meshsmooth - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 29:0 - classID: #(50, 32670)
meshsmooth ...
<meshsmooth>.subdivMethod Integer default: 2 -- integer; Subdivision_Method
Selects the Subdivision method to use:
0: Classic (Produces three- and four-sided facets.)
1: Quad Output (Produces only four-sided facets.)
2: NURMS (Produces Non-Uniform Rational MeshSmooth object.)
<meshsmooth>.ignoreSel BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Apply_To_Whole_Mesh
When turned on, any sub-object selection passed up the stack is ignored and MeshSmooth is applied to the entire object.
<meshsmooth>.oldMapping BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Old_style_Mapping
Uses the algorithm from the previous release of the program to apply MeshSmooth to the mapping coordinates. This technique tends to distort the underlying mapping coordinates as it creates new faces and as texture coordinates shift.
<meshsmooth>.iterations Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer
The number of iterations used to smooth the mesh. Each iteration generates new faces using the vertices created from the previous iteration.
<meshsmooth>.smoothness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Smoothness_Filter
Determines how sharp a corner must be before faces are added to smooth it. Smoothness is calculated as the average angle of all edges connected to a vertex. A value of 0.0 prevents the creation of any faces. A value of 1.0 adds faces to all vertices even if they lie on a plane.
<meshsmooth>.useRenderIterations BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Render_Iterations
Turn on/off use of render iterations, for using a different number of iterations at render time. When off, the software will use the iterations value.
<meshsmooth>.renderItSerations Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer; Render_Iterations
Number of smoothing iterations to be applied to the object at render time.
<meshsmooth>.useRenderSmoothness BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Render_Smoothness
Turn on/off use of render smoothness, for using a different smoothness value at render time. When off, the software will use the smoothness value.
<meshsmooth>.renderSmoothness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Render_Smoothness
Lets you choose a different Smoothness value to be applied to the object at render time.
<meshsmooth>.faceType Integer default: 1 -- integer; Face_Type
Select the type to operate on during input conversion:
0: Faces
1: Polygons
Operate On Faces treats every triangle as a face and smooths across all edges, even invisible edges. Operate On Polygons ignores invisible edges, treating polygons (like the quads making up a box or the cap on a cylinder) as a single face.
<meshsmooth>.keepConvex BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Keep_Input_Faces_Convex
Keeps all input polygons convex. Selecting this option causes non-convex polygons to be handled as a minimum number of separate faces, each of which is convex.
<meshsmooth>.update Integer default: 0 -- integer; Update_Options
Set update options:
0: Always update
1: Update when rendering
2: Update Manually
<meshsmooth>.limitSurface BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Project_to_Limit_Surface
Places all points on the "limit surface" of the MeshSmooth result, which is the surface you'd get after an infinite number of iterations.
<meshsmooth>.smoothResult BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Smooth_Output
Applies the same smoothing group to all faces.
<meshsmooth>.sepByMats BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Separate_By_Materials
Prevents the creation of new faces for edges between faces that do not share Material IDs.
<meshsmooth>.sepBySmGroups BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Separate_By_Smoothing_Group
Prevents the creation of new faces at edges between faces that don't share at least one smoothing group.
<meshsmooth>.ignoreBackfacing BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Ignore_Backfacing
When on, selection of sub-objects selects only those sub-objects whose normals are visible in the viewport. When off (the default), selection includes all sub-objects, regardless of the direction of their normals.
<meshsmooth>.displayCage BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Display_Control_Mesh
Displays an orange wireframe gizmo that shows what the control mesh looks like after it's been converted to polygons (if applicable) and before the smoothing occurs.
<meshsmooth>.controlLevel Integer default: 0 -- integer; Control_Level
Allows you to see the control mesh after one or more iterations and to edit sub-object points and edges at that level.
<meshsmooth>.useSoftSel BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Soft_Selection
Affects the action of Move, Rotate, and Scale functions within editable object or edit modifier, and the action of deformation modifiers applied to the object if they are operating on a sub-object selection. When on, 3ds max applies a spline curve deformation to the unselected sub-objects surrounding the selection that you transform.
<meshsmooth>.useEdgeDist BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Edge_Distance
Turn on/off use Edge Distance.
<meshsmooth>.edgeDist Integer default: 1 -- integer; Edge_Distance
Limits the region affected by the number of edges between the selection and the affected vertices.
<meshsmooth>.affectBackfacing BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Affect_Backfacing
When on, deselected sub-objects whose normals (or, in the case of vertices and edges, the normals of faces to which they're attached) are facing in the opposite direction to the average normal of the selected sub-objects, are affected by the soft selection influence.
<meshsmooth>.falloff Float default: 20.0 -- float
Distance in current units from the center to the edge of a sphere defining the affected region. Use higher falloff settings to achieve more gradual slopes, depending on the scale of your geometry.
<meshsmooth>.pinch Float default: 0.0 -- float
Raises and lowers the top point of the curve along the vertical axis. Sets the relative "pointedness" of the region. When negative, a crater is produced instead of a point. At a setting of 0, Pinch produces a smooth transition across this axis.
<meshsmooth>.bubble Float default: 0.0 -- float
Expands and contracts the curve along the vertical axis. Sets the relative "fullness" of the region. Limited by Pinch, which sets a fixed starting point for Bubble. A setting of 0 for Pinch and 1.0 for Bubble produces a maximum smooth bulge. Negative values for Bubble move the bottom of the curve below the surface, creating a "valley" around the base of the region.
<meshsmooth>.reset Integer default: 1 -- integer; Update_Options
Select reset settings:
0: Reset all levels
1: Reset this level
See also