The following functions provide shorthand ways to construct NURBSCVSurface values that you can then add to a NURBSSet for creation in the scene.
MakeNURBSLatheSurface <curve> <origin> <north> <start> <end>
This function generates a NURBS surface of revolution given an input curve, origin, up axis, and start and end angles. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
curve <NURBSCurve>
This is the NURBS curve that is revolved.
origin <point3>
Specifies the origin of the revolution.
north <point3>
This is the axis that specified the up direction.
start <float>
This is the start angle of the revolution in radians.
end <float>
This is the end angle of the revolution in radians.
MakeNURBSSphereSurface <radius> <center> <north_axis> <ref_axis> \
<startU> <endU> <startV> <endV> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS sphere. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
radius <float>
The radius of the sphere.
center <Point3>
The center point of origin of the sphere.
north_axis <Point3>
This specifies the up axis. Use (Point3 0 0 1) for the Z axis for example.
ref_Axis <Point3>
This is the direction of the seam. The sphere primitive uses (Point3 0 -1 0) as this value. The northAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
startU <float>
The start angle for the sphere in the U direction, specified in radians.
endU <float>
The end angle for the sphere in the U direction, specified in radians.
startV <float>
The start angle for the sphere in the V direction, specified in radians.
endV <float>
The end angle for the sphere in the V direction, specified in radians.
open: <boolean>
If true, the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false.
MakeNURBSCylinderSurface <radius> <height> <origin> <sym_axis> \
<ref_axis> <start> <end> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS cylinder. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
radius <float>
The radius of the cylinder.
height <float>
The height of the cylinder.
origin <Point3>
The origin of the cylinder.
sym_Axis <Point3>
The axis of symmetry. The standard cylinder primitive specifies (Point3 0 0 1).
ref_Axis <Point3>
This is the direction of the seam. The standard cylinder primitive specifies (Point3 0 1 0). The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
start <float>
The start angle in radians.
end <float>
The end angle in radians.
open: <boolean>
If true, the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false.
MakeNURBSConeSurface <radius1> <radius2> <height> <origin> <sym_axis> \
<ref_axis> <start> <end> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS cone surface. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
radius1 <float>
One of the radii of the cone.
radius2 <float>
The other radius of the cone.
height <float>
The height of the cone.
origin <Point3>
The origin of the cone.
sym_Axis <Point3>
The axis of symmetry.
ref_Axis <Point3>
This is the direction of the seam. The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
start <float>
The start angle in radians.
end <float>
The end angle in radians.
open: <boolean>
If true, the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false.
MakeNURBSTorusSurface <majorRad> <minorRad> <origin> <sym_axis> \
<ref_axis> <startU> <endU> <startV> <endV> \
This function generates a NURBS torus surface. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
Note: This surface is not closed surface.
majorRad <float>
This is the radius of the entire 'donut' shape.
minorRad <float>
The is the radius of the 'tube'.
origin <Point3>
The origin of the cone.
sym_Axis <Point3>
The axis of symmetry.
ref_Axis <Point3>
This is the direction of the seam. The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
startU <float>
The start angle of the torus in the U direction.
endU <float>
The end angle of the torus in the U direction.
startV <float>
The start angle of the torus in the V direction.
endV <float>
The end angle of the torus in the V direction.
open: <boolean>
If true, the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false.