planet ...
<Planet>.color1 Color default: (color 10.2 20.4 79.05) -- animatable, alias: Color_1
The color at the center of the water mass.
<Planet>.color2 Color default: (color 10.2 30.6 79.05) -- animatable, alias: Color_2
The color surrounding the center of the water mass.
<Planet>.color3 Color default: (color 10.2 40.8 79.05) -- animatable, alias: Color_3
The color surrounding color2, meeting the land.
<Planet>.color4 Color default: (color 10.2 99.45 12.75) -- animatable, alias: Color_4
<Planet>.color5 Color default: (color 99.45 79.05 12.75) -- animatable, alias: Color_5
<Planet>.color6 Color default: (color 79.05 20.4 7.65) -- animatable, alias: Color_6
<Planet>.color7 Color default: (color 99.45 79.05 51) -- animatable, alias: Color_7
<Planet>.color8 Color default: (color 99.45 99.45 99.45) -- animatable, alias: Color_8
The colors in these five swatches are applied to the land areas of the planet surface. Their arrangement continues that of the water colors. color4 is the shoreline of the land, meeting the water; color5 comes next, working toward the center of the land mass. color8 is at the center of the land mass.
<Planet>.continentSize Float default: 40.0 -- animatable, alias: Continent_Size
Sets the size of the fractal noise pattern used to generate the continents. Can range from 0 to 100. The higher the value, the larger the continents.
<Planet>.islandFactor Float default: 0.5 -- animatable, alias: Island_Factor
Sets the size of the fractal noise pattern used to generate islands and mountains. Can range from 0 to 100. At 0, the geography is very low. Higher settings create a more rugged landscape.
<Planet>.oceanPercent Float default: 60.0 -- animatable, alias: Ocean_Percent
Sets the percentage of the planet's surface that is covered by water.
<Planet>.randomSeed Integer default: 12345
Sets the seed for pseudo-random generation of the pattern. Changing this number can completely change the pattern, even if other settings remain the same. On the other hand, a different Planet map with the same settings including the same Random Seed will appear the same.
<Planet>.blendWaterLand Boolean default: true
When on, the boundary between water and land is blended, giving a hazy appearance. When off, the boundary between water and land is sharp.
<Planet>.coords StandardXYZGen -- alias: Coordinates
See StandardXYZGen for the StandardXYZGen properties.
See also
TextureMap Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
Material Common Properties, Operators, and Methods