CompositeMaterial : Material




<compositematerial>.materialList  Array  default: #(Standard, undefined, ... , undefined, undefined) -- alias: Material

This array contains all of the materials included in the composite material.

<compositematerial>.mapEnables    Array  default: #(true, true, ... , true, true)    -- alias: Map_Enable

This array turns on/off the use of materials (corresponding to the .materialList array) in the composite material.

<compositematerial>.mixType       Array  default: #(0, 0, ... , 0, 0)                   -- alias: Composite_Type

This array sets the mix type for each material in the .materialList of the composite material:

0- Additive

1- Subtractive

2- Mix

<compositematerial>.amount        Array  default: #(100.0, 100.0, ... , 100.0, 100.0)  -- animatable

This array sets the amount of mixing for each corresponding material in the .materialList.

<compositematerial>.baseMaterial Standard Material  default: (null) û alias for materialList[0]

S ets a base material for the composite material.


The materialList array stores the material for the base material and the sub-materials, the mapEnables array stores whether a sub-material is enabled, the mixTypes array stores the type of mixing to be performed for a sub-material, and the mixTypes array stores the amount of mixing to be performed for a sub-material. The materialList array contains N elements, corresponding to the base material and the (N-1) sub-materials. The remaining arrays store (N-1) elements, corresponding to the (N-1) sub-materials.

A property alias exists for each element of the amount array. The property aliases have the name amount_X, where X is the array element index. So the alias for the first amount element is amount_1, for the second amount_2, etc.

baseMaterial is an alias for materialList[1].

See also