biped.collapseAtLayer <biped_ctrl> <index_integer>
Collapses all layers till the specified layer. All underneath must be active for this function to work. Return true if successful, otherwise false.
biped.createLayer <biped_ctrl> <index_integer> <name_string>
Creates a layer at the specified position, maximum index value can be NumLayers + 1.
biped.deleteLayer <biped_ctrl> <index_integer>
Deletes the specified layer
biped.getCurrentLayer <biped_ctrl>
Returns the position of the currently active layer in the UI.
biped.getLayerActive <biped_ctrl> <index_integer>
Returns true if the specified layer is active.
biped.getLayerName <biped_ctrl> <index_integer>
Returns the specified layer name.
biped.numLayers <biped_ctrl>
Returns the number of layers.
biped.setCurrentLayer <biped_ctrl> <index_integer>
Sets the active layer in the UI to the specified layer.
biped.setLayerActive <biped_ctrl> <index_integer> <boolean_val>
Sets the specified layer to active/inactive based upon the boolean_val passed.
biped.setLayerName <biped_ctrl> <index_integer> <name_string>
Sets the specified layer name to the value passed.