cellular ...
<Cellular>.celcolor Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- animatable, alias: Cell_Color
The color of the cell.
<Cellular>.cellmap textureMap default: undefined
Assigns a map to the cells, rather than a solid color.
<Cellular>.map1Enabled Boolean default: true -- alias: Map1_On
When on, enables the map. When off, disables the map (cell color reverts to celcolor).
<Cellular>.variation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
Varies the color of the cells by randomly altering RGB values. The higher the variation, the greater the random effect. This percentage value can range from 0 to 100. At 0, the color swatch or the map completely determines the cell color.
<Cellular>.divcolor1 Color default: (color 127.5 127.5 127.5) -- animatable, alias: Division_Color1
The color of the first cell division.
<Cellular>.divmap1 textureMap default: undefined -- alias: DivisionMap1
Assigns a map to the first cell division.
<Cellular>.map2Enabled Boolean default: true -- alias: Map2_On
When on, enables the first cell division map. When off, disables the associated map (the division color reverts to divcolor1).
<Cellular>.divcolor2 Color default: (color 0 0 0) -- animatable, alias: Division_Color2
The color of the second cell division.
<Cellular>.divmap2 textureMap default: undefined -- alias: DivisionMap2
Assigns a map to the second cell division.
<Cellular>.map3Enabled Boolean default: true -- alias: Map3_On
When on, enables the second cell division map. When off, disables the associated map (the division color reverts to divcolor2).
<Cellular>.type Integer default: 0
Sets the shape and size of the cells:
0- Circular (This gives a more organic, or bubbly look.)
1- Chips (With Chips, the cells have linear edges. This gives a more chipped or mosaic appearance.)
<Cellular>.size Float default: 5.0 -- animatable
Alters the overall scale of the map. Adjust this value to fit the map to your geometry.
<Cellular>.spread Float default: 0.5 -- animatable
Alters the size of individual cells.
<Cellular>.smooth Float default: 0.1 -- animatable, alias: Bump_smoothing
When you use a cellular map as a bump map, you might encounter aliasing or jagginess at the boundaries of the cells. If this occurs, increase this value.
<Cellular>.fractal Boolean default: false
When on, makes the cellular pattern a fractal pattern.
<Cellular>.iteration Float default: 3.0 -- animatable, alias: Iterations
Sets the number of times the fractal function is applied. Caution: Increasing this value increases rendering time.
<Cellular>.adaptive Boolean default: true
When on, the number of fractal iterations is set adaptively. That is, the number of iterations increases the closer the geometry is to the scene's point of view, and decreases in the distance. This reduces aliasing and also saves time while rendering.
<Cellular>.roughness Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
When you use the Cellular map as a bump map, this parameter controls how rough the bumps are. When Roughness is zero, each iteration is half the strength of the previous iteration, and half the size. As Roughness increases, each iteration is closer in strength and size to the previous iteration. When Roughness is at its maximum value of 1.0, each iteration is the same size and strength as the previous. In effect, this turns off the fractalization. Roughness has no effect unless Iterations is greater than 1.0.
<Cellular>.lowthresh Float default: 0.0 -- animatable, alias: Low
<Cellular>.midthresh Float default: 0.5 -- animatable, alias: Mid
<Cellular>.highthresh Float default: 1.0 -- animatable, alias: High
These controls affect the relative size of cells and divisions. They are expressed as normalized percentages (0 to 1) of the sizes specified by the default algorithm.
lowthresh: Adjusts the size of the cells. Default=0.0.
midthresh: Adjusts the size of the first division color, relative to the second. Default=0.5.
highthresh: Adjusts the overall size of divisions. Default=1.0.
<Cellular>.coords StandardXYZGen -- alias: coordinates
See StandardXYZGen for the StandardXYZGen properties.
<Cellular>.output StandardTextureOutput
See TexOutputClass for the StandardTextureOutput properties.
See also
TextureMap Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
Material Common Properties, Operators, and Methods