Splat : TextureMap


splat ...


<Splat>.size        Float       default: 40.0      -- animatable

Adjusts the size of the splats. Use this to make the splats match your geometry.

<Splat>.iterations  Integer     default: 4         -- animatable

Sets the number of times the fractal function is evaluated. The higher the number, the more detailed the splats, but the longer the calculation time.

<Splat>.threshold   Float       default: 0.2       -- animatable

Determines how much of color1 is mixed with color2. At 0, only color1 is displayed; at 1, only color2 is displayed.

<Splat>.color1      Color       default: (color 178.5 204 204) -- animatable, Color_1

The color of the background.

<Splat>.map1        TextureMap  default: undefined

The map used as the color of the background.

<Splat>.map1On      Boolean     default: true      -- alias: Map1_On

Enables associated map.

<Splat>.color2      Color       default: (color 51 127.5 255)  -- animatable, Color_2

The color of the splats.

<Splat>.map2        TextureMap  default: undefined

The map used as the color of the splats.

<Splat>.map2On      Boolean     default: true      -- alias: Map2_On

Enables associated map.

<Splat>.coords      StandardXYZGen                 -- alias: Coordinates

See StandardXYZGen for the StandardXYZGen properties.

See also