Frees up all the memory used by the image file bitmap caches. This is useful if memory is fragmented with a lot of different bitmaps and you want to have just the ones currently active reloaded.
rescaleWorldUnits <factor> [ #selOnly ]
This method provides functionality similar to that of Rescale World Utility plug-in in 3ds max. <factor> is the factor the objects should be scaled by. If #selOnly is specified then only the selected objects are scaled.
Returns true if 3ds max is operating in network rendering mode and false if operating in normal interactive mode.
loadDllsFromDir <directory_path_string> <filename_wildcard_string>
Load all the plug-ins found in the specified directory. The directory_path_string must be terminated with a '\'. For example:
LoadDllsFromDir "f:\\maxsdk\\plugin\\" "*.dlc"
Returns an Array with three integers like #(3000, 6, 0) with 3ds max release number, max API number, revision number of the SDK.
swap <destination> <destination>
Takes two valid assignment destinations (property, array index, or variable) as arguments and swaps their values. For example:
swap myMaterial.diffuseMap.map1 myMaterial.diffuseMap.map2