Particle_Age : TextureMap


particle_age ...

Note: This class is not available in 3D Studio VIZ.


<Particle_Age>.color1       Color       default: (color 0 0 0) -- animatable, alias: Color_1

Sets the color of a particle at its birth.

<Particle_Age>.map1         TextureMap  default: undefined  -- alias: Map_1

Sets the map used for a particle at its birth.

<Particle_Age>.map1Enabled  Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Map_1_Enable

When on, the associated map is enabled.

<Particle_Age>.age1         Float       default: 0.0        -- animatable, alias: Age_1

Sets the age where a particle starts changing from color1 to color2, expressed as a percentage of the particle's entire life.

<Particle_Age>.color2       Color       default: (color 127.5 127.5 127.5) -- animatable, alias: Color_2

Sets the color of a particle in mid-life.

<Particle_Age>.map2         TextureMap  default: undefined  -- alias: Map_2

Sets the map used for a particle in mid-life.

<Particle_Age>.map2Enabled  Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Map_2_Enable

When on, the associated map is enabled.

<Particle_Age>.age2         Float       default: 50.0       -- animatable, alias: Age_2

Sets the age where a particle's color equals color2, expressed as a percentage of the particle's entire life.

<Particle_Age>.color3       Color       default: (color 255 255 255) -- animatable, alias: Color_3

Sets the color of a particle at its death.

<Particle_Age>.map3         TextureMap  default: undefined  -- alias: Map_3

Sets the map used for a particle at its death.

<Particle_Age>.map3Enabled  Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Map_3_Enable

When on, the associated map is enabled.

<Particle_Age>.age3         Float       default: 100.0      -- animatable, alias: Age_3

Sets the age where a particle changes to color3, expressed as a percentage of the particle's entire life.

<Particle_Age>.output       StandardTextureOutput

See TexOutputClass for the StandardTextureOutput properties.

See also