Conform : GeometryClass


Conform compound objects are not constructable by MAXScript in 3ds max 4.


<Conform>.Projection_Distance   Float     default: 1.0  -- animatable

The distance a vertex in the Wrapper object will move from its original location if it does not intersect the Wrap-To object.

<Conform>.Standoff_Distance     Float     default: 1.0  -- animatable

The distance maintained between the vertex of the Wrapper object and the surface of the Wrap-To object

The following properties are available only after the conform object has been created. The values shown for the properties are those for a conform object created from two spheres. The operand transforms are in the local coordinate system of the conform object.

<Conform>.S_Sphere02            SubAnim   default: SubAnim:S_Sphere02

<Conform>.Operand_A_Transform   SubAnim   default: SubAnim:Operand_A_Transform

<Conform>.D_Sphere01            SubAnim   default: SubAnim:D_Sphere01

<Conform>.Operand_B_Transform   SubAnim   default: SubAnim:Operand_B_Transform

See also