defining the affected region. Use higher falloff settings to achieve more gradual slopes, depending on the scale of your geometry.

<Volumeselect>.pinch            Float       default: 0.0        -- animatable

Raises and lowers the top point of the curve along the vertical axis. Sets the relative "pointedness" of the region. When negative, a crater is produced instead of a point. At a setting of 0, Pinch produces a smooth transition across this axis.

<Volumeselect>.bubble           Float       default: 0.0        -- animatable

Expands and contracts the curve along the vertical axis. Sets the relative "fullness" of the region. Limited by Pinch, which sets a fixed starting point for Bubble. A setting of 0 for Pinch and 1.0 for Bubble produces a maximum smooth bulge. Negative values for Bubble move the bottom of the curve below the surface, creating a "valley" around the base of the region.

<Volumeselect>.center           Point3      default: [0,0,0]    -- animatable

You can translate and animate the center, which affects rotation or scaling of the Volume Select modifier's gizmo.

<Volumeselect>.gizmo            SubAnim

You can transform and animate the gizmo to change the selection. Translating the gizmo translates its center an equal distance. Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes place with respect to its center.

<Volumeselect.Gizmo>.position  Point3  default: [0,0,0]        -- animatable

The position of the volumeselect gizmo.

<Volumeselect.Gizmo>.rotation  Quat    default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable

The rotation of the volumeselect gizmo.

<Volumeselect.Gizmo>.scale     Point3  default: [1,1,1]        -- animatable

The scale of the volumeselect gizmo.


The Map Channel property is not accessible by MAXScript in 3ds max 4.

The center and gizmo properties are not present until the Volumeselect modifier has been applied to a node.

See also