mirror ...
<Mirror>.mirror_axis Integer default: 0
The axis or axes about which the mirroring takes place:
0- X
1- Y
2- Z
3- XY
4- YZ
5- ZX
<Mirror>.Mirror_Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
The offset, in units, from the mirror axis.
<Mirror>.copy Boolean default: false
When on, copies the geometry rather than simply mirroring it.
<Mirror>.mirror_center SubAnim
Represents the axis of the mirror effect. You can move, rotate or scale the gizmo to affect the mirroring.
<Mirror.Mirror_Center>.position Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable
The position of the mirror center.
<Mirror.Mirror_Center>.rotation Quat default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable
The rotation of the mirror center.
<Mirror.Mirror_Center>.scale Point3 default: [1,1,1] -- animatable
The scaling of the mirror center.
See also
Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties
Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods