blur ...
<blur>.blur_type Integer default: 0 -- animatable
Select a blur type:
0- Uniform
1- Directional
2- Radial
<blur>.bUnifPixRad Float default: 10.0
Determines the intensity of the Blur effect. Increasing the value increases the number of surrounding pixels that each pixel will use to compute its blur. The more pixels used means a greater blur for the image.
<blur>.bUnifAlpha Boolean default: true -- animatable
Applies the Uniform Blur effect to the alpha channel when turned on.
<blur>.bDirUPixRad Float default: 10.0
Determines the horizontal intensity of the Blur effect. Increasing the value increases the number of surrounding pixels that each pixel will use to compute its blur. The more pixels used means a greater horizontal blur for the image.
<blur>.bDirVPixRad Float default: 10.0
Determines the vertical intensity of the Blur effect. Increasing the value increases the number of surrounding pixels that each pixel will use to compute its blur. The more pixels used means a greater vertical blur for the image.
<blur>.bDirUTrail Float default: 0.0
Adds "direction" to your blur by weighting more blur to either side of the U axis. This adds a streaking effect and creates the illusion that your objects or your camera are rapidly moving in a particular direction.
<blur>.bDirVTrail Float default: 0.0
Adds "direction" to your blur by weighting more blur to either side of the V axis. This adds a streaking effect and creates the illusion that your objects or your camera are rapidly moving in a particular direction.
<blur>.bDirRotation Integer default: 0
Rotates the axis of the U and V pixels that will be blurred by the U and V Pixel Radius spinners. By using Rotation with the U and V Pixel Radius spinners you can have the Blur effect applied to any direction in your rendered image. When rotation is 0, U corresponds to the image's X-axis and V corresponds to the image's Y-axis.
<blur>.bDirAlpha Boolean default: true -- animatable
Applies the Directional Blur effect to the Alpha channel when turned on.
<blur>.bRadialPixRad Float default: 20.0
Determines the intensity of the Radius Blur effect. Increasing the value increases the number of surrounding pixels that each pixel will use to compute its blur. The more pixels used means a greater blur for the image.
<blur>.bRadialXOrig Integer default: 320
Sets the origin for the radial blur effect along the X axis.
<blur>.bRadialYOrig Integer default: 240
Sets the origin for the radial blur effect along the Y axis.
axis.<blur>.bRadialTrail Float default: 0.0
Adds "direction" to your blur by weighting more or less blur towards the center of the Blur effect. This adds a streaking effect and creates the illusion that your objects or your camera are rapidly moving in a particular direction.
<blur>.bRadialAlpha Boolean default: true -- animatable
Applies the Radial Blur effect to the Alpha channel when turned on.
<blur>.bRadialNode Node default: undefined
Node to which radial blur is assigned.
<blur>.bRadialUseNode Boolean default: false
Turn on/off use object center for selected node, bradialnode.
<blur>.selImageActive Boolean default: true -- animatable
When on, the blur affects the entire rendered image. This is useful when the blur effect dims your rendered image.
<blur>.selImageBrighten Float default: 0.0
Brightens the entire image.
<blur>.selImageBlend Float default: 100.0
Blends the Blur effect and the Whole Image parameters with the original rendered image. This can be used to create a soft-focus effect.
<blur>.selIBackActive Boolean default: false
Affects everything but the background image or animation when turned on. This is useful when the Blur effect has dimmed you scene objects but not the background.
<blur>.selIBackBrighten Float default: 0.0
Brightens the rendered image except for the background image or animation.
<blur>.selIBackBlend Float default: 100.0
Blends the Blur effect and the Non-Background parameters with the original rendered image.
<blur>.selIBackFRadius Float default: 10.0
Feathers the Blur effect applied to the Non-Background elements of your scene. When using Non-Background as a Pixel Selection you will notice that the scene objects have a hard edge to their blur since the objects are being blurred but the background is not.
<blur>.selLumActive Boolean default: false
Affects any pixels that have luminance values that fall between it's Min and Max values, selLumMin & selLumMax.
<blur>.selLumBrighten Float default: 0.0
Brightens pixels that fall between the Minimum and Maximum luminance values.
