LookAt : Matrix3Controller


lookat ...


<lookAt>.position     Bezier_Position  -- the position controller

<lookAt>.roll_angle   Bezier_Float     -- the roll controller

<lookAt>.scale        Bezier_Scale     -- the scale controller

There presently are no methods for directly accessing or setting the target node in the LookAt controller. To set the target node, the LookAt controller needs to be assigned to a node, and then the lookat property of the node is set to the target node. If the transform controller for a node is not a LookAt controller, and a target node is assigned to the lookat property of the node, a LookAt controller is automatically assigned to the node. For example,


is equivalent to




The following properties are not accessible by MAXScript in 3ds max 4 the Axis radio-button and the Flip checkbox.

See also