A checkbox item is used to place a check box on the rollout. The user can click to successively switch between states. The syntax is:
checkbox <name> [ <caption> ] [ checked:<boolean> ]
The default alignment of checkbox items is #left.
checkbox frab_enable "Enable frabing"
on frab_enable changed state do ...
if frab_enable.checked then frabulate master_obj
Initial state of the check box, defaults to false (unchecked).
<checkbox>.checked Boolean
The state of the check box, on (true) or off (false).
<checkbox>.state Boolean
Synonym for .checked
on <checkbox> changed <arg> do <expr>
Called when the user clicks the check box to check or uncheck it. The <arg> argument contains the new state of the check box, on (true) or off (false).
See also
Rollout User-Interface Items Common Properties