<blur>.selLumBlend Float default: 100.0
Blends the Blur effect and the Luminance parameters with the original rendered image.
<blur>.selLumMin Float default: 90.0
The minimum luminance value necessary for each pixel in order for the Blur effect to be applied to the pixel.
<blur>.selLumMax Float default: 100.0
The maximum luminance value a pixel can have in order for the Blur effect to be applied to the pixel.
<blur>.selLumFRadius Float default: 10.0
Feathers the Blur effect applied to pixels that fall between the Minimum and Maximum luminance values. When using Luminance as a Pixel Selection the Blur effect can create a hard edge on the effect.
<blur>.selMaskActive Boolean default: false
When turned on, applies the Blur effect according to the channel selected and mask applied through the Material/Map Browser.
<blur>.selMaskMap TextureMap default: undefined
Map assigned to the blur effect.
<blur>.selMaskChannel Integer default: 4 -- alias: select_mask_channel
Selects a channel that the Blur effect will be applied to:
0- Red
1- Blue
2- Green
3- Alpha
4- Luminance
<blur>.selMaskBrighten Float default: 0.0
Brightens the portions of the image that the Blur effect is applied to.
<blur>.selMaskBlend Float default: 100.0
Blends the Map Mask Blur effect with the original rendered image.
<blur>.selMaskMin Float default: 90.0
The minimum value (RGB, Alpha, or Luminance) a pixel must have in order to have the Blur effect applied to it.
<blur>.selMaskMax Float default: 100.0
The maximum value (RGB, Alpha, or Luminance) a pixel can have for the Blur effect to be applied to it.
<blur>.selMaskFRadius Float default: 10.0
Feathers the Blur effect applied to pixels that fall between the Minimum and Maximum channel values. When using map mask as a Pixel Selection the Blur effect can create a hard edge on the effect.
<blur>.selObjIdsActive Boolean default: false -- animatable
When turned on, applies the Blur effect to an object or part of an object with a specific Object ID, if the object matches the Filter settings.
<blur>.selObjIdsIds Array default: #() -- int array
This array contains all of the Object ID's to which the blur effects will be applied.
<blur>.selObjIdsBrighten Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
Brightens the portion of the image that the Object ID-specific Blur effect is applied to.
<blur>.selObjIdsBlend Float default: 100.0 -- animatable
Blends the Object ID Blur effect with the original rendered image.
<blur>.selObjIdsFRadius Float default: 10.0 -- animatable
Feathers the Blur effect applied to pixels that fall between the Minimum and Maximum luminance values.
<blur>.selObjIdsLumMin Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
The minimum luminance value a pixel must have in order to have the Blur effect applied to it.
<blur>.selObjIdsLumMax Float default: 100.0 -- animatable
The maximum luminance value a pixel can have for the Blur effect to be applied to it.
<blur>.selMatIdsActive Boolean default: false -- animatable
Applies the Blur effect to a material or part of a material with a specific material effects channel, if the material matches the Filter settings.
<blur>.selMatIdsIds Array default: #() -- int array
This array contains all of the Material ID's to which the blur effects will be applied.
<blur>.selMatIdsBrighten Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
Brightens the portion of the image that the Blur effect is applied to.
<blur>.selMatIdsBlend Float default: 100.0 -- animatable
Blends the Material ID Blur effect with the original rendered image.
<blur>.selMatIdsFRadius Float default: 10.0 -- animatable
Feathers the Blur effect applied to pixels that fall between the Minimum and Maximum luminance values.
<blur>.selMatIdsLumMin Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
The minimum luminance value a pixel must have in order to have the Blur effect applied to it.
<blur>.selMatIdsLumMax Float default: 100.0 -- animatable
The maximum luminance value a pixel can have for the Blur effect to be applied to it.
<blur>.selGenBrightType Integer default: 1 -- animatable
Selects the type of brightening applied to the feather falloff curve:
0- Additive
1- Multiplicative
<blur>.select_falloff_curve SubAnim default: SubAnim:Select_Falloff_Curve
<blur.select_falloff_curve>.curve_1 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Curve_1
The brightening curve for the feather falloff.
<blur.select_falloff_curve>.curve_2 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Curve_2
The blend curve for the feather falloff.
See also
Render Effects Common Properties, Operators, and Methods