pbomb ...
Note: This class is not available in 3D Studio VIZ.
<PBomb>.symmetry Integer default: 0
The shape, or pattern of the blast effect:
0- Spherical (The blast force radiates outward from the PBomb icon in all directions. The icon looks like a spherical anarchist's bomb.)
1- Cylindrical (The blast force radiates outward from and normal to the central axis, or core of the cylindrical icon. The icon looks like a stick of dynamite with a fuse.)
2- Planar (The blast force radiates both up and down, perpendicular to the plane of the planar icon. The icon looks like a plane with arrows pointing up and down along the direction of the blast force.)
<PBomb>.chaos Float default: 10.0 -- percentage
The blast forces vary for each particle or each frame, an effect similar to Brownian motion, with a rate of change in the direction of force equal to the rendering interval rate.
<PBomb>.Start_Time Time default: 30f
The frame number at which the impulse forces are first applied to the particles.
<PBomb>.Lasts_For Time default: 1f
The number of frames, beyond the first, over which the forces are applied. This value should typically be a small number, such as between 0 and 3.
<PBomb>.strength Float default: 1.0 -- animatable
The change in velocity along the blast vector, in units per frame. Increasing Strength increases the speed with which the particles are blown away from the bomb icon.
<PBomb>.Decay_Type Integer default: 1
Sets the decay type:
0- Unlimited Range (The effects of the bomb icon reach all bound particles throughout the scene. This option ignores the Range setting, which specifies the distance of the PBomb effect.)
1- Linear (The impulse forces decay linearly between the full Strength setting to a value of 0 at the specified Range setting.)
2- Exponential (The impulse forces decay exponentially between the full Strength setting to a value of 0 at the specified Range setting.)
<PBomb>.range Float default: 1000.0 -- animatable
The maximum distance, in units, over which the PBomb icon affects the bound particle system. If the Range is large enough to reach only a portion of the particle system, only that part of the system is affected.
<PBomb>.Icon_Size Float default: 0.0
The overall size of the PBomb icon.
Associated Methods
bindSpaceWarp <node> <pbomb_node>
Associated Binding Modifier
This modifier is automatically created by the bindSpaceWarp() method, and is not otherwise creatable by MAXScript. There are no properties associated with this binding modifier.
See also
Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods