AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl - superclass: MAXObject; super-superclass:Value - 5:0 - classID: #(2020371114, 1150503387)
AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl ...
<AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl>.physicalScale Float default: 1500.0 -- animatable; float; Physical_Scale
Sets a physical scale for exposure control to use. This is a light intensity value, in candelas. It can range from 0.0 to 200,000.0. The physical scale is factored into light multiplier values, and self-illumination, reflection, and refraction maps. Default=1500.0.
Decreasing the physical scale dims the scene. Increasing the physical scale increases brightness, up to a scale value at which the scene grows no brighter.
This parameter is animatable.
<AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl>.chromaticAdaptation BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Chromatic_Adaptation
When the check box is turned on, chromatic adaptation converts all colors so the color displayed in the color swatch appears as white. Default=off.
Clicking the color swatch displays a Color Selector so you can choose the color to adapt to.
Chromatic adaptation is a form of color correction. You can use this control to simulate the eye adjusting to lighting. For example, when the light in a room has a yellow cast, our mind adjusts it so that objects we know to be white, such as printed pages, appear as white.
<AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl>.colorDiscrimination BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Color_Discrimination
When on, renders dimly lit colors as if the light were too dim for the eye to distinguish between colors. When on, renders even dimly lit colors. Default=off.
Color differentiation simulates the eye's response to dim lighting. In dim lighting, the eye does not perceive colors and sees tones of gray instead.
The effect of this setting is not apparent except at very low light levels: below 5.62 candelas. This occurs only if the Physical Scale is less than 5.62, if a light's Multiplier is less than 0.00017, or both. When Physical Scale is less than 0.00562, the scene is completely gray.
<AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl>.whiteColor Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- animatable; RGB color; Color_Discrimination; Controller Scaling: ([1,1,1] : (color 255 255 255))
<AutomaticAdaptiveExposureControl>.exposureValue Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Exposure_Value
Adjusts the overall brightness of the rendering. Can range from -5.0 to 5.0. Negative values make the image darker, and positive values make it brighter. Default=0.0.
The exposure value is comparable to the exposure compensation setting in cameras with automatic exposure.
This parameter is animatable.