FFDCyl : Modifier


ffdCyl ...


<FFDCyl>.dispLattice        Boolean  default: true  -- alias: Lattice

Draws lines connecting the control points to make a grid.

<FFDCyl>.dispSource         Boolean  default: falseùalias: Source_Volume

Displays the control points and lattice in their unmodified state.

<FFDCyl>.deformType         Integer  default: 0

Deform type:

0- Only In Volume (Deforms vertices that lie inside the source volume. Vertices outside the source volume are not affected.)

1- All Vertices (Deforms all vertices regardless of whether they lie inside or outside the source volume depending on the value in the Falloff spinner. The deformation outside the volume is a continuous extrapolation of the deformation inside the volume. Note that the deformation can be extreme for points far away from the source lattice.)

<FFDCyl>.falloff            Float    default: 0.0   -- animatable

Determines the distance from the lattice that the FFD effect will decrease to zero.

<FFDCyl>.tension            Float    default: 25.0  -- animatable

Adjusts the tension of the deformation splines.

<FFDCyl>.continuity         Float    default: 25.0  -- animatable

Adjusts the continuity of the deformation splines.

<FFDCyl>.inPoints           Boolean  default: true  -- alias: Inside_Points

Only control points inside the object are affected by Conform to Shape.

<FFDCyl>.outPoints          Boolean  default: true  -- alias: Outside_Points

Only control points outside the object are affected by Conform to Shape.

<FFDCyl>.offset             Float    default: 0.05  -- animatable

The distance by which control points affected by Conform to Shape are offset from the object surface.

<FFDCyl>.lattice_transform  SubAnim

<FFDCyl.lattice_transform>.position  Point3  default: [0,0,0]        -- animatable

<FFDCyl.lattice_transform>.rotation  Quat    default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable

<FFDCyl.lattice_transform>.scale     Point3  default: [1,1,1]        -- animatable


conformToShape <FFDCyl>

conforms the control points of the FFD to the node the FFD is applied to. If an instance of the FFD modifier has been applied to more than one object, no action is performed.

resetLattice <FFDCyl>

resets the control points of the FFD to their default positions.

getDimensions <FFDCyl>

setDimensions <FFDCyl> <Point3>

sets the number of control points for the FFDCyl modifier. The first component value in the Point3 specifies the number of Side control points, the second the number of Radial control points, and the third the number of Height control points. The minimum component values are 6, 2, and 2, respectively.

animateVertex <FFDCyl> <control_point_spec>

Applies controllers to the specified control points of the FFD modifier, where <control_point_spec> is one of:




By assigning controllers to the control points, the control points are added to the Master subAnim and appear as animatables in the Track View, allowing further scripting of the control points. For example,

animateVertex $box01.modifier[1] #all

The control points to be animated are specified by index number or with the keyword #all to animate all control points.

See also Class and Object Inspector Functions and Scripting Vertex and Control Point Animation for details on accessing the control points in an FFD and Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties for details on the coordinate system used for FFD control points.

animateAll <FFDCyl>

Applies controllers to all control points of the FFD modifier.


The default number of control points in a FFDCyl created by MAXScript is always 4x6x4.

See also